All Chapters of More Than Pleasures Steamy Diaries: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
510 Chapters
The Chef (18)
Richard was going to speak again, but this time I went ahead and said, “This is my fault, boss!”He looked at me with a murderous look and said, “I know! In the complaints that arrived, they mention your part ideally! “The Boss opened the folder again and calmly read a paragraph that said the following, “The person in charge of the event, Miss Jessika Harris, pardoned the terrible behavior of her employee in the face of the offense she committed and once his injuries caused the absence of our cook, it was she who allowed the assailant to take charge of the kitchen!”The report that the boss read had all the wrong data, the events did not happen like that, and with anger, I said, “Boss, they are lying! That didn’t happen like that! “The Boss looked at me with a brutal look, his older expressions made him look more intimidating, and calmly he said, “You think I’m stupid! Do you think I&rsqu
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The Chef (19)
Without being able to do anything I called him, but he did not answer the phone, I wanted to chase him to find him, but at that moment I realized that there was nothing I knew about him. I was so foolish to ignore him for so long that I lost contact with him instantly. He protected me throughout the trip, and his last act was to save my identity.It was hard to say, but that job was what I was back then, and he understood instantly. I, unable to see beyond what was in front of me, let myself be carried away by my need to explain everything, and that feeling that I had inside me now on was lost in my need to give it a name.The explanation he had given me about love was quite simple and straightforward, and for the first time, I had understood it, but I felt that now it was too late, and it would be useless to understand that feeling now if the person for whom I felt had left.The following days were gray for me, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and I ke
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The Chef (20)
Everyone had given me messages for Richard, but the truth was that he didn’t answer the phone was frustrating, I couldn’t find him, and after a week, I keep trying. And it had been a month since I last saw him and casually one night my phone rang.When I saw the screen, it said Richard and that made my heart skip a beat, without wasting time I answered, and calmly his voice was heard on the other side of the receiver.I said, waiting for an answer, and with a few seconds, “Hello!” I listened.“Hello, Jessika! I saw that you had called me several times!” His voice sounded a bit cold, and the truth was I did not know what to think. The last time we saw each other, he said very nice things, but that alone was not enough to know what our situation was.“Hi, Richie! How are you?” I asked.I did not know what else to say. I had many things to ask, but perhaps releasing all the anticipation I felt for him in
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The Chef (21)
I got to the right place, and it was a cozy restaurant, small but very pretty in its facade. It had the image of a kitchen knife next to a shiny word called Richie’s.It was a beautiful place and entering, and I saw how all the empty tables gave a feeling of space. A bossa-nova sounded in the distance while Richard looked at me from the bar. His chef’s uniform fit him as well as ever, and looking at me calmly, he smiled. He did not say anything. Only with his hand, he indicated the tables urging me to take one.I walked up to where he was and sitting at the bar, and I said, “I will eat here! I want to see the chef work! “He smiled at my request and calmly walked to the other side, and taking the ingredients with a soul, and he began to prepare the food. He cut and prepared the cuts with delicacy, and while he looked at me, he said, “How is the agency?”I looked at him directly and calmly said, “I do not know! Goo
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The Best Friend (1)
DedicationFor the insecure ones who can’t take a leap of faithTo the friend-zoned souls, wishing, praying, hopingTo best of friends harboring unsatisfied carnal desiresFor romantic readers who fancy the thrill of intimacy, expressed, displayed, and told of in ecstatic rawnessA life to you, a story to them, and a memory to keep. This one is for you. Enjoy, feel and live this moment in fullness.***Millie groaned and rubbed the vibrator softly over her wet core under the sheets, sending ecstatic electric shivers all over her body. She pushed back the sadness and guilt at the back of her head and just focused on the sensation the toy was giving to her pussy.She sneaked a hand under the oversized t-shirt she preferred sleeping in, a gift from him, and grabbed her full breasts in a scoop, slowly teasing the hard erect nipples with her thumb, moaning
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The Best Friend (2)
James, nicely dressed in a pair of light brown Khaki pants and a navy blue t-shirt, stepped into the front porch of where he lived. He checked his watch, nodding while making a guess he would arrive twenty minutes to the scheduled time.He grinned in the knowledge she would arrive late. Experience has taught him that, but he did not mind. He knew she could have opted to pick him up, but James had tried to avoid the favor during most of the occasions.He had made an extra effort to look and smell good today, though, fantasizing about his best friend while getting ready. He had noticed, watched her breasts grow to fully molded perfection, swallowing at how her nipples popped behind the braless light t-shirt when they went swimming.Her thick, delicious chocolate thighs and the now blossoming curves had highlighted her womanity, and she seemed more self-conscious of that than she had been earlier, judging from changes in her dressing code recently and how she was c
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The Best Friend (3)
The garden was private, and they could enjoy serene views without being seen nor bothered by the rest of the park goers. Millie surveyed the surroundings in fascination as he retrieved a mat and a small woven picnic basket from a corner in the spacing, something he had probably placed earlier, she guessed.The city skyscrapers, the enormous clouds of smoke from the industries, the massive clean river rumbling down was all breathtaking. Millie shifted her gaze to James, who had now spread the mat, inviting her to sit by him. She obeyed and sat as he lifted the cover off the small picnic basket and placed it between them, closely within her reach.She exclaimed in excitement, muttering thanks in succession while her hands reached in the basket for a handful of dark ripe berries, munching a mouthful, eyes closed, shaking her head in agreement at how tasty they were.The berries were fresh, and she had been obsessed with dark berries for so long, even becoming her f
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The Best Friend (4)
She spread the wet pre-ejaculation juices on the dick over the tip, placing it back in her opening, trying to push it in. She loudly exclaimed, cursing as James pushed the cock in her. He withdrew, having only managed to make a quarter of his massive member in her and, with a powerful stroke and her scream, smashed his huge dick fully home, deep in her pussy.He groaned, feeling the tight pussy walls pressing against his massive member as he withdrew. James slowly built momentum, stroking her in long, full thrusts as she screamed in a combination of pure ecstasy and some pain. He gripped her round butt cheeks, turning her in a doggy style, tapped her  pussy lips with his dick before smashing it back in her as she sucked at the air.He continued the exploits, grabbing her hair from behind, smashing long deep strokes as she cried, asking for more. Building a fast, consistent momentum, James felt her muscles tightening is probably a build-up to another organism. He m
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The Best Friend (5)
Millie walked towards him, running her hands over his clothed body in light massages while kissing him deeply. He opened up his lips, allowing her the pleasure to suck at the tender flesh of his crispy lips. She strapped his shirt open, tearing it off his body in a powerful pull that surprised him, and shook it off him together with his gown, exposing his massive, muscled chest.She sucked deeper at his lower lip, rubbing her fingers over his chest flesh in erotic teases, and lowered one hand to rub at his hard erection over his pants. She dipped the hand in his pants, flashing out his cock.James lowered his pants, jumping out of them to fully nakedness at Millie’s command. He shifted his gaze to Miss Georgina, who had been pleasuring herself with her hands while moaning softly on the floor. Millie took two quick steps to her, commanding James to kneel on the floor next to Miss Georgina, which he obeyed.Miss Georgina outstretched on the floor, spreading
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The Best Friend (6)
Standing in the balcony grills, staring into the abyss, dressed in just a vast t-shirt, is Millie Johnson. Outside the apartment is a modern harbor, a serene, beautiful beach, bathing in breath taking orange rays of sunrise and amongst the most amazing beautiful sights, anyone can behold. She is up early, just like the previous morning before this after sleep stints of amnesia.A few other people are also up early to admire and take photos of the beautiful sunrise. But Millie doesn’t notice any of this or, more precisely, pretends not to, her mind having drifted off away in a dreamy, wishing kind of state. She takes in deep breaths of air, hoping the suffocating feel subsides, but that does not help either.It has been two months since she left her home town and flown to the City of Dodoma for her University education. She would have wished for a university closer home, but this was the best Media institution in the whole region, and she was determined to emerge
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