All Chapters of More Than Pleasures Steamy Diaries: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
510 Chapters
The Domination (6)
She could feel how Alex squeezed one of her tits hard, and when she looked into his eyes, she could see how Alex was looking at her with a smile. With one hand on one of her tits and the other on her, Sofia felt Alex had thrown her on the bed. With the up now, she could look at Alex while she could feel him coming again. That movement made her tremble at the dresses he was giving her. She arches her back, feeling how she will cum again, opening her eyes to the maximum, tightening her vagina more. She let out a cry saying.“Please, sir- I’m- I’m-” Her spasms made her tremble on the bed while Alex kept moving. Increasing the speed and strength, Sofia’s hands placed on Alex’s back and began to scratch his back while her screams did not stop.Sofia felt Alex’s clothing, an
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The Domination (7)
Sofia looked at him while Alex kept looking at the books and said, “Aside from that, researching only with books is slower. Let’s use the internet, these issues are easily explained on YouTube and the internet. Once understood, we read the material consulted, and that will speed up the process.”“Wait, is this how you study?” Sofia stared into Alex’s eyes. Sofia added, “With YouTube videos and then checking where they got the information from.”Alex slowly nods, saying to her, “Let me explain, honey. The brain is just another muscle. It gets tired and needs warming up to start working fully. The time in which you can maintain maximum concentration is quite short if you do not train it. It is more ideal for studying lightly daily than strongly before tests a
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The Actress (1)
Gina’s story is not a very common one. She traveled to the big city looking for an opportunity as an actress but was guided by a small opportunity, and she entered the world of pornography. It wasn’t long before she was comfortable with her job.She was exploring their sexuality and enjoying in some way the attention of so many men and women around the world. Gina loved her job.Which led to a multi-year career, but she didn’t like a certain aspect of it. Most of the people around her approached her, seeing her as an object. They just wanted his body and to be able to say as an achievement that they slept with a porn star which gave him enormous difficulty in finding a serious relationship, men or women.Gina’s fame came in part from her looks. She was a slightly tall woman, and she stood out wherever she went by her long fiery red hair and her white skin along with her freckled face. Her size B breasts crowned the very modest front of he
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The Actress (2)
The rookie’s gaze travels over Gina’s body, who looks at him with her eyes wide open and her tongue sliding gently over her lips. The rookie looks at her while he holds his erect penis and, sighing, falls silent. Gina stretches her hands and stops him before he falls on her body. The director’s voice comes through the megaphone saying, “CUT OFF, CUT OFF!!”“Rookie, do you think you’re at home fucking with a college girl? SAY YOUR FUCKING DIALOGUES!!” The director was yelling firmly into a small megaphone while forcefully waving a script in his hand.Gina rolls her eyes, pushing the rookie as she says, raising her voice, “You bring me this jerk, it was supposed to be facial, not swallowing him” Gina looks angrily at the young man who was lying on the couch with his penis fully erect. Gina looks at his cock and, giving a little blow to the tip with a finger, says to him, “That it is big does not give you t
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The Actress (3)
Gina’s mornings were tired from the routine she had to follow. Her day to day began at 5 am, getting up to go to the gym, taking an exfoliating bath, and taking care of her skin with great dedication. A light breakfast and then check his emails, a day off after a recording, he liked to dress up and go out to explore the city in a quiet way, go for a coffee and then buy a book, movie, or video game which he could enjoy in the afternoons, from her days off until she’s called in for a new movie.Covering her body with a loose white dress without neckline, a hooded sweater, and light brown leggings. At the same time, she tied her hair in a simple ponytail and a cloth beret.Walking slowly through the city, hiding her identity behind large non-magnifying glasses, Gina calmly walked the streets to find a simple cafeteria where she could sit and read the new book that she had started calmly, and she walked down the street trying not to be recognized. She was a lit
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The Actress (4)
“I can’t really believe you were expecting me to make the first move.” Gina was lying down, thinking to make Steve uncomfortable with her messages.After writing to him, he calmly read the script again while reading a scene from an “Invisible Man” he had never recorded a scene of this style, which caught his attention. It would be his first major production. While she was distracted reading the scene, she gets a message from Steve saying.“I must admit my mistake, but I needed to run. The work takes a lot of time.”The message took its time, but Gina didn’t care and actually wanted to keep bothering him a bit more.“Too bad, I even thought about inviting you to see my house” Gina remembered that, despite having dated for six months, Steve was too shy and never dared to go beyond kissing her cheek and holding her hand.Thinking that he had penalized himself and would be going around thinking that a
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The Actress (5)
Gina’s impression was through the heavens, and taking a deep breath, she replied, “Oh, that’s why you had changed so much, and you were so launched. I must tell you that the script surprised me a bit.” Gina’s voice in the voice notes was no longer as tense but a little more relaxed and even funny.“Well, of course, I’m not the shy boy from before” Steve’s voice had relaxed, and he was willing to tease Gina a bit. “I was very impressed that you liked the scene of the invisible man.”Blushing a little, Gina responds without wanting to hide how sorry she might feel. “Well, I’ve never done something like that, and it even seemed strange to me.”Willing to change the situation, Steve responds quickly, “You got turned on reading that, right? I can go to your house to explain it to you in person.”Gina was embarrassed but was not willing to break her principles by say
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The Actress (6)
Releasing a sigh while gently pulling her nipple. She delicately moves her thong and puts the tip of the dildo in her vagina. While releasing a small sigh, she opens her eyes again to look directly at Steve, who is looking at her with a smile. Raising his hand, Steve shows him a small silver control.With some dissimulation, Gina shakes her head as she continues to insert the dildo into her vagina. Steve presses the first button on the control, gently starting to vibrate only the tip of the dildo. Gina lets out a groan as she says, “Gee…. It activates…. By itself...”Flushed, she stared at Steve while biting her lip, trying to keep up the performance. But her vagina was wetter than ever, and her heart was about to explode with nerves. His hands were sweating while he bit his lips. Once he put the whole dildo in, he slowly moved it with firmness and some shyness. She begins to moan as he closes her eyes and throws her head back.Steve sm
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The Actress (7)
Steve looked at Gina’s body as he helped her up, and with a smile, Gina said, “You help me go to the bathroom. I want to clean up a bit before changing ”Steve was silent and held Gina’s arm as he escorted her to the showers in the middle of the path. Steve looked at one of the staff members and said, “Hey could you bring Miss Gina’s purse to my office? I’ll use my shower.”The young intern nods and runs to get the bag where Gina carried her change of clothes. While he was walking, Steve looks at his companions and says “Okay guys, clean the set and get ready for the next scene.”The studio was not that big or that equipped. Inside Steve’s office, he only had a small sofa and a small table that served as a desk. Inside it had a bathroom and a small shower. Upon entering, Gina took off her towel and flopped onto the sofa, naked and bathed in sweat. Staring at Steve, he says, “What are we doin
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The Actress (8)
While he was reading, he hesitated for a moment, and then he replied, “Yes, it’s the best ... I don’t want people to get the wrong ideas” Gina took another deep breath and sent another message saying, “Well, I’m going to send you my address. Can you come?”“Sure, I’ll be there when I’m done working.” Steve’s message came so quickly that he caught Gina turning around when reading the message, sighs while laughing a little.After texting her the address, Gina quickly runs to the shower. He showers, completely washing his hair and perfuming his skin. She dons a simple sky blue lingerie set. The bra was colored and uniform. The thong was sky blue with a small one. She was wearing a light-dark blue tied to dark blue stockings that covered her legs to her knee. She put on a tight, short dark blue dress. She had an elongated neckline, with some difficulty, the zipper was pulled up her back, and when she s
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