All Chapters of More Than Pleasures Steamy Diaries: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
510 Chapters
The Apartment for Two (3)
At the end of half an hour.  I was already eating while watching TV, and I ordered a pizza from Neopolitan. Having pizza for breakfast in the morning didn’t seem like a good idea, but it was a habit I had been doing for a number of years. A couple of hours passed, I began to have a headache. So, I decided to get up for a while and go out to take a breath of some fresh air. I left the apartment, leaned against one of the railings of the corridor, and looked up at the sky. Despite the problems, things were looking up. I had made a name for myself in the world of illustration in a very short time, and I began to dabble in the world of streaming and comics. Things seemed to be going well. Suddenly I saw how my neighbor ran down the stairs while various guys came chasing her with cameras. When I least expected it
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The Apartment for Two (4)
 “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” I said as I knelt in front of herI added, “I had many days without sleep a...and I was carried away by what happened.” I really felt it from the heart, I had felt a lot of anger at how her friends had treated me, but she really hadn’t done anything.She said, “Eh! come on get up you don’t have to kneel” I looked up. I could see her smile as she extended her hand to me. For a moment, I felt like I was walking to heaven.With some uncertainty, I put my hand closer to hers to what she said, “Don't be shy.” Taking me by the arm and pulling me with a f
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The Apartment for Two (5)
Every 50 years, she made an offering to the master of the forest, asking for his blessing. It is customary to gather the strongest men to carry the Lacerating Orchid to the cursed forest.As they heard those words, the villagers began to murmur. Kaleida knew that this was an excellent opportunity to start her travels as an adventurer, so she just put up her hand. Everyone looked at her skeptically. It was no secret that all the people knew of the aspirations of our protagonist. However, all of them knew the stories that the trip was not rosy.Kaleida, without hesitation, approached the chief, knelt before him, and asked for permission again to bear the responsibility. The head looked at her doubtfully, and he knew well that she was a capable woman, but he also knew how dangerous it was to travel alone, so she
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The Apartment for Two (6)
As I left the apartment, I looked at the next door, thinking that luckily I would find Malorie, but instead, I found a dude beating the door. I looked at him disapprovingly, and for a moment, I thought about saying something to him, but something inside of me stopped me. “Damn it, open the fucking Malorie door.” He said as he continued pounding on the door. Try to escape before he was aware of my presence. But before I could move, that man turned his gaze to me. He slowly approached until he was only a few inches from me, Looking at him closely, I could tell that he was a tall and burly man. “You know where´s the girl who lives there?” He said, gesturing with his hand to point to the apartment. I tried to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out, so I just shook my head abruptly and repeatedly. The man only got angrier and hit the wall that separated Malorie’s apartment and mine. Apparently, he had given up, and he was walking towards the stairs
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The Apartment for Two (7)
I could see the surprise in his eyes. So I just replied with a shrug. We continued walking until I reached the door of my apartment. I turned on the lights.As soon as I entered my apartment, I gestured for Malorie to enter. She, with caution, entered slowly, looking from side to side. My apartment was painted white so that it would highlight each of the framed drawings, and they mostly were drawings from my youth as an apprentice. I always liked the idea of ​​not abandoning my beginnings.“This was not what I expected, actually.” She said, with a trace of surprise on her face.I had cleaned the day before, but I decided to leave the house looking like a natural home before I left. It seemed to have been the right decision.“What were you hoping to find? The apartment without light, full of garbage bags and food in bad shape?” I asked.“I’m sorry.” She then apologized,The truth is that if she had en
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The Apartment for Two (8)
 “Yes, in the beginning, I thought he would just be having a bad day, but it started to get repetitive. It was not only the days that we met in the gym. It was also happening on our dates.”I stopped for a moment, when I looked at her I could see her sadness. I then approached her and put my hand on her shoulder, and I tried to give her my best smile. She smiled back at me. And at that time, I made a gesture for her to wait. I went to the refrigerator and rummaged a bit, and got out a cola.“I know it is not the best option for the stomach, but many times it is for the soul, Chinese proverb,” I said as I handed her the soda. She looked at me with a frown, and then she just shrugged her shoulder.“Goodbye to my diet. First the pizza, now the soda.” She said.I winked at her and continued to walk to the kitchen.“Well, good. Long story short, I broke up with him, but he couldn’t accept that a woman
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The Apartment for Two (9)
I said, “Time passed, the girl finally woke up, but the girl did not want to see anyone, not even her best friend. Sometime later, she committed suicide.”It was a bitter ending. I had a lot of time without saying what happened out loud, and guilt had been eating me during all these years. The friend of that trash man was no one else than Wylty. He, just like me, felt a pang of terrible guilt for not being able to act as we had to.Since then, I have only decided to isolate myself, and I did not want to be with any girl. After all, if I’m alone, I have no responsibility to anyone, I thought.Suddenly I could feel how Malorie’s arms surrounded me, and she was hugging me with strength. I could hear her as if we were at a distance. “Me telling you my nonsense and you here.” I could feel how she touched my chest with her hands. “Suffering quietly.”I took her hand in an excellent way and thanked her. She wiped a
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The Apartment for Two (10)
I saw him come out of the room, and I heard voices, and then it sounded like the door was opening and then closing.The silence completely invaded the apartment, and I could feel the gaze of someone in the shades. I just sighed. This situation has really bothered me more than I would like.I said, “You don’t have to hide.”I could see how Malorie came out of the shadows, and her eyes were red. She slowly started approaching until she was sitting next to me.“The looks of a tramp you have,” I said jokingly.She just wrinkled her face, and she was looking terrible. She sure had been crying for quite some time. A pretty girl addicted to pizza cared about trash like me. It was quite an encouraging thought.“I’m sorry.” She said as she tried with her hands to stop the tears from coming out again.I got a little closer to her, and without thinking, I got even more intimate, and I stroked her c
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The Hotel Manager (1)
“Grandpa, this is Greg. I sent you a warm and firm greeting!” I said out loud while looking askance at my dad.My father was looking at me with a frown. My joke didn’t seem to be amusing despite his excellent sense of humor.“You know what I think of this kind of joke, Greg.” He said in a dry tone.I replied, “But Dad, it’s perfect. A communist joke on a paper letter, old-fashioned, we can’t waste this opportunity.”I could feel my father’s gaze cut across me in anger.“I am sorry,” I said while crumpling the paper. Then I looked at him again and smiled shyly.Papa’s gaze softened, but seeing him made me consider it. He had forgotten the stories he had told Mom and me about the disasters that the “perfect” social system had put him through in his youth. “You don’t have to apologize. Comrade and our regime cannot be weak. Our peo
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The Hotel Manager (2)
I said, “Good afternoon, welcome to the Resort Guatanari. How can we help you?”It took many hours to attend to people and only people. Some took it as a joke and just gladly accepted our apologies. Others so plainly just complained and spit while talking. Those were the worst.It had been 7 hours since I started this torture.“Hey Greg, is this what every year is like? never in my life have I dealt with so many people. ““Don’t worry, and it’s even worse at Christmas time. Surely this time, the one wearing the Christmas outfit will be you.” I said while looking at him maliciously.Franklin wrinkled his nose. You could read on his face, “I don’t want to pay for the hazing.”Then suddenly a family of 3 arrived at the reception. I could feel how Franklin hit my back, and he wanted me to see the girl who came into that family.I smacked him, then let out a sigh, hoping it
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