All Chapters of HAPPY FOREVER AFTER : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
115 Chapters
Chapter Seventy One
Two days later, Emma woke up feeling nauseous. She got up from the bed and ran to the bathroom where she threw up violently enough to alarm herself.Great. She thought as she got ready for work. This was a really bad time to fall sick. The last thing she needed right now was to feel weak. She had missed work for days and now she had to take care of all of it at once.She made a mental note to stop at the pharmacy after work.Except that the pills she bought did nothing. She still felt the same way two days later and that was when she began to think that maybe... Just maybe... She could be pregnant.But it couldn't be. She thought. They used a condom and they only stopped when she started taking the pill. She didn't want to believe it, so she spent a lot of time looking up exotic diseases that might cause abnormal breast tenderness and nausea without a fever.She bought a pregnancy test on her way fr
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Chapter Seventy Two
Emma decided to call the one person she knew she could turn to right now. The only person who could make her feel better right now that it felt like her life was falling apart. The one person who would really understand.She called her mom."Hey mom" she said."Hey sweetie" "How are you doing?" her mom asked."I'm fine. How are you?""I'm okay honey. You never call by this time. Is everything okay dear?""Yes, mom. Everything is fine. I was just wondering if I could come home tomorrow. Is that okay?""Sweetie you know it's okay. This is your home. And you know I have been wanting to see you. Please come, I can't wait to see you.""Alright then. I will see you tomorrow, mom"."Do you need me to prepare anything special for you?""Whatever you make is alright" Emma replied.With the way she was feelin
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Chapter Seventy Three
Emma was totally freaked out. "No I'm not" she said. She didn't even know why she was lying about it. Wasn't this part of reason why she was here? "Yes you are. You are pregnant" her mom repeated. "Yes I am" Emma said. "Oh, Emma" Amy said, standing up and pulling Emma into her arms. When she realeased her, Emma stared at her. "You are not mad at me, mom?" she asked. "Or disappointed.. Or any stuff like that?" "No I'm not" her mother replied. "Why would I be, You are a grown woman, Emma" Emma couldn't hold it in anymore, she had been so worried about how her mom would react. She knew her mother would understand, but she was still nervous. She burst into tears. It seemed like that was all she could do lately...Cry. She let her mom sit her back down on the couch and hold her. After she had dabbed her face with a tissue she faced her mom.
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Chapter Seventy Four
He pulled up in front of her apartment. He looked at the building and felt an edge of panic attack. Damn, when was the last time he had felt this was way about a woman. He couldn't remember.He got out of the car, closed the door behind him, then remembered the flowers. A moment later, daffodils in hand, he walked up the stairs.He knocked on the door and seconds later he heard movements inside. No one opened the door, and he rang the bell. A moment later, the door opened and he saw Karen. There was no smile on her face as she pulled open the door. He understood. He had hurt her best friend. She probably hated him too."Hi Daniel" she said."Hi, Karen" he said. He saw her eyes go to the bunch of flowers in his hand. He shifted his feet, awkward suddenly as an unwanted suitor."I have come to see Emma" he managed to say. "Is she in?" he asked."No she is not" Karen said, then she add
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Chapter Seventy Five
Anger blazed from him. "Being independently wealthy does not give you the right to keep me in ignorance of my own flesh and blood.”“I was going to tell you, Daniel,” she said.“When?” he bored in."I don't know" Emma said, she was staring to get angry. The last thing she needed right now was to argue with him. "Maybe... After the baby was born. When it was a real child.” she said.“A real child?” His voice rose in incredulity. His gaze went to her stomach again.”You don’t think that’s real?”When she didn't reply, he added. "Didn’t it ever occur to you that I might want to provide every care to ensure that my child is safely born?"No, it hadn’t. She’d had no experience of men caring to that degree. It was women who did the looking after. And she had honestly believed he wouldn't want the baby. He was the one who took off when things started to get a bit serious between them. He di
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Chapter Seventy Six
And now she was pregnant. And he was threatening to take away her baby. He seemed to be looking for new ways to make her life miserable. Like he hadn't done enough.She rubbed her forehead tiredly, willing the ache to go away. She was tired, and in no position to defend herself from whatever onslaught Daniel was preparing.Her fingers tightened and anger penetrated the haze. Why the hell was she sitting on a park bench hiding? She wasn’t in the wrong. Daniel couldn’t make her do anything he wanted; and, furthermore, he would leave her apartment or she would get a restraining order against him. He had no power over her.She breathed in deeply, steadying her shot nerves. Yeah, he had caught her off guard. She hadn’t been prepared to see him... Or prepared to hear him say what he had said. But that didn’t mean she was going to let him mow over her.Even as she made that resolution, nervous fear fluttered in her chest a
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Chapter Seventy Seven
To his utter surprise, she slumped down onto one of the chairs and buried her face in her hands.To his further dismay, her shoulders shook and quiet sobs erupted from her bowed head.For a moment he stood there, unsure what to do. He couldn't stand seeing her cry. An uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach and he dropped down to one knee to gently pry her hands from her face.She looked away, seemingly discomfited by the fact he was witnessing her breakdown.“What’s wrong, Emma?” he asked gently.“I'm so tired...and scared". She whipped her head up, her eyes flashing. “But this is none of your business. I can handle myself, Daniel. I don't need your help. You walked away before so please just leave again. Your presence isn't making me feel better at all. Just give me my keys and go away please.”He stared incredulously at her. “Do you honestly expect me to just walk away now?” He shoved
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Chapter Seventy Eight
It was the only word he could grasp as he looked at the tiny life on the screen. A whole new life, created from nothing but the urgent, overwhelming desire between the both of them. And seeing that miracle, and the one on Emma's face as she saw it, too, the undisguised incredulity and rush of happiness, he couldn’t help but be deliriously happy with her. It wasn’t that he wasn’t stomach churningly terrified still, he just realised that that fear didn’t have to be all consuming. He could be worried to his bones about what effect this little child would have on his life, but still be absolutely, unbelievably happy that they’d made their baby. He squeezed Emma's hand a little harder, and she turned her face towards him, her eyes and cheeks lit with happiness and wet with tears. Her lips widened into a smile. “She’s beautiful!” “Y
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Chapter Seventy Nine
Weeks passed.They barely saw each other after that, not that Emma wanted to. It hadn't been easy telling him she fell in love with him. And he had ignored it and left like it didn't matter. And it didn't. She told herself over and over again. She had more important things to think about right now.The few times they saw each other at the office, they only spoke about work. It was like they were pretending that everything was the same..That nothing had changed. And Emma didn't know if she should be mad at him or grateful that he kept his word not to bother her.Most people at Kay Corp knew she and Daniel were in some kind of affair. And she was able to ignore her the rumors and whispers. But for some reason it was harder now, especially since she was starting to show.But office rumors were the least of her problems. She felt horrid, sick all the time, exhausted, and worried. And she was miserable because no
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Chapter Eighty
He looked contrite and gorgeous. As always. Apparently he was coming over to see her... Or maybe Frank. She stood staring at him, her hands on the door knob.Monica and Karen looked at her and smiled.“Speaking of the devil” Karen said, then she wishpered “Be nice”And with that they were running down the stairs and out the door, leaving Emma and Daniel standing there, silent, staring at each other."Hi" he said finally."Hello"“look,” he began. “I know you said you wanted me to leave you alone, and I know I said I would. But I was sitting home alone, trying to figure out what to do with myself, and I realized the only thing I wanted was to see you. This is crazy, we have to find a way to get along. I know you keep saying you are okay, but I'm worried about you and I just.... I just wanna check on you... And the baby"Emma stared at him. She wanted to play it cool,
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