All Chapters of HAPPY FOREVER AFTER : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
115 Chapters
Chapter Eighty One
He draped a blanket over her, then sat on the edge of the bed, staring at her pale lips and the bruised circles under her eyes. He picked up a cool lock of her hair, not wanting to wake her, but needing to touch her, even if it was only a silky tress wound around his finger.He missed her. And he hated that she wouldn't accept his help. He hadn’t meant to put such a schism between them. How was he going to make her understand that he cared. When she wouldn't even let him say anything or make a suggestion without fighting him.His concentration at work had been shot. Since that day she announced she loved him... Or used to love him. He wasn't sure she still did. Not after he had been a jerk...He hadn't even known what to say. Except that the urge to take care of her and protect her was stronger than ever.He remembered that look in her eyes when he called things off in her office. He squeezed his eyes shut. Bowing his head, he didn’t
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Chapter Eighty Two
“Breakfast is ready. I was waiting on you to eat.” he said.Wordlessly, she followed him into the kitchen where she saw a table set for two. Taking a platter off the warmer, he carried it over to the table and began spooning healthy portions of eggs, toast and ham onto their plates.As she sat down, she was forced to admit that she felt better than she had in weeks. She had certainly gotten more rest in the past hours than she had in a long time.“How are you feeling this morning?” he asked as he took a seat across from her. "Did you sleep well?"“I'm fine. Thank you,” she mumbled around a mouthful of egg. "This is delicious".Daniel smiled.Her appetite was coming back and she concentrated on the delicious food in front of her. This whole thing was weird. The ultra politeness. The cozy breakfast for two. It was so awkward that she wanted to go back to the bedroom and crawl back int
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Chapter Eighty Three
"Hi" she said.He frowned and raised an eye brow. "Hi" he replied."I'm sorry... Did I interrupt something?" Emma asked."No... I was just getting ready to take a bath...kinda tired" he replied."Oh.... Maybe I will just wait till tomorrow then. Good night" she said. She began to turn around but his hand on her arm stopped her movement."It's okay, Emma" he said. "We can talk now. Is everything okay?""Yes" she paused, then asked. "Are we going to stand out here and talk?". She realized she sounded like she was asking for an invitation into his room and she honestly didn't know if she wanted to go in. So she added quickly. "We could go to the living room".He smiled and Emma wanted to hit him. There was nothing to smile about right now. The man just liked seeing her embarrassed. He stepped aside and she walked in. She took a deep breath and turned to face him.
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Chapter Eighty Four
"What's been going on at work?" Emma asked Karen and Monica as she poured herself another glass of apple juice."Wow" Monica said. That looks a lot like wine".Emma laughed and raised her glass. "I know" she said. "First time Daniel saw me do it, he thought I was drinking. You should have seen the look on his face. It was so funny""Poor guy" Monica said."I asked you guys how it was going at work" Emma said. "It's bad enough that I'm stuck here doing nothing. I swear I can't wait to get back to work"."Ermm... I got a promotion" Karen said excitedly."What?" Emma yelled. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?""Relax... It just happened two days ago. Frank and I were celebrating and you seem to have a lot going on these days... You know... With the baby, so I just decided to wait till I came over today.""Fine" Emma said. Rolling her eyes. "What's up wi
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Chapter Eighty Five
"You didn't answer my question, about Christmas" Emma said. "I asked how you celebrate it. Do you go to your mom's"He smiled, then sat beside her. "I don't really celebrate Christmas, Emma. I mean, I like the way everyone seems to be in a good mood, I like the decorations and all that stuff. It's nice. But I don't really... Celebrate... It's just another normal day for me. I visit my mom though.. For a few days"."Wow" Emma said. "I think that's a bit weird. Didn't you celebrate Christmas at home when you were little?""Oh we did" Daniel replied. "My parents loved it. Always got us presents. I liked it but I wasn't.. You know, crazy about it. I just... I guess as I grew older I just... I dunno..."Emma laughed. "I understand. You don't have to explain further. I love Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year. My mom used to decorate the house, buy presents for my sister and I. Even after my dad left, she tried s
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Chapter Eighty Six
Emma tried to keep her feelings motherly as Daniel gently rubbed her stomach, following the kicks and movements of the baby. But with him standing over her, reaching down, she was surrounded by his body. Everywhere she looked there was forearm, broad chest, that amazing smell of him.And this was wildly inappropriate, she told herself. He was only touching her, because she was carrying his child. As far as she knew, he saw her as nothing more than an incubator right now. It had certainly been weeks, months, since they had even spoken about the fact that they had once been so intimate with one another. She had no reason to think that he wanted anything other than friendship from her. So she should just pull these pregnancy hormones of hers in line and stop fantasising about the other parts of her body that hand could be touching right now.Emma looked towards the ceiling, still trying to find a safe place for her gaze to rest. But it collided with Da
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Chapter Eighty Seven
She held back a gasp at the prickle of awareness concentrated in the pads of her fingertips, and pushed them a little harder into his chest. Schooling them not to grab him.Because that was what every hormone fuelled impulse in her body was screaming at her to do. To grab his hand, seize the heat simmering between them and bury the remnants of her doubts and worries in a kiss. Or, preferably, more.Bringing his face fractionally closer to hers. Just enough to fill her entire field of vision with the clean lines of his face and the coarse chaos of his hair. And her nose with his scent. And every single nerve ending with the memory of how he could make her body sing. She tipped her head and closed her eyes.His lips brushed against hers. Soft, but not hesitant. Deliciously assured and practised. Familiar but new, teasing her with all he had learnt about her since the moment they had met.As Daniel's hand found her wai
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Chapter Eighty Eight
"A baby. Marvellous news," Jared had declared when they arrived. "Don’t you think so, Alexa? You’ll be an aunt, of course. Really wonderful news."Emma had eyed Jared carefully, trying to see the cruelty behind this affable exterior. And there it was. The slight lift of his eyebrow changed his smile to a smirk. It gave him a slight air of superiority, as if he had guessed exactly how planned this pregnancy was. She could practically see the guessing games playing across his brain.Emma had discussed it with Daniel. But he had urged her not to worry about it. Not that it was easy."I don't want a scene" Daniel had said. "Especially with my mother here...It would really hurt her to see us fighting. He has always been that way. I know it's hard but he is still my brother and that's just his way of looking out for me... He is like that a lot.. But I'm sure he will come around eventually...There's no need to engage him. Besides they will
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Chapter Eighty Nine
He was angry. And although she knew how angry he was at his brother, she also knew he was mad at her. The fact that his eyes remained fixed through the windscreen, confirmed her worst fear.He couldn’t even look at her. Perhaps she had been rash confronting Jared like that. But was she meant to ignore it? Let Jared get away with hurting and provoking her and Daniel? Perhaps, It was what Daniel had wanted. He’d never asked her to jump to his defence. But when someone hurt him, it hurt her. It hurt their family, and she hadn’t been able to stand it.She sighed. "I’m sorry, Daniel" She reached out a hand and brushed it against Daniel's, hoping to soften the tension there. But he flinched away from her. She caught her breath, shocked by the pain his rejection had caused in her chest."I didn’t mean to cause a scene." she said."Well, you still did a good job of it." he replied harshly. "You shouldn't have done that. I k
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Chapter Ninety
His words struck her like arrows. The injustice biting at her. Each word’s sting sharper than the last."I—" Emma began but the words just wouldn't come out. Was he really saying those words."Jared was right the first time" he said.The words sounded so much worse, and Emma gasped. Before she could prevent herself, her hand connected with his cheek.Daniel made no attempt to deflect the blow and she watched him, with a feeling of disbelief. The clear marks of her fingers would definitely show on the left side of his face.She regretted it instantly. She didn’t do things like this. She didn't hit people. But it was too late to have second thoughts. It wasn’t the words that hurt the most; it was the expression on his face. The pain, fear and resignation that told her he meant every one of them. He was broken, afraid and angry—and he blamed her entirely.She inhaled deeply, remembering his sudde
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