All Chapters of MY EX-BOSS, MY LOVER: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
211 Chapters
Chapter 131
"Ma'am Serin.." Brian is already standing next to her. “The video will play in a minute, you need to leave the stage now.” Serin, stunned and moved by Jeremy’s unexpected presence at the event, is at a loss for words and is obviously preoccupied with deep thoughts. “Are you okay, ma’am??” She looked at Brian and absent-mindedly, she nodded at him. With haste, the guy assisted Serin as they left the stage. The beaming lights from the large-scale visual background suddenly went off. As total darkness filled the event room, the huge monitor on the stage started flashing a video showcasing the aesthetics of Venere Art Gallery & Studio from the outside to its interiors on both first and second floors. It is not only the depth of Serin’s artistic sense that resonates with the guests while watching the video but also the hard work and dedication of all the staff. Ending the video is Serin and her colleagues’ warm appreciation and gratitude to the guests in a simple but touching short
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Chapter 132
“What the heck?! Are you serious??” “I was just joking but you took it seriously.” Chris hissed in response to Glenn. He then chose to seal his lips. In his head, he is cursing himself for acting poorly. He thought he faked a reaction filled with disbelief to conceal his great shock. But what Glenn noticed was his seriousness. Meanwhile, Ken is just standing in silence pretending to be looking at the majestic painting of Crowus Mountain, as if he is not flustered at all. In fact, he is. Glenn asking if Serin was a sword fighter before she lost her memory also surprised him but he must not let it show. He, Chris and Francis need to do their best to act normal even though they are aware of the mind-blowing truth behind the existence of Sodon, Serin and Jeremy. “You guys must not believe in reincarnation.” Glenn spoke again. The two gave no response to avoid blurting out things they shouldn’t say. “I could be an insect in my past life. Ken could be one of those trees in that mou
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Chapter 133
Noticing Chris walking towards him, Dave ended the phone call in a rush and turned around. But a sudden grip on his arm stopped him from opening the door of his car. He shot Chris with a sharp glare. “Take your hand off me.” Getting his hand off Dave, he stood by the door and leaned half of his body against the car. Then he plastered a visible smirk on his face. “You are here but you did not come to the event? Did Yenny scare you that much?” “What does Yenny have to do with me not attending the grand opening of Venere?” “You hate to see her, don’t you?” “Why would I hate someone who took care of me before?” “Ah, yes! I’m sorry, I forgot.” Chris smiled widely, teasing Dave. “I remember that you even drove from Horizon Town to Hopkins District just to ask me where Yenny was. I forgot that you were looking for her before.. so why would you even hate her, right??” Dave gave Chris a piercing stare. “Get off my car.” Unbothered, as if he didn’t hear anything, Chris remained leaning a
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Chapter 134
With what Chris said, Tony Sean and Ms. Fei get a lot more excited making the smiles on their faces beam with pure bliss. As they excused themselves, Chris remained standing. Looking at the two who are walking to the car, he can’t help but feel sorry for them. They are completely unaware of what Dave heartlessly did to Jeremy, Yenny and especially to Leona Sean. For so many years now, they have been totally clueless that behind Dave’s innocent, quiet and gentle face hides a cruel monster. “Please drive safely.” “Yes, Sir Dave.” The driver replied. Dave then closed the door and walked back to where he parked his car. Seeing Chris still standing there, he cursed in his head. “I’m willing to give you a ride if you want.” Chris teased Dave right away as soon as he saw him coming. “I’m just worrying that you won’t be able to drive properly. Going to Venere must be making you feel terribly nervous.” Ignoring Chris, Dave opened the door. The moment he got inside the car, he drove away.
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Chapter 135
Like a brutal stab piercing their hearts, Chris and Ken felt terribly attacked. Yenny forgiving Dave, even though they already saw this coming, is suffocating them with killing pain, fury, sadness and disappointment. “Why would you forgive him? Did he wrong you?” Chris asked, wanting to slap Yenny with the truth that Dave did not just harm her but almost killed her. “What did he do to you that you had to forgive him?” “For so many years, it was clear to me that you were Yenny’s true friend.” Dave broke his long silence and then he turned around. As he stood next to Yenny, he boldly targeted Chris with an insulting stare. “But right now.. I doubt it. If you really cared for her, you would never make her recall what I did to her in the past because it’s gonna hurt her.” Chris clenched his fists and glared at Dave. “Who are you to protect Yenny from getting hurt?? You tormented her with so much pain, didn’t you? And even though she already forgave you, you’re still the reason why she
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Chapter 136
“W..What are you doing here, Sodon??” The old man only responded with a smile. He can’t tell Chris the reason why he suddenly showed up at Venere because of Glenn’s presence. “I’m sorry..” Chris said to the rescue. “I shouldn’t have asked what you are doing here. Obviously, you came here to congratulate Serin.” He then looked at Glenn. “Bro, he is Sodon.” Displaying a friendly smile, the guy introduced himself to the old man and then held out his hand for a handshake. As the two shook their hands, Chris discreetly released a sigh of relief. “Should we go inside now?” Glenn asked. “I’ll talk to Sodon first.” Glenn looks puzzled. “Didn’t he come here to congratulate Serin?” “Yes.. but I want to have a chat with him first, it’s been a while since we talked.” Chris had to lie. “Besides, Serin for sure is still with the guests showing them around Venere.” “See you inside then.” Glenn turned around and left the two. Chris immediately assisted the old man to the shaded bench. As the
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Chapter 137
The guy looked Tony Sean in the eye. “Aunt Leona..” Ken’s answer instantly made the atmosphere at the waiting area completely heavy with sudden awkwardness. As silence grows, Yenny feels something stuck in her throat that she can’t even gulp. Out of her numbing uneasiness, she locked her eyes on the floor again. Ken did the same, not wanting to see Yenny who’s silently hurting him. ‘It doesn’t feel right.’ Ms. Fei thought to herself while throwing glances at Ken and Yenny. The two friends avoiding meeting each other’s eyes gives her a hunch that something wrong is going on between them. Did they fight? But over what? She could not help but wonder. “I’m sorry..” Ken broke the growing silence. “I shouldn’t have mentioned her.” “Don’t say that, Ken.” The old man replied with a smile but tears visibly formed in his eyes when he looked at Yenny. “Your friend is right. Even though Leona is no longer with us here, she will surely feel sad if she sees you struggle doing a lot of things
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Chapter 138
"Sir Jeremy!" The girls unknowingly voiced out their heart-racing excitement seeing Jeremy before their eyes. As expected, the guy is flawlessly charismatic and stunningly handsome despite his simplicity from head to toe. Even though he has a high social status because of his affluent family background and reputational career in the business industry, he never shows off especially how he dresses up. He could actually, to think he has immense wealth but he is not like that. Filled with admiration, the gleaming eyes are all fixated on him. The playfulness of his shaggy hair with messy bangs is naturally appealing as it gets caressed by the gentle wind. He is in his usual laid back look. An off-duty black hoodie, jagged-styled denim pants rolled at the bottom and a pair of washed brown loafers. “Hi, Mr. Jeremy Sean!” Glenn greeted as he rose up from sitting. Then he approached Jeremy while smiling from ear to ear. “Aren’t you too formal to keep addressing me politely?” “But.. you
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Chapter 139
Serin smiled back at Jeremy. “Hi..” “Can I–" “Sure, why are you even asking? No need to ask..” Glenn butt in with haste while pulling the chair for Jeremy. “You came here to celebrate with us, didn’t you?” “Umm.. actually..” “Guys, guys!” Glenn spoke again, facing their colleagues. “Come on, let’s go inside.” “Eh???” “What’s surprising about going inside, huh?" "Because we love staying here outside Friz but.. why suddenly–" "For a change, okay? Besides, you’ve always wanted to hunt guys there, right?” “Sir???” Hana can’t believe her ears. Glancing at Jeremy, she suddenly feels hot because of her blushing face. “You’re embarrassing me in front of Mr. Jeremy Sean..” Glenn, giving Hana a teasing smile, just shrugged his shoulders in response and then turned around to leave. “Mr. Jeremy Sean..” Hana, taking her courage, looked at the guy. “Sir Glenn was only joking. He always, you know, teases us. He’s really like that so please don’t take what he said serious--” “Enough
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Chapter 140
Just right after Francis replied yes, he received a call from Carol. He immediately took it. "Hello, umm.. is there any problem?" "There's none, Mr. Francis, so you don't have to worry. Actually, I'm calling you right now to ask for your table number." "Table number??" "Yes. I need to know your table number because Sir Jeremy asked me to put your bill on his tab." "Wow, he's really.." Francis uttered, amazed and touched by Jeremy's generosity. "Is it okay if I just text you our table number after this call? I can't see it from here." "Sure, no worries." "Thanks.." "Thank you also." Carol ended the call. As he continued walking, he kept looking at his phone in hope to see Jeremy's reply. "What took you so long?" Brian asked as soon as Francis and Sam reached the table. "I received an important call." Francis replied while taking his seat. Sam, still busy with her phone, just sat down without saying anything. "Did you hear those people talk about Ma'am Serin and Mr. Jer
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