All Chapters of MY EX-BOSS, MY LOVER: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
211 Chapters
Chapter 151
“What a small world..” Sam uttered while walking back to Venere. “But hey..” She looked beside her. “Aren’t you wondering how Ma’am Serin and Sodon got to know each other?” Francis gave no reply. Covered in silence, he’s certainly lost in his thoughts. “For sure they met somewhere else and not at Hope because Sodon has never returned there since he left. Right?” The guy remained quiet. “What’s with you, huh?” She elbowed him to get his attention. “You were super active annoying me a while ago but now you’re totally quiet, as if someone just cut off your tongue.” “Don’t mind me.” “What’s the matter?” He released a deep sigh. “Nothing.” “Nothing but you sighed?” He gave her a seriously cold face. “I just told you not to mind me. How many times should I tell you that?” She hissed in disbelief then walked fast, leaving the guy behind. She got offended for sure but Francis could not do anything about it. He’s not in the mood and overly troubled because today is the day Sodo
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Chapter 152
Sam hurriedly went downstairs with her head still boiling in anger. She has to confront Francis while Venere is closed because once it opens, she will no longer have a chance to tell him right to his face that he’s brutally mean for what he did to her. They will be busy the entire day, especially that there’s gonna be a kids’ art camp in the afternoon. She hastened her steps towards the corner where Serin’s paintings are displayed. “You’re dead meat, you will see the wrath in me..” Her head simmered more as soon as her eyes spotted Francis standing in front of the paintings and gazing at them, as if he didn’t wrong someone who only asked if they could open Venere earlier than the scheduled time. But while she was getting closer to him, her steps suddenly slowed down and in an instant, her anger totally faded. Worry is now obviously shown on her face. “You look so down..” She stood behind Francis. The guy didn’t say anything in response but his eyes gave in. tears ran down his f
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Chapter 153
With the sudden change of the weather, from gloomy to sunny, his terrible uneasiness instantly faded. Francis can’t help but think that the bright atmosphere outside is a sign that Sodon and Serin were not taken back to their time in the past and remained existing here. He knows he shouldn’t be happy about it because the two need to be back in the past so that Sodon could help Serin exist here permanently but he can’t deny the happiness in his heart at the moment. The old man and Serin can still be with them, at least. “Who should I call?” He feels nervously excited. “Sir Chris? Sir Ken? Or Sir Jeremy?” “Francis!! “Oh shit” Francis got startled suddenly hearing Sam’s loud voice from the outside along with her repeated knocks on the door. “What’s wrong with her??” “Hey!! Open the door!! Don’t do something stupid!!” Flustered, the guy sighed in disbelief and put his phone back to his pocket. He opened the door. “Didn’t I tell you I had to make a call? Why are you--” Sam hugged
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Chapter 154
“Did something bad happen to Ma’am Serin?” Brian can’t take his eyes off the two who seem to be having a very emotional moment in the parking lot. “I guess you're right." It's Hana. "Francis must be comforting her." “Should we go there and join them?” Sam suggested. “To know what’s really going on.” “Let’s go.” Hana said. “Wait, let’s call Sir Glenn and Kaye..” “Wait..” Hana suddenly grabbed Brian’s arm. “Why?” “You know that Sir Glenn is in the pantry??” Puzzled by Hana’s weird question, he only nodded. “Anyway, let’s go down now.” Sam rushed to the door. “You go there first, I’ll call them.” “Umm..” Hana stood in Brian’s way. “You don’t have to, let’s just--” “Guys..” Glenn suddenly showed up from the pantry. “What’s going on outside?” Hana discreetly let out a sigh of relief then looked at Glenn. “We don’t know either, sir.. that’s why we’re going down to check on them.” “I don’t feel good about it. Let’s go..” Glenn rushed outside. The three followed him from beh
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Chapter 155
Sam displayed a more puzzled face. “She has to? Why?” But instead of giving Sam a response, Brian widened his teasing smile and looked at Hana. “She has to, right?” Hana nodded, which surprised the guy. In the back of her mind, she is praising herself for being quick enough to stop Brian from teasing Kaye or exposing her and Glenn about their dating status to their colleagues. “She told me earlier that she would need to send follow-up emails for her project proposal.” “Ah..” Sam replied. Brian hissed, looking away when he suddenly felt a sharp pinch on his waist. It’s Hana’s doing. He did give her a face expressing tingling pain, mind-asking her why she did it but the girl only glared at him. Hana then moved her eyes to Francis and punched him on his chest. “I hate you!” “W..Why??” “Why didn’t you wait for Ma’am Serin to get to the office?? We also wanted to be the bearer of the good news.” Sam agreed. “Hana’s right. It would have been a lot happier and more touching if Ma’am
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Chapter 156
After reading the text from Chris, Serin put her phone back in her pocket. “They’re already near here.” “OMG!!!” Hana screamed, standing up suddenly. “I should smell nice.” Then she hurried to her table. “My lips are chapped, this can’t be.” Sam also rose up from sitting and rushed to her station. “As if Sir Jeremy’s best friends will notice them..” Brian uttered. “Girls are girls.” Francis added then looked at Kaye. “Won’t you fix yourself, too? I mean, like putting something on your face or showering your body with perfume? Like what they’re doing now..” “She doesn’t have to.” Hana butt in, she just finished spraying flowery scent cologne on her. “She’s not just very pretty, she also has rapunzel-like hair. That long.” Kaye suppressed a smile as she got what Hana meant. “But..” Sam spoke, busy putting cherry flavored balm on her lips. “Her hair is short though.” Giggles from Hana and Kaye followed while throwing glances at each other. “What was that, huh??” Sam got a fe
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Chapter 157
A moment of silence then Chris flashed a joyful smile. “We’re on cloud nine now because..” He paused, voice almost cracked. He can’t help but feel overly emotional. “Jeremy is back to his old self again, our best friend who would always go along with our craziness.” Hearing such good news, Serin got choked up. That simple “it’s a deal” from Jeremy means so much to his best friends. Why wouldn’t it be? It clearly tells them that Jeremy is really back to being the person they used to know, the Jeremy who would say yes to their weird and crazy ideas. “Back then when we were still young, Jeremy was like Chris. He was really good at joking around and..” Ken suppressed a smile. “Teasing and annoying Yenny..” Serin chuckled, picturing the young Jeremy in her mind. “Enough of embarrassing me. You guys just ruined my image.” “Woah, bro! You’re really back to yourself!!! I love you!!” Chris, floating in extreme happiness because Jeremy jokingly spoke, hugged him very tightly. Ken, inste
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Chapter 158
“Transcending time??” Serin paused in great surprise, flustered by the slip of her tongue. But she quickly faked an embarrassed face. “Actually it’s not transcending time.. I should have said, in his new life, from being born as Heron Arth to becoming Jeremy Sean.” “Ah, so that’s what you were supposed to say..” Yenny suddenly chuckled. “It’s just funny what ran through my mind a while ago. I thought Jeremy really transcended time, like what happens in fantasy dramas or movies.” “Is someone transcending time funny?” It’s Jeremy. There’s seriousness in his voice. “It’s not only funny but totally absurd.” “What if it happens for real?” Yenny hissed in response to Jeremy’s ridiculous assumption. “So.. you’re trying to say that you somehow believe in those kinds of things?? Like someone can really go back to their past or from there to the present time?” Without hesitation, Jeremy confidently nodded. “You do?? Seriously??” “Why?? Can’t I?” “But you are someone who never bel
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Chapter 159
Dave, after exhaling and inhaling to release his nervousness, ran his fingers through his hair and fixed his clothes in the side mirror of his car then pretended to walk confidently towards the open area outside Venere. “Ma’am..” Hana excitedly stood beside Serin. “Mr. Dave Sean is here.” All eyes quickly moved to where Hana pointed at. Dave’s unexpected appearance completely delighted and astonished Serin’s colleagues but not Jeremy and his best friends. His presence is nothing but a total mood wrecker. As their expressions darkened, they discreetly exchanged glances with annoyance. While Jeremy is sure that Serin was the one who invited Dave to come over, Chris and Ken are not sure about it because it is also possible that it was Yenny who did it. “Did you also invite him here?” Brian asked Serin. “Or Sir Jeremy did?” Chris unknowingly hissed. “Jeremy is still in the right mind, he would never do that..” He uttered the truth audibly that made everyone look at him with confusion
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Chapter 160
Ken looked deep into her eyes. “If I didn’t ask you such a stupid question, you wouldn’t have brought up the past.” Serin paused for a while but eventually fell into complete silence, unable to reply to Ken’s heartfelt apology because his sincerity only made her feel more uncomfortable. And also, she could not form her thoughts into words, worried that she might give hunch to her colleagues that Jeremy and his best friends are no longer close with Dave and that there’s bad blood between the two brothers, which has never been known by the public or even by their own family. “Bringing up the past filled with good memories is not to be sorry for.” It’s Dave, displaying an emotional expression on his face. “But burying those good memories because of hate towards someone, as if those memories never made you happy, is something to be sorry for.” A visible smirk crossed Chris’ face. “What if it was not simple hate? That the hate you were talking about is rooted from the devastating pain
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