All Chapters of MY EX-BOSS, MY LOVER: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
211 Chapters
Chapter 171
When Chris was on the phone with Francis a while ago, he suddenly felt like sinking under the ground with the thought that Francis might have heard him and Yenny argue under the entryway stairs. And he’s right. Francis did not only hear them clearly but he did hear everything. That’s the reason why he wanted to talk to him and Ken because what he had found out is something he can’t swallow and keep to himself only. So, as soon as he reached FasTraxx, he did not wind up anymore and went straight to revealing the truth to Jeremy’s best friends. He was expecting that Chris would slam him with annoyance or anger for eavesdropping but what he took from him was a heartfelt ‘sorry.’ He did not even come clean to save face but still, Chris did stick to his point of view that the mess was his doing and that he was the one apologizing and not Francis. “I was so absorbed in my anger towards Dave that I didn’t notice I was already being careless.” There’s regret in his voice. “And because of tha
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Chapter 172
What Jeremy had heard from Serin no longer flustered him. He had already prepared for this. That a day would come when Serin, herself, would finally voice out her unsaid feelings and thoughts which he had been aware of all this time. And it was all because of the drawing journal that he saw on the night when Serin had left for Paris.Her journal did not only have their shared moments that she turned into sentimental and beautiful drawings. It also had her true and innermost feelings and thoughts on them. Everything. And that was the reason why Jeremy completely knew what Serin had been feeling and thinking about crossing paths with him on that rainy night to parting ways with him on that bright day in the same exact place where all those memorable moments with him started. On that meaningful road, Desf Road. Crossing paths with him on that completely dark and empty road did trouble her with piled up questions surrounding her and that unknown name she
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Chapter 173
"Because it was too late to pretend because mom already knew that I saw the baby robe, she did not hesitate anymore and told me that I had a name when I was brought to Hope.I was right. Fear and worry pushed her to keep the truth from me. She was afraid and worried that if my real name was revealed to me, I might use that to find my real parents.But that was not true. I never thought nor hoped to know even a single thing about my real identity. That never crossed my mind because I was already happy and content to be with them. I couldn't ask for more.I got to embrace such a beautiful life because of dad, mom and most especially, because of Dave. If it's not for him, wanting me to be his younger brother, I don't know where I would be now."Jeremy stopped and avoided Serin's eyes. He looked outside the window.Recalling how he became Jeremy Sean, he could not help but feel a tight squeeze in his hea
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Chapter 174
"Sharing that intimacy with me, it was shocking that I could see that painful scenario which kept appearing in my dreams.. while my eyes were closed. That felt real, as if I was taken to that place filled with pain, longing, desperation and sorrow. Deep in that killing torment, I did not notice that I yearningly uttered those painful cries again.. right before you.Heron.. Where are you?? I miss you..Those cries, that longing. There's resonating pain. Because I was getting too immersed in that painful scenario, I opened my tearful eyes not to feel the familiar agony that was embracing me. But the moment I opened my eyes, I saw Heron in you..I didn't know why but at that time, even though I had no idea who he was or how he looked like, my heart was screaming inside and convincing me that you were Heron.Looking at you, your eyes suddenly spoke the same deepest yearning that
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Chapter 175
"You could not let me go because of my sketch that kept puzzling you. If you hadn't found that in my pocket, you wouldn't have demanded me to stay in your place. We could have parted ways after I got discharged from the hospital. But that never happened because of my sketch.Living under the same roof had caused us pain. You hurt me, unintentionally. As my presence kept giving you so much burden, I had been hurting you. And I did hurt you a lot when I clashed with you and purposely caused you tormenting agony.But instead of getting back at me for torturing you with scrutinizing pain, what you did was something I would never erase in my memory. That was such a beautiful pain my heart would want to cherish, every day.You faced me with gentle intimacy and warm affection. Your gaze consoled my gloomy heart. Sharing that intimate moment with me, you alone became my solace. After that day, my heart kept thinking about you even th
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Chapter 176
"With the haunting mysteries surrounding my sketch, that night was supposed to be tormenting, but strangely, it suddenly became comforting. I had never imagined that I would end up sharing a lovely moment with you. That was a beautiful memory my heart has cherished for so many years now.Everything was like a lovely painting. And that's because of you. The dazzling stars were like joyful tears, glowing in the night sky. The gentle wind with the swaying leaves was like a warm embrace, calming in gloom. The golden lights from the lamp posts were beautiful tranquility. Sharing that intimate moment with you, in that painting-like beauty, I felt that I was taken to a different world where no one existed but only the two of us, just you and me.With your affectionate gaze, with your gentle touch, with your tender kisses and with your consoling existence, I could no longer deceive myself. I had changed my mind, in an instant. I would no longer w
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Chapter 177
"Feeling completely embarrassed while you were still intently looking at me, I stepped backward and broke the silence that began to discomfort me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with my insane thoughts about us. Fixed on your intent look at me, you were sinking in your lost mind and asked me what had happened.At first, I hesitated to tell you because what had happened to you might humiliate and trouble you, especially that I was the one who saw you in your agitated state. It might not only embarrass you but it could also dishearten you. However, seeing you in your anxious self, I felt that something was extremely bothering you. And what I had in mind was because of that kiss. You might have kissed me while you were completely lost but how you looked troubled asking me what had happened could tell an obvious truth. You had a strong feeling that you actually kissed me.And if I chose not to answer you,
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Chapter 178
"What I had heard exactly from him totally flustered me to the point that I suddenly felt whirling sensations all over my body. And I was sure that hearing that name again terribly and insanely shocked you.At that time, I clearly understood why his presence had overwhelmed you with shock and uneasiness, even from the start.How did he know Heron Arth? The old man really puzzled me. While we were left standing in the middle of the park and looking at the old man who was was walking away from us, I got a strong feeling that he didn't just randomly run into us but he intentionally approached us to let us know that he had a meaningful connection with me, with you.. and with us. After that night, I could no longer erase the old man and his words in my mind. And he, mentioning that name, Heron, did convince me that I was not delusional having those feelings and thoughts about us because those were surprisingly true.
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Chapter 179
"I was sure that our own misery was the cruelest during those times. With that, I didn't want to distress you anymore.My new sketch had caused you extreme agitation and that did not only torment you because seeing you in deep agony was also tormenting me, like a cruel punishment.I never wanted to witness you in your agitated state anymore, so I made a promise to myself that I would no longer cause you agonizing pain. But sadly, I kept breaking my promise that I always ended up hurting you.On the night of Gail's 19th birthday, I caused you another painful torment.At first, I was the one who was in deep pain, heartlessly caused by Gail and unexpectedly, by you. You broke my heart when you told me to leave because I thought you believed that I had stolen Gail's gold necklace.Even though my teary eyes had already been giving in, I kept telling myself that I should fight back my tears because I never wanted Gail to see
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Chapter 180
"The moment you had asked me to leave, I had made up my mind to live on my own, without any help especially from you. That decision was never the result of my hate towards you but of my courage to completely forget you.Despite the pain that I had to endure from that day, I was decisive enough to bury my hopeful feelings and thoughts about us to forgetfulness. The old man had never showed up since that night and I felt that it was just right to abandon the hope that he put in my heart. I started to convince myself that you made me leave because you no longer wanted to suffer from my distressing presence.I had to feed my mind with painful and saddening thoughts for me to forget you. That's the only way I could survive living without you.The more my heart made me feel that we're actually destined to be together, the deeper my longing would be. That's terribly painful.Missing you with the thought that I could nev
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