All Chapters of MY EX-BOSS, MY LOVER: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
211 Chapters
Chapter 181
"Uncle Tony had such a pure heart. I could really tell that he was a genuine person.He could have told me about supporting Yenny or he could have been showing off his good deeds but he had never done that.At that time, I could definitely say that Uncle Tony and you were exactly the same, especially when his silent cries in his heart deeply resonated with me. He's Tony Sean but despite his success and prominence, he was actually broken inside, like you. And that's because his younger son had been silently enduring his burdensome life. While your dad was talking to me, I could not help but get tormented by painful sadness. I felt extremely bad and sorry. What you had been going through was totally heart-torturing.You lost your mom exactly on your birthday. Your older brother fell terribly ill the next day after your mom passed away. You quit playing for the varsity team. You abandoned your dream to be a ba
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Chapter 182
"Those miserable cries were drowning me in surging emotions. Painful. Sad. Tormenting. Not wanting to hear Dave's misery, I covered my ears. But his cries were blasting in devastation.Because I no longer wanted to get drowned in the depth of pain, I thought of recalling those beautiful moments I had seen in my dreams. As soon as I closed my eyes, the door suddenly opened. You came rushing. That morning filled with pain and sadness, in an instant, became heart-warming the moment you spoke.Don't be scared anymore, I am here. Those were the words that you had said to comfort Dave. The calmness in your voice, that was comforting. Dave stopped crying. Finally. But then, he fearfully asked you to hide him and never leave him. His trembling voice spoke fear. With your unchanging calmness, you consoled your fearful brother by saying that you would not leave him and no one could harm him because you were already there, with hi
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Chapter 183
"She was right. I must have caused him uneasiness and agitation when I suggested that he should have his breakfast at the balcony of his room because the morning sun and breeze would be good to him.I shouldn't have done that, knowing that it hadn't been a week since I came to your house and started nursing him. I should have let him get used to my presence first before doing something that could cause him uneasiness. Dave couldn't be stopped while he was throwing a fit. It was breaking my heart to witness how Ms. Fei and your dad seemed to be having a hard time.The more they tried to calm him down, the louder his cries and screams roared. They were doing what they could to stop him but Dave was forcefully resisting. I did not know what to do anymore. But I could not just stand there and watch Ms. Fei and your dad get hurt while trying to calm Dave. I had to keep my promise and that's to fearlessly and patiently deal w
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Chapter 184
One bright afternoon in Crowus Mountain, a fearless girl was training with her sword.She was in a black dress, reaching her ankle. Serin Blyth was embroidered on the back collar of her dress. Her long dark brown hair was tied. A black mask was covering her face, only revealing her mysteriously beautiful eyes. Along with the consoling breeze and dancing leaves was her sword that was swiftly yet gracefully swaying in the air. Serin had amazing sword fighting skills. She was totally immersed in her training but when her quick senses instantly disrupted her, she stopped. No movements from her, her heart began to pound.“Whoever you are, run for your life.” She said calmly but her voice was filled with infuriation. Behind the big trees was a guy who looked like an ordinary villager. His hands were covering his mouth, avoiding to let out any form of sound, even the smallest. The truth was, Serin’s warning d
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Chapter 185
The guy's bright and warm smiles suddenly crossed Serin's mind but she immediately cleared her head from that heart-fluttering thought, telling herself that she came to the palace for a reason.To signal the end of this special event on the Crown Prince's 18th birthday, the final words must come from Heron Arth.Despite the firm seriousness on Heron's face, his eyes were flashing beaming excitement as he was standing before Serin. Facing her and looking into her mysteriously beautiful eyes, he formally spoke. "I'm the Crown Prince of Wishire Kingdom, Heron Arth. From this day, you must protect me with courage and loyalty. You are now my new royal guard."Serin wrote history in the entire Wishire Kingdom for being the first female Crown Prince's guard.If Serin easily recognized Heron Arth as the guy she tried to attack in Crowus Mountain a year ago, Heron remained completely clueless that Serin was the girl he se
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Chapter 186
The gruesome sight of her mom's lifeless body and his intensely shivering hands instantly filled Dave with terror panic. He rushed to his room.He has been going back and forth, shivering and getting more delirious. His mind is totally chaotic. “W..What s..should I do? W..Why d..did s..she f..fall? No.. no.. I didn’t p..push her.. It’s h..her f..fault.” He is trembling in dreadful shock and extreme nervousness.Wandering his devilish eyes around, he spotted something.The door closed. Rushing down from his room, he is carrying his laptop. -------------Jeremy faced his own fear and ran to where his mom is lying.The ghastly sight of blood from the back of Leona's head down to her feet is a torment. He is crying out in grief. "M..Mom, s..should not d..die.."Jeremy put his cold and shaky hand in his pocket to get his pho
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Chapter 187
The traitor's revelation did not fluster the king. "Why is that a forbidden relationship?" Aprod could not believe his ears. He gave King Eroh a deadly glare. "Is that how you rule Wishire Kingdom? You are allowing a disrespectful act!" "Don't use the Crown Prince's relationship to bury your crimes. Traitors, like you and your allies, must die. You are nothing but a destructive plague in Wishire Kingdom!" King Eroh's final words and then he left the stage. He then ordered the royal guards to imprison Aprod.  "Your kingdom will fall!!! Aris will rise to power!!! You should not rule Wishire!!!" Aprod's anger was roaring while he was being dragged by the royal guards. 
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Chapter 188
In the embracing beauty of the place, Crowus Mountain, a fearless girl was training with her sword.  She was in a black dress, reaching her ankle. Serin Blyth was embroidered on the back collar of her dress. Her long dark brown hair was tied. A black mask was covering her face, only revealing her mysteriously beautiful eyes.  Along with the consoling breeze and dancing leaves was her sword that was swiftly and gracefully swaying in the air.  Serin had amazing sword fighting skills. Her every movement was filled with enticing charm. Flawlessly swift but at the same time, gracefully pleasing. She was totally immersed in her training but when her quick senses instantly disrupted her, she stopped. No move
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Chapter 189
Whirling sensations instantly crept on him. Of all the people, why is he the one who is sketched on that old paper?  He can't be wrong. That drawing is his face.  He feels dizzy, all of a sudden. He has been sleepless since he found that girl on that completely dark and empty road and that's because of the obvious troubling fact that the girl called him Heron that night. And just now, another haunting mystery will surely make him antsier and more restless. Because of that sketch of him.  It can never be coincidental. How can that be? To think that the person who found her that night is the same person who is sketched on that old paper.  
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Chapter 190
While looking for Serin and Heron, Sodon's heart filled with guilt and regret felt a bit lighter. Finally, he had done something good to make up for the wickedness that he had done to the Crown Prince, especially to Serin. 18 years ago.. Serin was born bind. She had mysteriously beautiful eyes but all she could see was complete darkness. It was all blank and empty. Her father, Terus, had crossed rivers, mountains and villages just to look for someone who could heal her eyes from blindness. But sadly, no one could make her see. Her father suffered a broken heart when he had to leave Serin in Aris Village to fulfill his duty as a member of the great sword clan in the entire kingdom. The Aris Clan leader appointed him
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