All Chapters of ESCAPING THE CEO 4 By KC Mmuoe: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
396 Chapters
Chapter 91
Chapter 91 Angelo  I've never kept stuff from my wife; but lately I have been feeling guilty about not telling her a lot of things and I know it's unfair to her, but she deserves to know  the truth and I'm going to change   keeping things under wraps because she deserves to know what's good on.. I don't know how she does it but she sensed that I wasn't being completely transparent with most of the things. Salvatore is gone and it was a direct  threat and promise followed by a faction of the Massa family . I knew who manufactured the drugs and Salvatore  was at the wrong place and time. He had nothing and no one  to blame but himself for his own behaviour and what happened. He had a chances to change but he ended up not taking them. I'm still mad at him for doing what he did . I've lost a lot already and I don't think I can handle losing anymore friends or family.  
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Chapter 92
Chapter 92 Cleo  I don't like making promises I can't keep when it comes to the kids . It may look like I don't want them around ; but I do and I am more worried about them hour back to the West Coast for the  next couple of months and only seeing me during the weekend. I didn't want to believe that Carl was actually working for the enemy... But they were family. If Angelo and Luigi are half  Luca and Massa how do you know who  belongs where , in terms of security personnel.   My mind is still spinning and I'm trying my best to make sense of what he had told me yesterday ... My body was feeling the effects of what happened yesterday afternoon and early evening . I had to sort out a couple of things for work and since Angelo had taken some time off , he was busy with the kids. As predicted Max had come through in the evening while Ellie was keeping me company and helping me out with a schedul
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Chapter 93
Chapter 93 Angelo There are rare occasions when ;Cleo is so tired that she sleeps in . My father was coming through to town today but I knew that his visit had to do with Carl and how  best to resolve the problem that we found ourselves in. Carl has been like a bother to me and he has supported me through the worst . Hell he even went as far as convincing.  Cleo to take me back for the sake of out family and our marriage.  Cleo was right something didn't add up , I know Carl like the back of my hand and for someone who's taken a bullet for me on more than one occasion, sacrificed their relationships just to show up for me when he  had dates , do side jobs, favours and save my life ... It just didn't seem like him . I needed to get clarification as to what was going on and the only way to do it was to call him . I knew how to do it without him tracing where I was.  Even Daniel was thrown off when
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Chapter 94
Chapter 94CleoAngel has always been the strong one in our relationship and he always keeps fit ; eats healthy and even though I jog to keep healthy , he is usually in the home gym  getting fit or running around with the kids .He didn't  look  too well when when he drove us home  on Saturday . He had ordered dinner and I had ordered dessert to go . When I felt his forehead in the car he felt too hot and I suspected it had to do with his throat. His voice was more raspy and hoarse than usual and he really did look a bit sick.  When. I was playing dinner. I had initially thought of making him some chicken soup for his sore throat and we could have the dinner we missed for breakfast when he was feeling a bit better.  I seriously didn't mind eating chicken soup for dinner with him , as long as I was with him I was happy .When he came back downstairs  I poured him a glass of non alcoholic wine in a whiskey glass . I though
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Chapter 95
Chapter 95 Angelo  I've always had throat problems and I thought  nothing  of them . I've always treated my ailments with homemade  remedies that have always seemed to work . My throat was sore for the whole week before it started giving me problems. It didn't have to do with the good loving Cleo had given me the day before my own body decided that it was okay to betray me , and then attack me . I was pretty sure that we were going to make love when I hit lights out and now I don't know where the hell I am or what's going on . It was safe to say that I was in limbo become it felt like I wasn't in my own body  and I was having a dream or memory . I promised myself never to forget Cleo even if I could lose all sense of recall my heart will remember her because what we have is magic .  I was flashing back to the the time I knew that I wanted Cleo for keeps. 
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Chapter 96
Chapter 96CleoThe past week has been hectic . Apart from the fact that Daniel was staying at home to help out with the twins and Romano and I had a really honest talk , I've been in and out of hospital on a daily basis ; checking up on Blue . They had to remove his tonsils and thank goodness they didn't give him the wrong medication.Maxwell and Ellie had to drive back home because they had life to get back to . I thanked Ellie for her help and she told me that it was nothing compared to what she owed me because I had been a supportive friend to her and she was just returning the favour. Juan's family lived down the road from us and he decided to spend time with his mother and work .He actually didn't get why I was fat ahead with regards to my work schedule until he worked with Ellie who was on the same wavelength as me with regards to execution and work ethic. I don't play around when it comes to getting work done and delivering on a plan that was set
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Chapter 97
Chapter 97AngeloI've been through and it seems like everytime Cleo and I reach a point where we find peace the scales are tipped  and not in a good way . When my heart started beating fast after Cleo signed back to me that she loved me too , I was  happy intact I was too happy that she cried with me .  I was doing fine and it was actually the machine  I was hooked on to   that was going crazy .The doctors had asked Cleo to step out and she did what she was told and waited outside. I was feeling a bit weak and if I could I would have already gotten up to go give her a hug and assure her that I was fine and that she didn't need to worry  I was recovering and sooner or later I will be arguing with her like we used to. Our anniversary had already passed on the 14th of of August . I didn't even get to give her the gift I bought her .The dinner the never happened was an important dinner . I was going to tell Cleo that I ha
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Chapter 98
Chapter 98CleoRomano Luca had always been a man who gets what he wants at any cost , I know this for a fact because he has proven that he will move hell and high water and high water to get what he wants and that includes being emotionally  manipulative .I want to so believe that he means we'll ,and I did see    fragments of humanity in him these past few weeks.Angelo and I didn't celebrate our wedding anniversary. He was kept in hospital for a little while longer and Romano  had booked us a hotel floor near the hospital , for the duration of the time .  I couldn't put the twins through a lot and I also didn't want them to feel  out of sorts. Angelo and Daniel knew what was going on except for Romano.I played along with his request to avoid Emma . He didn't  know that I knew the truth . Angelo couldn't talk but we texted each other every hour and he was slowly  starting to speak . I was just counting down the da
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Chapter 99
Chapter 99 Angelo   I have been in relationships before where the order of the day was a glass full of secrets every day. The shift that takes place when you have realised that you have found your better half is almost cosmic.   Carl was right about Cleo ; she is one of the smartest girlfriend’s I have and she was and always will be a keeper . After I made love to Cleo yesterday ; I noticed that she was way paler than the last time I saw her.  I blamed the weather because it was frigid outside . The one thing you can be sure of in August in South Africa ; is the gusts of wind and cold fronts that continuously blow throughout the month , and since we are in the east coast , any cold front that passes , is accompanied with cold and wet weather . I discharged myself from the hospital because I was feeling okay and I really couldn’t take one more night
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Chapter 100
Chapter 100  Cleo  I love  catch up sessions with Angelo . I missed him so much that I was going crazy . He surprised me when he came back home to me from the hospital  a couple of days before  he was going to be discharged . When the kids came back he  went to go meet them at the door . If there is a moment I want to live again it's the moment I saw Angelo with the kids . He is a great father and he pays attention to the kids, Ava included ; she didn't recognise him because he had cut his hair .  His gorgeous  hair was gone but he looked even more handsome .   The hair cut was cool  his  locks were cut shorter  and his curls were dark brown and unruly.  I don't know what had changed with Angelo while he was in hospital but he was a different man . I was feeling tired after breakfast and after packing Ava  and Pia's clothes I hit lights bout with
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