All Chapters of ESCAPING THE CEO 4 By KC Mmuoe: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
396 Chapters
Chapter 101
Chapter 101AngeloThere are many things you discover when you find out that you have a twin . I lean a lot from my own twins Pio and Pia who I love with my whole heart . They have an unspeakable connection ,one knows when the other is trouble and they get up to the same kind of trouble and they get punished the same. I took the car and drove down to my mother’s house .I have a mother … it sound strange to say ; but my mother has been alive all this time and I feel thankful and angry at the same time. I have lost so much time with her and for the fact that Daniel called Cleo to tell her that ; my mother wasn’t okay and the look on Cleo’s face spelling trouble , my heart sank . I just found out that my mother had been alive all this time , I cannot lose her it will be an unfair card dealt by fate . I pulled up the driveway and parked the car nearer the gate. I stepped out and ran to the house . I knocked once and I knocked twice an
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Chapter 102
Chapter 102CleoI've come to the conclusion that time spent alone with family is time well spent . I just hope and pray that we can one day have a lovely family day , without the any drama . Maybe I'm asking too much , but then again I hope and pray that whatever feuds are going on with the Massa and Luca family can quell down soon.My lower abdomen was still sore and I had already eaten my breakfast . Since I'm not keeping a low profile anymore maybe I should schedule an appointment with Doctor Baker , he seems to have everything under control at the hospital , but then again my brother would think that I don't trust him because he happens to be my husband's brother. Ava was asleep and the kids were watching a movie .I had time to myself which meant I could do whatever I wanted one of the things I wanted to do was to just sleep and recover before I have to wake up again and figure out what to make for dinner . I knew Romano was in my office working , a
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Chapter 103
Chapter 103AngeloI used to wonder what what it would be like to have a brother ; until I found out I had a twin brother who I thought was amazing ; but turned out to be very materialistic and entitled . I have never met this Luigi before, because he is usually affable ,unless he is  putting on an act which would be unlike him.When he came down to the kitchen Daniel followed and  gave me the thumbs up and I did the same . He on  the other hand is the coolest brother, he is fair , and straightforward . He doesn't tolerate nonsense and oh Luigi always shows him the  respect he deserves.When my uncle came down;  he came down with my mother who looked okay . When my dad saw me he did a double take too. I know I looked more like my father because I had cut my hair and I wasn't wearing a suit and tie .Gabriella greeted me ;" Hi Michelangelo how are you feeling ?"I hadn't uttered a word since Luigi came down an
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Chapter 104
Chapter 104   Cleo    When my body shuts down and regenerates; its probably because I need the rest and if I don't pay attention to it ;  my body will either figure out a way to make me pay for not taking care of it,or not recovering the way it needs to . When Daniel saw me trying to hide the fact that I was in pain; he called me out on not being completely honest . I actually didn't want him worrying about me for nothing. I was strong enough to accept the fact that I needed to recover from what happened the night before with Blue .    I wasn't about to tell Daniel that Angelo had fucked my brains out ,and he had me coming every time . The hotel walls were thick enough so even if we were noisy you couldn't hear a word. I wasn't  mad at Angelo but sub consciously ; ever since Erica mentioned Mia Perelli, I have not been okay . I was going to tell Angelo, but he got sick on the  day we were suppose
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Chapter 105
Chapter 105AngeloI would like to think that I'm a good parent and Cleo and I are doing a great job in raising our kids . However we can't stop them from making poor choices .The twins already know how to ride bikes and use their tablets it goes without saying because; my bank balance has taken a beating. They just decided to shop to their hearts content and my father has been keeping everything they bought at our beach house in Cape Town .As soon as I walked in Pio looked at me mortified and I thought we were making progress with regards to him and I being friends and him being open to me , but I guess he still needs time he ran out and when I saw Pia on the floor crying , my heart broke she was clutching her knee in pain and I couldn't do anything to remedy the pain .Daniel came in seconds later and luckily after looking at the extent of the injury it turned out that it wasn't as serious as initially thought . When she calmed down we asked he
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Chapter 106
Chapter 106   Cleo    Last night Angelo came to bed  late. I was still tired  given the events of the day before; I was really worried about the twins . They needed  to go out a bit more and play with other kids ; go to school and make friends. They would be going back to Cape Town but Romano agreed not to let them  go back  with him on condition Angelo does what he agreed  to do , which was ; homeschooling the kids and making sure they were protected.    Yesterday Angelo managed to get Pio to open his bedroom door . Compared to Pia it is a mission to get Pio to open up and trust because he doesn't trust easily.  He was afraid of what Angelo was going to say and Angelo was worried that Pio might not trust him again because he didn't  make it for the last three dates that they had . He was in hospital recovering .   The one thing I know about m
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Chapter 107
Chapter 107  Angelo  My battle with regards to addiction was never easy I've done soft; medium, and hard drugs before and ,when I got clean I swore to myself that I would never allow myself to be a slave to any substance or drug . I remembered the I attacked Cleo when Jane drugged me. Cleo has a habit of keeping things from me for fear of hurting me . I have a dark past and I haven't had any nightmares of killing her . The only nightmares I've had are of people that I've killed killing her and that scares me. It scares me to the point where I would take out anyone who threatens her life.  Yesterday morning I woke up next to her . We didn't have enough sleep but she was able to wake up and not leave me to wake up alone like she usually did. It was a great feeling to wake up next to my wife for a change. You could swear that Daniel and Cleo have a built in alarm clocks that make
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Chapter 108
Chapter 108 Cleo  I'm not as tough as I appear to be  and I don't have it all together and all sussed out . It took me a while to wrap my head around a lot of  things that have been going on and what I've been through in the past four years .  I thought I met the  man of my dreams . Angelo ticked all the boxes and some . Even though our relationship wasn't perfect; it was perfect to me in our  own way. I didn't know who saved my life the night Duncan tried to kill me, and I didn't know the very same person who had saved my life had always been connected to some of the saddest moments of my life in a strange way . I have thought of leaving  Angelo . If  I was the old me with no strings attached; I would have  already left him, and found the next love of my life ,had amazing sex and a relationship that was drama free. Truth is there are no drama free relatio
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Chapter 109
Chapter 109 Angelo  I think I am programmed to ruin everything  that's good . I think that's the reason why dream's come true don't happen for me . Doctor Baker had told me  about the side effects of the medication they gave me, I didn't listen to him when he said I could go back home  the following week after they were sure that ;I was okay and I  wasn't going to have violent episodes . Given my history ; I love to burry feelings I don't  want to confront because I associate any expression of feelings with drama . Cleo changed how I saw things and now that  she has been gone for a week without a trace after I attacked her in a trans. I'm fine now I swear I'm okay . I also followed doctors orders .  I want a chance to explain to Cleo that I wasn't going to kill her . On the day she left she was going shopping with Pia . She came back with my dad three days ago
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Chapter 110
Chapter 110CleoI could never hate Angelo.  He has been both a dream come true and a nightmare turned into a beautiful dream too .  Although Angelo is a Taurus with Aires moon rising , and I'm a cancerian with Libra moon rising , we've always found a way to make things work . I just can't get over what happened  when I called Pia. I've never let my baby girl down and it hurt me to the core when she said what she said to me.A week after I found out that Juan was my neighbour ; I made him swear not to tell Romano where I was or anyone for that matter. I just wanted to breathe and then go back home  . He said he would do it only of he could call Amy ; Carlo's girlfriend who by no means is a snitch to come and look at me assess me and fix me up .  I was reluctant at first but I ended up agreeing to what he had suggested . I had promised Pia that I was coming home .When Amy checked me out she was surprised that ; I was  cleaned
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