All Chapters of THE CONSPIRACY OF THE ELITES.: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
470 Chapters
After packing up their stuff and equipment, the group of mercenaries finally embarked on their journey to the deeper parts of the forest.None of them came with cars or any other traveling companion, so they all trudged deeper into the forest by foot. The journey was completely silent, as Clark and Emily trailed behind them with the poker expressions still on their faces.The mercenary who originally seemed like the strongest finally brought out a device to check the direction that they were going at, after confirming that the frightening female mercenary was not still pissed from what happened earlier.After checking the special mercenary tracking device, he quickly found what he wanted. He opened his mouth to speak but was swift to stop himself, he secretly scolded himself for being careless before he turned to look at Emily.His look was self-explanatory, it was the permission-asking look. Please, can I speak?After getting a stiff nod from her,
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Clark was confused and perplexed by Emily’s decision to name her mercenary group after his surname. The reason that she gave for making the decision, was even weirder to him.“What is going on in her head?” He sighed again, recalling the reason why she named it after him.According to her, she named it Pendragon because she did not want to run and manage it alone. She wanted him to be the leader. The reason for her wanting him to be the leader, she did not mention.“Girls are really…?” He shook his head to dispel his random thoughts, before turning back to face her and the mercenaries.Though shouting that you’ve created a mercenary organization was simple, officially starting it after registration was troublesomely tedious.He was happy that he suddenly became the leader of a mercenary group from nowhere, but he accepted it calmly only because he did not have to take care of it. She was still the default
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Clark was confused and perplexed by Emily’s decision to name her mercenary group after his surname. The reason that she gave for making the decision, was even weirder to him.“What is going on in her head?” He sighed again, recalling the reason why she named it after him.According to her, she named it Pendragon because she did not want to run and manage it alone. She wanted him to be the leader. The reason for her wanting him to be the leader, she did not mention.“Girls are really…?” He shook his head to dispel his random thoughts, before turning back to face her and the mercenaries.Though shouting that you’ve created a mercenary organization was simple, officially starting it after registration was troublesomely tedious.He was happy that he suddenly became the leader of a mercenary group from nowhere, but he accepted it calmly only because he did not have to take care of it. She was still the default
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For the next days after he had a meeting with all the leaders and commissioners of Vatican City, Clark trained for most of the time, while at times calling again for other meetings to know the current development.During these meetings, he already forged small bonds with some of the leaders and diplomats.He was able to get close and know more about them, and he already knew the people he would remove from their positions as soon as his inauguration was successfully done.After 16 days since the terms were laid, his mansion was finally built. He launched its opening with a small party between the leaders, to forge closer relationships with them.Throughout the month, his normal routine was practically just to train, train, and engage in meetings with the leaders.Despite the slow manner in which the days passed to him, it was finally here, April 2nd, the day of his inauguration.           Op
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On hearing the surprising news that his relatives came to visit him, he was at first surprised, before quickly coming to a realization. He did not know if he should laugh or cry.He should have expected it. He was no longer the insignificant Clark that he was 4 years ago; he now had an exalted status. His originally cold relatives suddenly coming to meet him now no longer seemed surprising, if their motive was to come to lick his boots and make their relationships better with him.“The words of the wise are always right”. He sighed ruefully.Pursue greatness, and greatness will come voluntarily to you. This was the exact template of what was happening. He had never seen his relatives physically before, but now they were coming to him voluntarily.Well, dwelling on such insignificant matters was not his style. He calmly sat down on his master chair, before telling his butler to let them in.A minute after he gave the order,
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At the edge of one of the countries bordering the Spartan republic, the spy men dynasty, a large battle was currently going on in the nearby forest between the borders of the 2 countries.Gunshots rang repeatedly, forming a loud cacophony of ear-splitting sounds, as soldiers died every minute like chickens in a slaughter hall.The forest floor was already dyed all over with blood, but this did not deter the soldiers as they continued attacking each other like they had a thousand-year-old vendetta.This was one of the few mercenary missions of average scale, that the Pendragon mercenary organization took and got involved in.In the terms of the Mercenary Alliance, small-scale missions are those involving only one mercenary organization. High-scale missions involve between 5 and above amount of mercenary organizations, to ensure their successful completion.While the ones that they were currently engaged in, average scale missions, were the ones that
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“Ok, boys. Let’s move, we have a bus to catch”. Emily clapped to rally her mercenaries, as they quickly stood up, getting ready to leave.After Clark left, she quickly took over as the new temporary Commander of the mercenary group by default. This was a rule that they already set after Clark started leaving after some missions.She guided the mercenaries to carefully pack and arrange their loot before they all went out of the forest.Their destination was the Spy men dynasty. As their next mission was in the dynasty, they intended to directly go there to not waste money unnecessarily for other travels.This brought the problem of them not having a private transport vessel again. When they finally get enough remuneration from their missions, Emily already placed getting a private exotic jet as their priority target to purchase.As they just underwent a huge battle, they all needed rest, and she was sensitive and perceptive enough
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In the extremely luxurious and militaristic styled presidential villa of the Spartan republic, the rarely seen President Leonidas of the republic sat on his personal outdoors gold chair to sunbathe.As he was topless with only a nice pair of beach shorts with his name branded on it using gold, his buff muscles, and enormous hulk-like chest was in full display. His strong leg muscles and well-developed veins stood out conspicuously from his outstretched legs that rested lazily on his pool water. This was his leisure sunbathing time, after his daily routine training.  Even as the strongest individual of the Spartan republic, he still needed to train as he was not the strongest in the world yet. The world was just too big and enormous, housing and hiding frightening talents.There were some secrets that he and some few knew in the whole Spartan republic, which prompted him to train more. He was never complacent; his training hours were gold
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The sun shone down on its full splendor, illuminating the large mansion with its shine while making its walls and surrounding environment sparkle with a light golden sheen.After Clark got the mission from General Vincent, he immediately put his now enormous influence into play by issuing a region-wide search for the thief. With the silent help of the General, his decree quickly came into effect across South Sparta.Despite the enormous mobilization of the regions’ intelligence agencies, this thief still proved to be extremely elusive, proving the General’s words that he was probably a spoiled brat from a high-grade country.To show contempt for the search methods being utilized against him, he struck again thrice during the last week.What really pissed off Clark was that this brat targeted him specifically, as 2 of those theft attacks were aimed at Vatican City.The first one was the next day immediately after he issued the decree, wh
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On the way back as Clark escorted his friends to their various destinations, he finally decided to tell them one of the less sensitive plans in his stashed blueprint of missions.“Guys, before we part again, I want to inform you all that I’ll likely go to the exobeast training base of the Spartan army. I intend to go there, to see if I can find the right catalyst to induce my next breakthrough”.“If any one of you intend to come with me, you can just indicate, I’ll generously pay for your registration and work it out”.“I’m a nice friend, right?” He winked at his friends, who grew dazed after hearing what he just heard.“What the f*ck? We are still stuck at the 1st rank, and you in the 2nd rank are still not satisfied, you still want to hit the next bottleneck. Training maniac, you’re a real freaking training bastard”.Though they felt like punching their friend to reset his co
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