All Chapters of THE CONSPIRACY OF THE ELITES.: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
470 Chapters
Seeing that the second call was from his best friend, Clark was at first surprised as Leo was supposed to still be in his military checkpoint at this time of the day.  Despite his surprise, he did not waste any time contemplating before dumping his personal assistant’s call and answering the incoming call of his best friend. “Hello, Clark…”. “Yes, I’m here”. Though Clark really wanted to strike a joke at his friend the way he normally did, he could not bring himself to do it after everything that happened today. He just kept quiet after replying, waiting for his best friend to initiate the conversation. “Umm, I don’t know if this is the perfect moment to call. If you are busy, you can just indicate, I’ll call later”. “It's ok, Leo. Tell me why you called, every other thing can wait”. “Ok. I’m sorry bro, I just saw the news about what happened to your home city, that’s why I called. I didn’t know that the Persian tiger’s or
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After Clark finished the press conference, on getting back inside the hospital, the 5 commissioners gathered their willpower and confronted him. They felt that their Major was going towards a dead end if they did not intervene.Despite all their talks and how excessively they emphasized how dangerous his decision was, he still stood his ground and refuted all their persuasive points.In the end, they could only give up with dismay still apparent on their faces. Clark spent no further time with them, as he quickly left the hospital the next moment.Though it was always good to get a record of your losses after every battle, he didn’t want to do it now as the day’s happenings still bugged him. The commissioners’ words even disturbed him more.Despite his reluctance to do it, he knew that his losses today probably crossed the 10,000,000 credits range. He could not help but sigh on thinking of how money is hard to get, but can easily drain a
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After Clark finished explaining the information, he got from the call that transpired between him and the communication official of the Spartan army, both Leo and Rose were shocked as they kept quiet in contemplation. Clark was also surprised, as he did not expect an official of the Spartan army to act so rudely to him despite his current status. According to the male voice from the other end of the call, he was nominated and selected for an extremely important mission, and that he should immediately report to the Spartan army headquarters the next day. When he queried why his opinion was not asked before being selected for a mission, the man from the other end refused to answer. The man rudely told him to inquire when he reported to the army ground, before cutting the call connection the next second. Though he felt a little irritated and angered, he suppressed his emotions before thinking of what he was just told. Normally, on every occasion,
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Early in the morning the next day, Clark woke up with the early birds. Though he had a good night's sleep, he could not stop the phobia of what he was about to face from affecting him.When he got up, due to the little disturbance that he caused, his friend also quickly woke up.They both exchanged buddy greetings, went to the brushing machine to go brush their teeth before going to the bathroom together. It took them less than 5 minutes before they emerged clean and fresh like live vegetables.They took a few more minutes to get dressed, then eat and settle every other morning necessity before finally getting ready to go. From the time that they woke up till now, they only spent about 30 minutes, which was average for boys.They didn’t care about this trivial matter though, as Leo finally turned to face his friend with a conflicted expression on his face.“Today is the day you originally proposed for us to go to the Spartan army exobea
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Seeing the always calm General Oxford with an unsightly expression on his face, Clark sighed as he could already see the progress bar of his chances of rejecting the mission dwindling rapidly.General Oxford finally forced himself to calm down a little, when he noticed Clark’s stare. He sighed, turned to glare at the middle-aged Captain who shrugged innocently in reply, before speaking out.“Captain, you better remember this day. Today, you succeeded in getting yourself an enemy”.“With all due respect, General, I already explained to you. The circumstances behind this mission are beyond mine or your jurisdiction, the higher-ups are the only ones calling the shots this time”.General Oxford suppressed his irritation on hearing this, ignored the Captain before turning to face Clark.“Clark…, follow me. I don’t think you have a problem with that, right, Captain Cinnabar?”“No problem
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Clark still had a lot of time before the designated time of the mission briefing, but he didn’t see any need to waste his time away in his mansion. To him, going there early was better than going late.As he already gave instructions to his workers, when he got back to the garage, a driver dressed in a tuxedo suit was already waiting for him there.The driver greeted him with a respectful expression on seeing him before opening the back door to let him in. He did not hesitate, after nodding to acknowledge the fellow’s greeting, he quickly entered.After receiving orders from him, the driver quickly pressed on the accelerator, prompting the car to smoothly zoom out of the garage.Seeing some of his workers who saluted from afar on seeing his car going out again, Clark’s expression softened into a smile.Though none of the workers knew that he was going on such a mission because of confidentiality, they still greeted him and welcome
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Captain Cinnabar had a curious expression on his face, as he was led by Clark from his entourage of soldiers to a corner to tell him what he wanted to say.After getting to a distance that he favored, Clark finally stopped before turning to face the Captain.“Sir, I’m sorry for your time”.“No problem, tell me what you want”.“Ok. I want you to change the squad that my friend was placed in, I want him to be in my squad”.Hearing the surprising proposal that the Major threw at him, Captain Cinnabar was surprised. At first, he thought that Clark wanted to complain again about his forceful inclusion into the mission.Though he was surprised, he was not slow to answer. “Who is your friend here?”“His name is Sergeant Benny; he is among the soldiers following Corporal Jack in the 16th squad”.“Oh, ok. If that’s all, then don’t worry, it's settled&rdq
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With their military enhanced night vision goggles, the soldiers of Squad 6 could see this mind-blowing sight as clear as day. Clark had a stunned expression on his face, as he took in this astonishing work of nature.           Though he already saw it before when he browsed on the internet, seeing the real live developed version of the crest of the Great Himalayas of southern Asia, he was still stunned speechless.           From his current location, he could see through the other high peaks that rambled about domineeringly like towers, to the highest one towering above all, the revered Mount Everest.                     “The Goddess Mother of the World!!”           He could not control himself
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           6:00 am; 3rd September 2175. At this exact time of the early days of September, the countries and organizations that got information about the Aragan lost research lab finally all mobilized their secret mission teams.             After the great battle that was fought about 60 years ago, one of the relics of the war was about to unearth and bring chaos again.            Unknowingly to the normal peaceful staying residents of the various countries, something that had the potential of starting another great war was about to be hunted and retrieved. The same day that Clark’s team succeeded in climbing up the Great Himalayan peaks, 6 other country teams also climbed. Of these 5 countries, the Mariana Everest security team that was under the leadership of Captain Bean Jack discovered only 4. T
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Roar!! Roar…!!! The bears pursued unrelentingly like hornets that just had their nest poked. Their angry mood could clearly be deduced from their roars, snarls, and climbing speed. As beasts that already adapted to the terrain of the mountain, their climb was approximately 3 times faster than that of the soldiers. The soldiers rushed like a bunch of refugees escaping from war. None of them looked back to see the disaster coming at them, that would only give them a heart attack and slow them down. Only the tip-tapping sounds of their climbing equipment as it rapidly stabbed and pulled out of the mountain rock could be heard, they no longer acted exhausted the way they were a moment ago. Seeing the vigor that his soldiers were exuding despite acting like dead dogs just moments ago, Clark was completely speechless. “Danger can really stimulate potential”. He was happy at this though, as he did not want his squad to suffer casualties just
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