All Chapters of Until she met him: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
247 Chapters
81. The Commotion
Seeing that they are on their own and the Linda Davison they had previously relayed on was lying and turning on them, the shop attendants in their numbers rushed to Alice Jet and kneeled before her.“Ma’am please we are sorry…..please forgive we this ignorant beings!…. ““Yes Miss Jet, please forgive us!”“Miss Jet! Miss Alice! Please forgive us because we were very ignorant and naive!”“ Please forgive us Miss Jet! I swear we didn’t know you were Alice Jet and the incident that transpired didn’t transpire like that….it was Miss…”, she stuttered whilst stealing glances at Linda who knew immediately that the girl was about to throw her under the bus.“Shut up!!!!!”, Linda exclaimed angrily, stopping the girl from going further with what she wanted to say.Everyone around was startled, Linda Davison was red in the face almost resembling a full grown ripped tomatoes.They rolled their eyes at her, they won’t dare say it to her face but they can certainly roll their eyes at her and insult
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82. The Call
Assistant Jake glared at her, Alexander Johnson might be his boss but he was also certainly his best friend and never an Okay man in anyone’s dictionary.“Miss Alice Jet!, that man won best looking man billionaire and bachelor ten years in a roll…..ladies line up to just get a glance at him and you say he’s an okay man. How rude of you! Tsk tsk tsk tsk or you are probably just saying that to cover up your real emotions..”, he muttered with a suspicious look on his face.Alice Jet pouted childishly as she put on her thinking face as she thought of how to reply him. After a while, she turned to Assistant Jake and gave him one of her best and sweetest dimples smile ,”No I’m not trying to be rude nor trying to hide me emotions, it’s just that I’ve actually seen better thou…”, she replied cheekily.Assistant Jake gasped loudly and held his chest as if experiencing a heart attack on behalf of Alexander,”you’ve seen better? As in better looking than Mr Alexander Johnson? Is that even possible
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83. Twins
They watched her take the phone from her bag and sighed deeply with an attempt to answer the call but before she could pick the call, the phone slip through her hand and fell on the ground. When the phone fell, it was facing upwards with the screen of the phone proudly displaying the picture and number of the caller.All three of them stared at the screen with different expressions and emotions. Assistant Jake face held an expression of an extreme shock, Alexander Johnson face held anger but one can also say his expression was blank.On the shining screen was the caller’s name clearly displayed as Amor De Mi Vida which translates as the Love of my life in Spanish. The picture displayed on the screen was a picture of two very cute and lovingly looking kids with wide and dimpled smile. They were cuddled in a lounge chair with Alice Jet who also appeared to have a smile as big and sweet as the children in the picture.It won’t take anyone looking at that picture more than five minutes to
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84. The Traits
Assistant Jake dropped the bomb and covered his mouth with his hand whilst Alex stood rooted on the ground. He thought the boy looked familiar to him but he didn’t know he was that familiar. “What?…..”“Assistant Jake, what do you mean by the boy looks like me…..”, Alexander asked anxiously.Assistant Jake nodded eagerly,”boss he looks just like your childhood pictures, I swear it boss!…..”, Jake answered him with certainty.Alexander Johnson looked dumbfounded at Assistant Jake and got lost in his thoughts silently,’how can the little boy look like me? I can swear with my life that I’ve never met Alice Jet before. Heck I could have swore that I’ve ever only met Mr. Jet himself on three occasions during all the times we’ve been doing business. But how can a lady I’ve never met before in my entire existence have a son that looks just like me? I know Jake is not lying because we’ve known each other for years and he knows me since I was a teenager, we’ve been best friends for years…..But
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85. The Uneasy Feeling
Alice didn’t know she had already picked up the call until she had tiny voices at the background behind the phone calling for her attention.“Mummy!!”“Mummy!!”“Mummy!!”“Mummy!!”“Mummy are you there?, are you okay? Or do you want us to come and pick you up?….wait don’t answer, where are you?We are coming to pick you up…”, she heard the cold but sweet voice of Junior declare as he spoke to her. She wondered how they’d pick her up because coming to the realization that their driver would probably still be around. For a second as she paused on the street, the way he spoke to her brought her mind to the incident that happened barely ten minutes ago. His voice and the hint of sharpness and coldness of it was identical to that of Alexander, their father.She had to herself to reply Junior before he drags his sister and their nanny or driver to come pick her up, she took in deep breaths to calm herself and smiled shaking lips,”Junior darling…..I’m on my way home right now, I went for a me
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86. Without a Father
Driving home with soft music of Ed Sheeran playing at the background. She was relaxed yet worried, calm yet panicked within, confident but very afraid. As she drove home enjoying the soft and melodic voice of Ed Sheeran, memories came rushing in making her break down in tears.The day had been too overwhelming, she had experience both wins and defeats but what she didn’t know was the biggest surprise was waiting for her at home.********Alice Jet got home a bit after four in the afternoon, after getting through the remote controlled gate, she went ahead to park the car in front of the mansion and took the pizza with her bag out of the car.She stood outside staring at the big mansion In front of her, the same mansion that feels like home yet gets too lonely for her but today, it was giving her such a weird vibe. Signing slowly, she approached the door.She noticed how quiet the entire mansion was immediately she got to the living room, the tv was on with both kids cuddled to each othe
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87. Hello
Junior glared at the cold ground whilst his tiny hands were fisted in a tight ball. His glare was cold, as if the ground has wronged him in a severe manner,”mummy it’s all because of Nancy Li, the niece of Jane Li, the famous model and actress. She slapped Alexia because Alexia defended herself and you when she called you a bad word and Alexia a bastard because she doesn’t have-she doesn’t have-she doesn’t have a father!…”, he howled angrily.“What-what-w-hat-what are you telling me?…”Nanny’s eyes got moist when she saw the broken look on Alice Jet as she kept looking at her son to tell her that what he just said was a lie and that nothing of that sort happened to her babies.Junior didn’t see the pain in his mother’s eyes nor did he hear the sorrow in her voice hence he continued,”so it happened that Nancy Li happens to be the niece of the famous Jane Li so she gets her way always as her auntie contributes and donates to the school all the time. She started picking on Alexia since th
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88. Carlos Rodriguez
She entered her room and closed the door silently behind her, she walked in front of the mirror and took a long glance of herself. She realized from today’s incident that the children need their father in their lives and because of that, she had decided not to hid any information away from the investigator she knew Alexander Johnson will hire. Taking her phone out of her bag, she called a number, the number that handles all her dirtiest businesses, she made the call through to her best friend.“Hello, it’s me……”“Long time mi hermosa princesa…”, a muscular voice said at the other side of the call.“Carlos? it’s not very pleasant for me to make a call to you, In fact if it were up to me, I will never hear from you again….”, she muttered with a scoff.“Oh come on Princesa! are you still angry about that incident? Happened a long time ago and I think you’ve punished me enough. I have being missing you and those little Munchkins for so long…how are they doing? Gosh! I miss them so fucking
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89. The Plans
Carlos made a face over the phone and questioned her,”that’s a strange request coming from you. Who is the person going to send the investigators?…”, he asked curiously.Alice smile,” the person that will be sending the investigators is Alexander Johnson…”Carlos gasped very dramatically,”Princesa?! Isn’t that your ex-husband from the wicked family? Didn’t his family and that Li family gang up against you and almost killed you and our precious sweethearts? No! absolutely not!…I’m not giving chances for what happened six years ago to repeat itself. You can go ahead and do all you want with yourself, I don’t care that much but don’t include my babies!!!”, he howled at her through the phone.Alice raised her eyebrows in amazement,’his babies? Lol one would think he got pregnant and gave birth to them himself…ha! how funny and amusing….’, she thought amusingly to herself as she heard scoff and huff over the phone.“Carlos bare in mind that Alexander had no idea what his family was up to un
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90.Uncle Carlos
Alice smiled sadly,”life has it way of humbling you and making you into a survivor, you go through so much that it moulds you into a completely different person than you wanted to be when you were younger. You turn into the characters you judged so much while growing up and you start making all the mistakes you judge so bad. I may be smart but the kids especially Junior didn’t take his intelligence from me. I will dare say he took his looks and intelligence all from his father. He-he took everything from Ale…”“Who mummy? Who did I take after? Who did I take everything from?….”, a tiny voice questioned her softly at the door. Startled Alice dropped the phone and by so doing she accidental press the loud speaker button on the phone. She was so into the conversation she was having with Carlos Rodriguez on the phone that she didn’t even hear the footsteps approaching her room nor did she the presence of Junior until he startled her with the questions he asked. She turned to see him stand
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