All Chapters of Mark Me Yours: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
108 Chapters
91- Payback
The physical therapy session ended just in time for a late lunch. Rayan had been given a little goodie bag with some stress balls and elastic resistance bands, along with a rather nice water bottle and a thick pair of slipper socks with the rubber grips on the bottom. Considering how cold it was outside, it was the socks Rayan was most thankful for. In their rush to make the morning appointment, Scott and Rayan both forgot he would need a pair of shoes. The chilly weather wasn’t about to put a damper on Rayan’s mood! He had a stress ball in each hand as he was loaded into the car, and even started pressing his feet against the floor like he’d been shown how to do after he was buckled in. None of it went unnoticed, of course. After loading up the wheelchair and hopping in the driver’s seat, Scott asked his little body builder where he wanted to go eat. “Oh, can we go to that Middle Eastern place again?” Ray
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92- Payback Pt.2
“Inside…” Rayan begged. “I want you inside…” Scott couldn’t resist teasing a little, especially when Rayan’s voice sounded like that. “What do you want inside? You have to tell me…” “Your dick…” Rayan played it up, well aware of this game and currently loving every minute of it.“ “But, didn’t you have my dick in you earlier…?” “Scoooott-!” Rayan whined. “I know, I know…” Scott chuckled and offered a placating kiss. “I’ve got an idea, so bear with me a sec, okay?” Scott helped Rayan roll off of him before going to retrieve Rayan’s foam support pillows from where they’d been so unceremoniously tossed on the floor that morning. Rayan wasn’t too amused at first. He wasn’t fo
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93- In Trouble
“Let me think about it?” Michael’s words replayed themselves over and over and over again in Edwardo’s head. It hadn’t been an outright “no,” but Edwardo knew the second his question left his mouth that morning that their relationship was nowhere near repaired enough to ask such a thing. Let me think about it… It had barely been a week since Edwardo came back from his family holiday in Mexico, but that night had been the only one they had together. They hadn’t even had a chance to go on a proper date yet either. Back with the Christmas rush and shopping season Michael had worked nearly every day, and Edwardo always looked forward to seeing he got home safely. Now with that all over with, Michael didn’t get anywhere close to as many hours as before, and with fewer excuses to see each other Edwardo had to admit he was kind of lonely… T
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94- Panic
Edwardo waited patiently for Michael to finish his meeting with the city’s creative planning department. With his entire afternoon open, he wasn’t about to miss out on a prime date opportunity. Besides, he remembered Michael saying something about his friend’s court case starting soon, and how he was supposed to testify as a witness. Once that got started they’d miss out on their afternoon activities for sure. Edwardo had offered to go to the courthouse with him as moral support, but Michael insisted he could handle it.   Edwardo wasn’t too sure about that though. Sure, on the outside Michael seemed as cheerful and spunky as ever, but Edwardo had a sneaking suspicion at least some of it was getting to him. In fact, Michael hadn’t quite seemed right since their fight. Granted, they still hadn’t officially made up, and they haven’t gotten to spend much time together since Edwardo got back, but something was definitely off.   His first clue was
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95- Aftercare
“Wanna go… t’ your house…” Michael mumbled pathetically. “Okay, we’ll go hang out at my house for a while.” Edwardo leaned in to kiss Michael’s forehead. “Let’s get you buckled in, okay? And here, let’s put the seat back a little so you can relax.” Michael didn’t fight any of it, letting Edwardo move him around like a ragdoll. After getting Michael situated, Edwardo caressed his boyfriend’s face affectionately before removing his coat to drape it over Michael’s body. Only once Michael was situated to his satisfaction did he close the door and get in on the driver’s side. “Alright, off to my place we go!” Edwardo said cheerfully. “Just leave everything to me!” Michael curled around in the seat so he was facing Edwardo. His head was all muddled and fuzzy, and exhaustion pulled
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96- Strengthening Bonds
Even fast asleep, Michael wasn’t letting him go. Edwardo shifted slightly to get more comfortable, and Michael changed positions too. They were in the master bedroom, and Michael had refused to lay down until Edwardo was in the bed with him. Eddie didn’t mind. Cuddling was a great way to spend an afternoon, and if it helped Michael get the sleep he so desperately needed, then all the better. Essie had joined them too of course, making the three of them a ‘Michael Sandwich.’ He couldn’t tell how long they’d been laying there, but Edwardo knew that he and Essie had chased away a few nightmares already. He alternated between rubbing Michael’s back and stroking Michael’s hair, and when Michael started to get restless he’d give him a squeeze and hum a few bars of a lullaby. Edwardo couldn’t let himself fall asleep yet, either. Cozy as things were, if he took a nap now, he wouldn’t
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97- Promise
“Here, your tie’s a little crooked. Let me fix it for you.”   Edwardo bent down to redo Michael’s tie. Michael had been staying over the past few days, taking things easy and trying to rest up and focus on both the court case and his proposal for the city’s ad campaign. Howard had been more than happy to give him as much time as he needed from the bakery, especially with how obviously the stress from it all had been getting to him.   Today was the first day of the trial against the shipping company for negligence and blatant disregard for employee welfare. More importantly, it was to prove that they actively discriminated against their omega employees. It was a big deal. This was the whole case that sparked the Justice for Omegas movement in the first place.   Michael was nervous. That much was obvious. At least Edwardo was being patient.   It had taken a whole day and trips to four different shops t
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98- Courthouse Pt 1
Mick and Eddie got seated just in time for things to get underway. The setting was almost intimidating, with the room being finished in a dark wood and dark carpet that made things more claustrophobic than warm. The judge’s raised pulpit stood as the domineering focal point of the space, with the raised jury box sitting just to its left. Michael and Rayan made brief eye contact before things got started. Rayan and Scott were seated at the desk reserved for the plaintiffs with their lawyer, while the person representing the defense was someone neither Rayan nor Michael had ever seen before. There wasn’t much time to think about that though. The bailiff’s voice echoed through the space, giving the command: “All rise!” All but Rayan stood as the judge was introduced and took his place at the main podium. He was an older man, with a domineering gaze that spoke volumes on his low tolerance of non
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99- Courthouse Pt 2
Much as he was dreading it, Michael didn’t get called to testify that day. Instead, they called Scott up to the podium. Now, Scott couldn’t speak on the working conditions or harassment levels within the shipping company, but he could speak on how the assault affected Rayan’s quality of life. After being sworn in, he was made to outline a day as a caretaker, sunup to sundown, and how things had changed from right after the incident till today. That wasn’t all either. Their lawyer verified Scott’s profession, and confirmed that he’d been unable to work since assuming the full-time caretaker role. He wasn’t made to openly disclose lost wages and daily expenses, but he did verify that a stack of papers their lawyer showed him was indeed the expense report he’d provided her with. He was then handed a stack of medical bills, and he verified that those were genuine as well. Both sets of documents wer
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100- Privacy Please
Guilty… Guilty… Guilty on all charges. The jury’s verdict seemed to hang in the air. The judge banged his gavel, quieting the whispers of the spectators. “In the case of Rayan Neel vs. the shipping company, the defendant is hereby found guilty of all charges, and is hereby required to pay all medical and rehabilitation costs, plus pain and suffering.” The judge’s decree rang out clearly, followed by a very final sounding bang of the gavel. The bailiff gave the order for everyone to stand, and the judge left the courtroom. It was over. The big important trial was over. Some might have expected a cheer, but it was more a collective sigh of relief. An omega had sued a large company for discrimination, and won. Rayan won. The room emptied in relative quiet, the few that had been allowed to spectate barely whispering amongst themselves as they left. Soon enough, it was only Scott, Rayan,
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