All Chapters of Heart At Knifepoint: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
148 Chapters
" Donatello?" Adriano asked confused as Donatello entered his office around mid night. When he was just wrapping all the things and was going to retire for the night.  " Can I take your few minutes, Maestro?" The utmost respect was ozing in his tone. Adriano nodded his head giving his permission.  " What is it?" Adriano quiered stuffing the files inside the drawers. He had read throughly all the files, all the stuff he needed.  " Valerio and Signora had a little dispute." Donatello murmured lowly and Adriano hand stopped whatever he was doing and cut his gaze to the old man.  " Over?" He asked curtly, leaning in the table with both his hands. " That I am not aware of. But she slapped him." Donatello informed and Adriano winched then arched his brow in amusement.  This girl. " It was a good thing Daniel was there b
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" What's that?"  sudden question brought Adriano back from his sleepy haze and he looked at her with confusion. " This ring." Edna answered the unasked question and Adriano sit up straight.  Edna watched quietly as he ran a hand over his face almost triedly. She bit her lips waiting for him.  " You are Don now-" her words grabbed his attention and he turned to look at her.  " That's .. that's why Valentine called you that today." realisation finally set its roots in her brain as she looked back at him for affirmation. A curt nod was given to her.  " I am sending you to NY tomorrow." His declaration earned a few blinks from her.  " What? No. Where that come from?" She quired with parted lips getting off the couch. " This-" Adriano held up his finger showing the ring. "- binds me here. I can't leave now. " He stated th
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Adriano fixed his cuffs, eyes lingering on the stubborn beauty which was sleeping soundly with parted lips. " Stubborn." Adriano commented as he remembered the way she pursued him into not sending her back to New York.  " You are going to be death of me, sweetheart." He whispered softly against her hair as he pressed his lips there.  Blue eyes closed in their own as he inhaled her smell. He sometimes just wanted to bottle that up and took it everywhere he went so that his mind and heart will be at peace.  " Yes." He answered starightening his form, hearing a soft knock on the door.  " Adriano, please let me come with you." Daniel almost pleaded while Adriano raised his brow strapping his black watch over his wrist.  " Daniel, you are to stay here. I don't trust anyone when it's about her." Adriano replied firmly blue eyes involuntary flickere
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Adriano scanned the giant hall from the balcony, with a huge chandelier, long table in the middle around which sit people which considered as most dangerous people of Italy.  He strided slowly downstairs with Donatello in tow, some head turn towards him and the loud noise turned into murmur as one by one head turned towards the blue eyed man. There were so many emotions present in the man there curiosity, pride, anticipation he could feel it.  But did he cared, no. Not really. His eyes roamed on the faces of the people, he knew everyone of them not personally but he had been reading their files.  His eyes stuck on the chair placed at the head of the table. The chair which his nonno used to sit on. A pang of sadness hit him hard but he endured it, he had too. His nonno had trusted him with such responsibility so he way make sure he fill up that role.  " I will just skip with the greetings and start why
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" Doll?!" Adriano whispered , his brows furrowing together in worry.  " You are in deep trouble when you get back home!" furious voice of his wife eased the worry in his heart as it started beating with its normal pace again.  " Am I ?" He questioned, amusement lacing his voice as he walked away from the possible evasdropper around him.  He stepped over the dead body, and make sure to not get any blood on his shoes. Those were new.  He gave a nod to Donatello in that direction commanding him to get rid of them as he walked further away from three of them. " Oh! You just doubled your trouble by asking that." She chewed out the words and Adriano couldn't help but chuckle at the threat given to him.  Carlo and Valentine exchanged surprised look with each. This man just killed two people a few minutes before. Shook most dangerous people of the city with his a
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Blue corrolla stopped on the empty road, tress standing tall in rows and rows around it. Adriano drummed his finger on the steering wheel as he finally heard something that was worthy of attention on the black earpiece he had stuffed in his ear.  " Ciao capo." Panic voice of Carlo Capone filled his ear making Adriano still in his seat. ( Hello, Boss)  " Le cose non stanno andando come avevamo pianificato capo. Questo Adriano ci sta creando problemi. Mi ha solo chiesto di togliere Russo e De Luca dagli affari. "  After a pause there Carlo started again, frustration and anger was evident in his voice. Adriano kicked up his brow listening this, rolling his shirt sleeves upto his elbow.  ( Things are not going the way we had planned boss. This Adriano is creating problem for us. He just asked me to remove Russo and De Luca from business.)  Adrian
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Sienna's silver eyes observed the hot bowl of  risotto in front of her. She graceful took a spoonful of it, blowing softly over it before she eat it.  All cooks eyes were stuck on her as she chewed it slowly as they wait for her apporval.  That was the rule of Pietro's house that no food will be served unless Sienna had apporved it. Although, for few days she wasn't able to carry on this rule because of the vulnerable position she was in.  " Ha bisogno di poco più sale.(It needs a little more salt.)" She adviced , placing the spoon back on the counter wiping her lips with napkin.  " Si, Signora. (Yes, madam.)" Head of the cooks nodded her head before taking away the bowl.  " What are you doing here nonna?" Complaining voice of her nipote( grandson) brought a smile on her lips, the corner of her eyes crinkled as she did so.  " It's too hot
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Hazel bit her lips in pure concentration as her observant honey orbs trained on the cut as she cleaned.  " Stella, you can't keep this going?!" Hazel muttered wrapping a guaze around the said women wisrt.  " I have no other option, Hazel." Black eyed women answered helplessly.  " You have , you can sue him for domestic violence!" Hazel cried out standing up from her chair. Stella let out a forced, mocking laugh at her suggestion.  " Carlo Capone  is the best lawyer of the city himself, and no one will be stupid enough to take a head on case against consignelier unless that person has a death wish." Stella answered with leveled voice standing up , taking her bag from the table.  " Stay out of it Hazel. He is not a good man." Hazel scoffed at her advice.  " He can't harm me unless he has a death wish."  Hazel hotly comple
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Daniel leaned against the car waiting for Adriano, eyes closed behind the black shades. Unaware of the several gazes locked on his form draped in a green t-shirt and white pants. The girls which were hunched on the kitchen's window sill held up their breath as his dark brown strand fall over his creased forehead. Edna was strolling outside in her blue pj 's, a loose long black silk cardigan over it. She put a hand over her mouth as she yawned, eyes barely opening this early in the morning. But then she heard, voices making her frown, she walked outside and the voices turned into whispers then into giggle.  Her brown sleepy eyes looked at the group of kitchen helpers gathered around the window, whispering in each other's ears pointing towards the parking area. She followed their gaze and found Daniel leaning against the car in all his handsome glory.  " You have earned number of fans." She whispered standing nex
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The double door of the hall opened with a thud, grasping everyone attention as head turned towards the source.  Adriano icy gaze filled with proud as his lips form a devilish smirk. Murmurs and whiskers filled the otherwise silent hall as Daniel dragged the irish assassin across the length of the hall. He released him forcefully and the impact made him stagger and fall right at Adriano's feet.  Valerio's curious gaze scanned the man whose mouth was sealed shut with duct tape. His eyes black and forehead had dried blood on it as if someone had hit him hard on the head.  " Gentlemen, you must be curious about this new face." Adriano smiled, a cold, teeth sharp smile as he turned to address the members of familgia.  " He is a part of Irish mafia yet he was freely roaming here." Adriano filled in the detail, taking his gun from his waistband, his eyes roamed over all the people across
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