All Chapters of Heart At Knifepoint: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
148 Chapters
" Regret?" Edna took in a sharp breath looking in the deep abyss of blue eyes which were flickering from her face to the metal pressed on her temple. " Only thing I regret, is he being here. He wasn't supposed to be here." Edna gritted out angrily, it wasn't that furious anger but more like worried one. Just as she finished a bullet went right through the head of one of the men who was holding Adriano. " He wasn't supposed to be risking his life for me." Edna's voice raised an octave. Vincent eyes widened and Adriano smirked quickly taking the advantage of the situation, knocking his head right on the other men as more gunshot resonated from downstairs." Why would I regret when I planned all this." Edna laughed out humorlessly as a bullet went right through Vincent's shoulder making him stagger backward. A small scream of pain erupted from his throat, a fire like pain filled up in his vein making him drop the gun."
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“ Ah! Once a traitor always a traitor..” Vincent voice taunted behind Adriano, his sharp grey eyes locked on Nathan’s pitiful form. “ Edna, get out of the way.” Adriano ordered through gritted teeth, removing her hand away from the gun. “You promised! You promised back in Sicily!” Edna all but screamed lowly in a hurry as he walked past her, halting him. “You gave me your words that you would give me anything. I want you to spare his life.” Edna reminded him, the promise he gave her when she had saved his grandfather life. Edna breath caught in her throat as he looked at her with his blue eyes which hold the intensity to burn the world down. “ What if I break my promise?” He asked in a cruel, cold voice and Edna flinched back at his words, closing her eyes she hold back a sob. Damon waited calm
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Adriano understood why Knights always treated her with familiarity. Why Damon was listening her every word. She was the daughter of Egon Knight that explains her temper. Her childhood nightmares, her fear of violence. But if she had Knights, why she never asked for their help. Despite a Storm of thoughts brewing inside him, he kept a blank face outside. Daniel, however couldn't help the surprise that plastered on his face , running a hand through his brown hair, he let out a series of curse under his breath. " It never seize to amaze me, how people still pale at mention of him. Dad always preferred knife over guns, kinda passed it to me." Edna mused with mirth dancing in her eyes as she scouted down to Vincent level again. " You messed with a wrong person Vincent." Edna hissed out all the colour from Vincent face droped as his heart thudded like an angry fist inside his chest.  " Don't worry, da
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Edna grunted softly trying to prey her eyes open, but she felt as if tons of weight was over her eyelids. Her fingers twitched, as she again tried and succeeded only to flinch and close them again. Someone was saying something , her disoriented mind tried to grasp whatever was happening around her. Finally after so much effort, her brown eyes adjusted to the light, fixing themselves on the ceiling of unfamiliar room. She looked around, pressing her palms flat against the fluffy mattress, trying to sit up. That’s when she noticed an IV attached to her left hand, frowning she sat up. Resting her upper body on the cushioned headboard of the king sized bed her brown eyes scanned her surroundings. You are free.  Panic settled deep inside her chest, when her hazy brain got cleared. Adriano got shot. With her trembling hands she tried to remove the IV attached to her hands, ignoring the palpitation of her heart. 
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A week before  Damon was quietly looking at his sister who was lying there almost lifeless, the only thing that indicated that she was alive was occasional rise and fall of her chest.  Damon shifted her to his mansion rather than staying  in hospital because that way he felt more secure. It was Adriano's town, though, he didn't knew their enemies were everywhere. So, he decided that it was the best option available to him in terms of protection. " Come in." a soft knock disturbed him as he yelled back a reply.  " What happened Troy?" Damon question with a furrowed brow when he saw the urgent look on the face of his best man who finally looked up at him and trouble was written all over his face.  The guards that were stationed outside the main gates of Knights mansion got startled when they heard the continuous honking outside. ​​​One
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"Damon?" Damon jerked back in present on her voice.  " Um.." clearing his throat, he sit up straight. " He didn't not heard anything from him." a slow blink was returned on his answer.  " He didn't." Edna murmured lowly, closing her eyes, sprawling her fingers over the back of her neck she tried to soften the impact of the words her mind had registered just now.  " Can you call him?" a request was made by her with closed eyes making Damon frown a little.  " I need to talk to him." Damon couldn't help but to give in her request because her eyes were a swirling mess of emotions.  " Fine. But I will talk to him first then-" " Put it on speaker." Edna cut him off shaking her head gingerly when Damon pressed the phone on his ears.  Her words received an arched brow but nonetheless, it was carried out. Edna softly
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Edna first frowned then raised a brow leaning against her black corolla when the guards didn’t opened the door for her. She had politely requested them but all they did was press their lips in thin line looking away from her. “ You! I know you.” Edna exclaimed coming closer to the iron gate, narrowing her eyes looking at the ginger haired man from between the thick iron rods of gate. “You are the one that I punched that day.” Edna’s eyes widened as it clicked to her finally. Xavier however cleared his throat awkwardly when the guards beside him gasped at the newly found information. After Daniel, Xavier held a strong position there. “Why the hell are you not opening this damn gate?” Edna mumbled out too sweetly, curling her fingers on one of the rods of gate, giving a deathly smile. “ We are not allowed to let anybody in-” 
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It was awfully quiet in Adriano’s office. The anticipation and nervousness lingered in the air, Edna could smell it. Her brown eyes was stuck on the man whose broad back was facing her, his long cylindrical finger skimmed over the rim of the coffee mug. Edna bit her lips, puffing out a breath she was holding nervously as Adriano calmly sipped his coffee as if he has the whole time in the world still not acknowledging her. From the time she had known Adriano Pietro, it was first that she was in the range of his eye sight yet his oceanic orbs which always seems to be finding her didn’t looked at her even once. This thing stung right at her heart. However, the man in black shirt was merely trying to calm his nerves, clenching unclenching his jaw as it physical pained him to not let his eyes wander towards the source of his peace, his doll, his girl, his all.  Edna last straw of patience flew from her when,
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Adriano and Edna stood there looking at each other, analyzing each other. Both naively unaware of the reason behind each other actions. The thick silence of the office was cut off by Adriano’s phone whose tone echoed in the office, bouncing off the wall, breaking whatever trance they had fallen into. Adriano blinked softly before striding towards the device, which was in need of him. Edna sighed, her tongue darting out and licking her dry lips gathering the courage she needed for what she was going to do. Adriano didn’t bothered to pick up the call, he simply put the phone on silent. He gave her look, crossing his arms over his broad chest waiting for whatever she was upto. “ I had no idea before that you meant that  much for me. Trust me it surprised me more than it could ever surprise you.” Edna nodded as Adriano give her a ‘really’ look arching his brow up and his fingers glidi
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Thick red  blood splattered on the dark purple wall beside her. Blood dripped from her brown hair, red blood making it appear like black before her body fell on the college tiled floor with a thud.This could have happened if Adriano wouldn't have been fast enough. As soon as Edna uttered those words, Adriano quickly threw the paper weight his fingers had grabbed before aiming directly at her hands. A shriek left her lips at the abrupt force, her fingers throbbed with pain. The gun clattered to the floor, it's noise echoing along the ragged breath of blue eyed man. Adriano crossed the room in a blink of an eye almost with inhuman speed making Edna's eyes widened as he caged her between the wall and his hands. " If you had died. I would have brought you back from the death and killed you again." Adriano voice was low, threateningly calm making her gulp and look down. Her finger still was hurting, she wondered if it was b
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