All Chapters of Timber Alpha: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
 MARIEThe panic in my chest subsided as quickly as it came on. Their howls in the distance were my only assurance that Mylo wasn't coming up here for me. I would do anything for him, but I could never forgive myself if my visions led him astray. The door crept open and exhaustion filled me as my mother slipped into the room. It was better than anyone else, but I didn't need any more guilt trips today."I didn't know anything," I rolled my eyes, "regardless of what Mato thinks." "I didn't ask," she said, placing herself on the bed beside me, "and I had a conversation with your brother," she waited for me to look at her, "he wants what's best for you, even if he goes about it the wrong way." An acknowledging but unsur
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 MARIEI’ve been waiting to hear more news now for four days, and with not even a phone call from Alderic, things have been tense around my brothers. I made a decision in the garden to stop pushing my powers away and I’ve been trying to warm up to the idea ever since. I've been thinking about Mylo and about what his mate would be like to entice something to come to me, but I just can’t control them. Matt walked into the kitchen at lunch and looked like he’d seen better days. His auburn hair that was usually slicked back had fallen messily around his face, making it worse the more he played with it. The bags under his eyes made him look much older than fifteen as he plopped himself down in the chair opposite me. He looked at me like he was deep
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  MYLO  It’s been over four weeks since I’ve laid eyes on her,  thirty-four days to be exact, but every time I close my eyes… there she is. Her blue-green eyes drawing me in like the ocean themselves, pulling me under as her words took the breath from my lungs.  I’ve replayed that moment too many times to count, the way my body was bulking in anticipation, inviting her to come and claim what is hers. The way the sun broke through the tree canopy, falling on her like an Angel delivered to Earth and highlighting the golden tones in her hair that rippled so perfectly in the wind. My utter adoration of her is what ultimately failed me.  I didn’t notice the panic in her eyes. I didn’t notice the fear riddled in her motions. She was scared of something, and as her mate,
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 MATOKane running loose did nothing to ease my tension. It felt closed in here, waiting and never knowing what the next update from Alderic would be. I wanted to believe that if Mylo found his mate that she would come back here, but the reality was that the situation was unpredictable at best. I can't stay asleep anymore. I wake up too often wishing I could be useful in finding our rightful Luna, wishing I could do anything really to help. Now that Tayo was back, there wasn't much need for my help here. He would find things for me to do like helping with training, perimeter sweeps, even throwing me on patrol, but in the end, my help wasn't truly needed there. As I walked into the house I could hear the girls laughing about something in the kitchen. It was nice to hear someone in a good mood for once, even though
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 MATO“I think it was hibiscus, and something like apples, pears maybe?" Marie made a face like she was satisfied with that smell identification. "What does Hibiscus smell like?" I asked as I'd rarely spent time near a garden. Some floral scents were around more and were easy to pick out, but Hibiscus? "Hibiscus doesn’t really smell unless you brew it," she started, "but that's what it smelt like, if you’ve ever had it, you know it. It’s like light florals and some kind of cranberry or pomegranate scent.” My expression must have given something away when the realization hit me because she looked like she was waiting for me to tell her what I was thinking. “You need to tell Mylo,” I ran my fingers through my hair, “
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  MARIE When Mylo got back to Timber it was a welcomed surprise.  I wasn’t sure what Mylo was going to do with the information I gave him on the vision I had, but I think he made the right call. The pack needs him and if he won’t come across his mate for another few months, it’s better spent here.  Alderic said he would make his rounds through the pack, spreading his scent for everyone to recognize before he ventured back to his addition on the main house. I'm sure as much as he also missed the pack, that they would be overwhelming for him right now.  Things were already changing and he hadn’t been back for more than a few hours. I overheard Marek saying that priority was now being placed on making Timber safe so that when he did find his mate, it would be read
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  MARIE This worked for my mom, it should work for me... right? Who am I kidding, I’ve been in Eclipse for almost a month and haven’t made any progress. Rhoda is trying different things, slowly, and I’ve been told to have patience more times than I could count, but she doesn’t understand what it’s like to be at the mercy of what little powers I have. Completely helpless when it comes to trying to control them, and she was very upfront with telling me she can’t guarantee anything will work because she’s never had ‘premonition’ powers.  My mom seems like she has a little of everything, except what my gifts are. She has a version of it, but they only come to her when they include us, when she's involved somehow. She tells me all the time that I’m special because of the kind of gift I have, but it only feels isolating.
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MATO When Marie called me to pick her up in Eclipse she refused to tell me what for, but it sounded important so I agreed. I even brought Tayo and an additional vehicle with me like she asked, which meant Ainsley tagged along, but when I pulled up to see that asshole I started to question what exactly we were doing here.  He didn’t even react when I got out of the car, acting too interested in the conversation he was having with Marie, even though I know he noticed us pulling in. Casual as fuck, standing there and running his hands through his pale hair before he gave her this grin that was puke worthy, clearly his signature panty-dropping face, well not today. Not fucking today. I swear to Goddess if anything happened between them while she was here I’d come back and break a few things, and by things I mean bones, until he learned his place.  
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  Marie I watched Mato’s mate back away from him as she tried to get him to realize that she couldn’t leave here. I knew why, but Mato didn’t. She stumbled over the chair leg and he caught her arm before she could fall, but he was being rough with her as he battled with himself.  Mylo and him never wanted to be the cold tyrant that dad was, and even though their mate bond hadn’t fully clicked yet, I could see the agony in his face over the thought of leaving her. He wouldn’t be able to walk away from her now, he would want to be with her and protect her at all costs, even if she didn’t want him to.  “She has a sick mother, Mato,” I stated, hoping to break through to him as I laid my hand cautiously on his arm that held onto Jazmin. He let go of his mate and turned around to study me for a moment. 
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 MYLOMy Angel. It was like her eyes were looking directly into my soul and I needed to see the vision again and again to believe it. The vision itself didn't give her location away, but my mother's eye for detail figured it out. Finding my mate's location was now dependent on a planter. My father was on the council, a council that had another member whose mate was half-Fae. My mother had become friends with her back when we were young, and she took her to several villages as she explained Fae culture to her. Some of the Earth Fae she met showed her pots and planting beds they’d created, endowed with their magic to help their produce grow a bit faster, but each of them was unique in some way. There were several of them behind Dahlia in the vision, one of w
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