All Chapters of Timber Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
172 Chapters
 MYLOFour or five women hurried past me as I approached Dahlia. I tried not to get lost in her mouth-watering scent or how she truly looked like an Angel sent just for me. I needed to keep my head this time, I needed to win her over. “Don’t say anything yet,” I started, I had imagined this moment so many times, I’d planned out what I would say, and yet right now, my mind was a complete blank, “let me-”The sound of a baby crying took me off guard. Dahlia’s face flashed a moment of worry as she tried to scan my reaction, her sea-coloured eyes hesitating to rip her vision from me. I would have assumed it was hard for her to look away because I was her mate, but there was something else in her eyes, a concern for her safety, for the baby’s, her baby. 
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  MARIE Azar had led us to the greenhouse, but he wouldn’t have needed to, Mylo was locked into where he was going like a scent dog on a mission. He’s always been determined in general but trying to find his mate, for months, has even him reaching new levels of relentlessness. Watching Mato and now Mylo is why I’ll avoid having a mate at all costs. They don’t know how to give people space, to allow people to develop their own feelings and their own need for each other. Their mates don’t know them from a frog in the forest, it’s not like they grew up in the same packs, hell both these girls haven’t even grown up in packs, and my brothers are just inserting themselves into their lives, essentially forcing a relationship where there is none.  I wasn’t much for television, but something could be said for human relationsh
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  MARIE Mylo gently stroked down the baby’s forehead to the tip of her nose and as cute as I thought this moment was, an audible squeak sounded behind me. Dahlia was biting her bottom lip and clutching a shirt to her chest, her face flushing a bit as she caught me watching her reaction before she shook her head a bit and turned to start packing more things. I’m sure the baby complicates things, but it seemed like Dahlia was just as enthralled with Mylo as he was with her.  I helped her pack most of her clothing and anything she needed for the baby before she cursed under her breath.  “The bassinet is still at the greenhouse, I’ll go grab it,” Dahlia started towards the door. “No,” Mylo looked up at her, “we will have one brought to the house when we get there.”
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 MYLOThe house was just how Marie described it sitting within the trees, practically squished by them, with a thick layer of frost hanging onto the branches. I never would have found this on my own, I owed Marie a lot, and even more since we’ve arrived. She’s somehow helped bridge things between Dahlia and me, even now as she’s dropping the baby in my arms. We were too wrapped up in our mate's presence that there wasn't time yet to process how I felt about the fact that there was now a baby involved, let alone time for me to gauge how Kai was reacting. As Marie lowered her into my arms I was skeptical of how a baby that’s not ours was going to go over with him, but she seemed solid in her assumption that holding her would settle out Kai, and she was correct.I could feel the effects of Kai's relaxation ripple through me as th
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  DAHLIA Angel. Mylo has called me that a few times now, and I have to admit that every time I think of him I think of heavenly things too.  ‘That’s because he is ours,’ Orla chimed in. She was finally at peace with our mate by our side and I couldn’t argue with her on anything after what I put her through. I was trying to stay guarded still around him, but every breath I took delivered his sweet apple scent to me. That little bit of cinnamon spice showing through his personality and his calming vanilla adding to the demise of any notion I had to keep my distance.  "Nora," Mylo confirmed her name after he asked about it, and I swear if heaven had a sound, it would be his voice. 
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 MATOThe plans were made, we just didn’t have a date. Jazmin knew she’d never have much notice, but she was truly as sweet as she smelt, regardless of how her mouth makes her sound. It didn’t surprise me when it was Miah who called me, that girl was the true center of anything gossip-worthy and somehow always had news before everyone else. Marek had called me five minutes later, swearing before he hung up the phone after I told him I was already packing up.With Marek and Mazin's help, there was a house already set up for us with most of our important things already moved in. Jazmin's mother, Sophie, would have a spot at the care home less than two blocks away from us. That would be the hardest adjustment on Jazmin, but her mom's Alzheimers required someone who could care for her full time. 
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 MYLOThe addition to the house, my house, was spacious enough that we wouldn't need to upgrade for a while, and when we did it would likely be to swap with my parents now that most of my siblings were older and starting to branch off into their own places. "It's fully soundproof," I tell Dahlia as I set her bags down in the master bedroom, "you can keep Nora in her bassinet or there's a crib in that corner until you settle in. I'll have whatever you like brought to set up the nursery in the next room." Dahlia laid Nora down and tucked her hair behind her ear as she approached me, peaches and florals filling my senses as she spoke, “Thank you Mylo.” She visibly stiffened as my chest rumbled on its own and I struggled to keep Kai under control in her presence.
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  DAHLIA I had no clue what to expect once we got back to Timber, but I was happy when he left us here alone for a while, regardless of Orla trying to seduce him into staying. She barely got out a whimper, but that was enough to make him rip himself from our presence, and had I not had a better handle on her, she was sure to push him and his wolf over the edge.  'Go find our mate,' Orla whined, keeping me up as I tossed and turned even though Nora was sleeping better than she had in a long time. 'What don't you understand?' I hissed back at my wolf who was clearly not thinking straight, ‘What about Nora? You want a life with your mate, well I’m willing to give that up for her.’
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  MYLO The run did nothing. Absolutely, fucking, nothing. As soon as I entered the house her scent enveloped me and stirred up Kai all over again. I dismissed Alderic immediately, watching as she hesitated to turn around and face me. Seeing her with her back turned to me was even harder to resist, Kai imagined her as the perfect prey. Our little unsuspecting mate, with her golden hair, was swooped over one shoulder exposing her neck. What I wouldn't do right now to slide my hands down her sides and leave my mark on her neck. I could hear the echoes of the gasp she would make, the rush of pain that would be forgotten as the intense pleasure of it all would hit us.  'Mine.'  I had to adjust myself before she turned arou
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  MYLO I still couldn't believe Dahlia was actually here. Being away from her was painful, but walking into the house and being surrounded by her scent was instantly calming. She was in the bedroom fixing Nora up for the day, unaware of just how beautiful she was as she pushed her hair behind her ear so it wouldn't get in her way.  "Would you like to get out of the house for a bit?" I asked, setting some piece of cloth she asked for on the bed as she was changing Nora.  "Doing what?" She skillfully wrapped the cloth around her and Nora, effectively holding Nora to her chest without the use of her hands.  "A walk," I locked into her eyes that seemed more blue than green today and she nodded.  We travelled down
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