All Chapters of MATED TO A VAMPIRE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Sue's pov.............. Kai was leaving, he was leaving the mansion but why? What made him take this kind of decision.Kiera stood up looking just as surprised as anyone else "You are leaving, but why?".He frowned "Well am tired of staying in this mansion, am getting cooked up in here so am going out for some fresh air" When did Kai suddenly need fresh air? Something was definitely wrong here.Jude nodded "Okay then but when are you going to be back?".He shook his head "Am not coming back, am leaving for good". Leaving for good? What was he talking about, where was he going to.Kiera shook her head "To where? we are not from around here Kai so where exactly are you headed? where will you stay"."I don't know Kiera but am definitely not going to be staying here either".She took a step forward "What brought up this decision Kai?".He sighed "Nothing".She frowned deeply "Don't give me that crap Kai" then she walked up to him and i could see that she was about to cry "You promised th
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Axel's pov..............."Uncle Axel! Uncle Axel!" Jesse and Jessa ran into the office, Ivy following closely behind.('SO THE PIPSQUEAKS HAVE ARRIVE').'They are not pipsqueaks Sabastien, they are children'.('PIPSQUEAKS, CHILDREN, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE').I closed my paper works and smiled at them "Yes children".Jesse smiled "It's time to play with us".('PLAY! PLAY! PLAY! THAT'S THE ONLY THING IN THAT BRAIN OF THEIRS').'They are children Sabastien, what else do you expect them to think about'.('YOU WERE YOUNG WHEN YOU BECAME THE ALPHA LORD AXEL, SO?').'I was young but not a kid, their case is different from mine, their brain hasn't matured to that extent yet'.('WHATEVER').I checked my watch "Indeed it is kids but am a bit busy with some office work now".Ivy frowned "Come on Uncle Axel, don't you want to play with Ivy, Jesse and Jessa?".I shook my head "I do sweetie but that will be another day, am really busy today".Jesse pulled at my arm "But you promised Uncle and mum s
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Hunter's pov............... My plan was working out just fine, Axel and the children were already getting attached to each other and now, he was letting them call him their father, what a wonderful development that was. Now all I had to do was to get Sydney to come back to the mansion and then they could become one big family again. Axel wasn't going to forgive Sydney so easily and I knew that but I couldn't give up, I knew he was going to understand and accept her back once I told him everything and boy! how I couldn't wait for that time to come."Hunter" Silvar called out to me, she was downstairs and I was headed there."Yes" I replied, ohh mehn! I didn't want to have to confront her any sooner, I had to escape from this predicament."Can you come down here for a sec, I want to talk to you about something".I flashed her a fake smile "Sure" and I walked downstairs to sit on the sofa opposite her "What do you want to talk about Silvar?".She cocked her head "Why are you in such a h
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Axel's pov........... Why was I suddenly getting emotionally attached to those children and now, they had started calling me Dad like I was their real father. I was happy but what will their mum say about it, she might have agreed for Hunter because he had a hand in training them but what was she going to say about me, how was she going to react at her children calling a complete stranger 'Dad'. I had a feeling that she was not going to happy with it, I knew this but I still didn't want to stop them.I strolled downstairs to see the others hovering around and whispering. I raised my brow "What's going on here?".Cary looked up at me grinning "You need to hear this Axel, am sure you will be very happy"."Hear what" What could possible make me so happy.('MAYBE SYDNEY IS BACK TO THE HOUSE').I frowned 'Sabastien, don't'.('WHAT? JUST LIE THAT YOU WON'T BE HAPPY TO HEAR THAT NEWS RIGHT NOW').'I wouldn't be happy about it and that's not a lie'.('OKAY THEN, WHAT IF SHE COMES WITH YOUR C
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Axel's pov.........."Congrats bro" Hunter said as he came to sit beside me.I raised my brow "Congrats for?"."For Jude and Julia's good news, of course"."Ohh yeah".('YOU COULD TRY SOUNDING MORE ENTHUSIASTIC').'I am trying'.He stared at the ground "It's great to see the other members of the park experiencing true happiness, It's good to see that the bad luck I have hasn't actually spread to the rest of you".I nodded "Wrong, the bad luck 'we' have".He chuckled as he faced me "You don't have bad luck Axel"."Really? I don't, then what do you call losing your park mates, child, mate, mum and so many things important to you, it that isn't bad luck then what is".He shook his head "There's a reason for everything Axel and you will have your happy ending, sooner than expected"."Yeah, like that's ever going to happen, the only good thing that has happen to me in a long time is finding out that you were alive"."And more are coming your way like having two kids now".I raised my brow
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Hunter's pov................. I was so happy right now, like my joy knew no bounds, Axel wanted Sydney back to the house, like he said it with his own lips. I was already planning on how to make that work out but it happened before I even made a move, who will I be thanking for this miracle."Hunter?" Sydney raised her brow when she opened the door "Why are you back so soon? Did something happen to the kids?".I walked inside "You really need to stop worrying about the children Sydney, I thought you said you trusted me"."I do, it's just am surprised to see you here, I thought you were not going to be back for a while"."Well I wasn't but I have good news and i couldn't wait to share it with you".She sat on the chair opposite mine "Let's hear it".Ohh my, I wonder how she was going to react when I told her about it.I breath in and smiled "Axel wants you back in the house".She stared at me like I've just spoken some kind of foreign language "What?".I cocked my head "You heard me
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Sydney's pov......... I stood in front of the mansion? I was so nervous, my palms were starting to sweat, like I couldn't even remember the last time I was this nervous. What was I going to say when I got in there? What was going to be the reaction of everyone when they saw me? How was Axel going to react when he saw me? I suddenly felt really sick, Axel was never going to accept me back, at least not so easily. Great! Now I felt like going back.I felt Hunter's hands on my shoulder "It's going to be fine".I bit my lips, I didn't think anything was going to be fine "Sure".I sighed and took a deep breath as Hunter opened the door."If you twist it that way then it's going to break Julia"."I've got this okay Sue"."Jude?"."I think she can handle it Sue"."She can't, tell him Kai"."Let her be Sue, you know she isn't going to do it right if you keep disturbing her this way"."You could at least pretend to support her"."I don't lie and you know that Kiera and also, when did you s
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Sydney's pov........ Axel was here, like he was really standing there staring at me. His gazed shifted from me to the children who were still in my hands and he walked downstairs, slowly taking his time, eyes still glued on us and a confused look on his face.The children ran to hug Hunter "Thanks Dad, you brought momma back to you"Hunter smiled at them "Yeah, I did" then he looked at Axel, sympathy in his eyes "Your Dad asked me to bring her to the mansion".Jessa raised her brow "Axel Dad?"."Yeah kids so you have to thank him later okay but can you give us a minute kids, your mom, Dad and I have something important to discuss". He faced the little ivy who was standing in front of me and staring at me "Ivy will you take them for me, you can all come back later okay?".She nodded "Okay" but she still stood staring at me .I squatted to her level "Well hello there Ivy"."Hello" her big eyes staring in my eyes "Are you Ivy's Aunt Sydney?".I nodded "Indeed I am" This was Kiera's a
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Axel's pov...........('STAND UP AXEL').'I can't Sabastien, I don't know what to do'.('WELL I FOR ONE THINK YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL THAT YOUR FAMILY IS FINALLY COMPLETE').'My family was complete Sabastien but I didn't even notice it, my children were under my very nose calling me Dad but I didn't even know'.('TRUE BUT THERE IS NO NEED HOLDING ON TO THE PAST, YOU HAVE TO MOVE ON').'I want to but I can't bring myself to, I feel stupid Sabastien, really really stupid. You know, everything is my fault, I never should have slept with Sydney, I shouldn't even have accepted in the first place'.('NO NO AXEL, WE ARE NOT DOING THIS REGRET THING, SYDNEY IS THE BEST').I frowned 'I can't believe you still think Sydney is good even after everything she did to us, are you blind or something'.('MY EYESIGHT ARE PERFECTLY FINE THANK YOU VERY MUCH BUT YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY THE ONE BLIND HERE AXEL. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU OR ANYONE SAY ABOUT HER, I STILL STAND BY THE DECISION THAT SYDNEY CAN NEVER
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Sydney's pov............ Kiera said Axel was usually in his garden by this time of the day so I was going to pay him a visit, I needed to talk to him, to settle the differences between us, I was getting tired of this tension going on between us."I'll come back later Axel so take care of yourself" That was Silvar's voice, she walked past me just as I entered the garden.She stopped then turned and smiled weirdly at me "How are you doing Sydney?".I felt cold run through my spines, I was starting to think it was a bad idea coming back here and exposing the fact that I was Jesse and Jessa's mother.I gulped "Very fine thank you Silvar, how about you?"."Never been better, did you come here to see Axel?".I nodded "Yeah, is he busy?"."No, just exhausted but can you make your meeting with him as brief as possible, his been complaining of a splitting headache since he woke up this morning" So they really did sleep in the same room, what went on in there."Okay"."Sure" and she walked aw
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