All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
322 Chapters
Chapter 148: Friends Come Together
In Cecilia’s mansion, Yuki was leaning against a wall beside a door that led to Cecilia’s room. Her parents were inside, trying to cheer Cecilia up who was currently traumatised. Voices of her parents constantly trying to persuade their daughter could be heard. Yuki’s heart felt heavy hearing them. The door opened and the parents came out of the room looking worried. “How is she?” Yuki asked the parents. “She’s fine, thankfully. I believe she just needs more time to calm down more. It was her friend that caused her fear after all.” Gustav gave his explanation. Yuki sighed in relief. “I can understand that. Even from way out here, I was also shaking. Cecilia who was right there with him must’ve been petrified. The amount of power displayed could reach even the ends of the world.” Gustav and Emil
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Chapter 149: Haunting Past pt.1
(Sorry for not updating for a while. Been busy with exams.) Chaos erupted that night as flames covered the building. People had their phones out to record this event, incapable of helping. Brave men in fire proof suits were rushing to get the fire under control. A little boy was crying while shaking two bodies lying lifeless on the burning floor. The bodies were battered, bruised and covered in blood. Despite the fire surrounding him getting closer, the boy did not care. Two firemen entered the house. They saw the boy and the two bodies beside him. They rushed over to rescue the boy however the ceiling collapsed before they could. ….. Matthew opened his eyes. His body was covered in sweat and he was breathing heavily. He covered his eyes and slowly regulated his breathing to calm down. ….. “Hey, ea
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Chapter 150: Haunting Past pt.2
A past that no one except for Matthew knows. Five years ago. The delicious aroma from the stew that was being boiled on top of a stove filled the house. A woman with black hair and golden eyes stirred the contents of the pots while humming a simple tune. Her name was Rin. “Hmm~ Hm~ Hmm~” A pair of feet stepped into the kitchen. Rin noticed the presence and turned around. “What is it Matt?” She asked the boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “What’s for dinner tonight?” “Oh, just some stew. Since you’re here, why don’t you go set up the table? And call your dad to come down as well.” “Roger that!” Matthew replied and went to the cabinet and retrieved some bowls. Rin smiled and returned to her cooking. She scooped out
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Chapter 151: Overcome The Past
Matthew laid on his side seemingly lifeless on the floor. His eyes and nose were red. He felt like all his strength had left him. How long has it been? After listening to Susan’s story, Matthew remembered everything now. The moments before his parents died by his hands, he remembered it clearly. He felt miserable and he hated himself. “I killed them. I lost control and killed them.” :It was not your fault: Draco suddenly spoke inside Matthew’s head. Matthew was surprised by Draco’s sudden appearance, but he couldn’t really express it. “Drake? No, I remember it now. You don’t have to comfort me.” :You seem to feel better now: “After crying for a while, I guess I’ve somewhat calmed down a bit.” :That’s good. Let me repeat,
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Chapter 152: Future of the Country pt.1
Days have passed and the situation has somewhat calmed down a bit. Everyone had seemingly forgotten about the incident and went on with their normal daily lives in general. However, things were very different in certain parties. The Hunter Association was questioned many times about the demon. The executives that were questioned could not give a clear answer since only the president, vice president and the Five Coloured Hunters knew the whole truth. The Hunters under the association were also interviewed. Some claimed that they would have beaten the demon if they were there, some simply ignored the questions and some honestly tried to answer. Even the nobles and royalties could not escape this. It was only thanks to the line of knights that they were able to escape the paparazzi. The nobles had to attend many meetings to discuss further actions. Today also they held a meeting between the nobles of th
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Chapter 153: Future of The Country pt.2
“The Scarletts are hunting them down and I suggest we find out why.” Sara suggested to the other nobles in the meeting. There were sounds protesting mumbles from the nobles. Sara had expected this kind of reaction. “I suggest not to bother about that.” Paul was against the suggestion. “The witch and the demon must be found and killed. That’s all.” “You are missing the point here, Lord Stone.” Ariel was next to speak. Her sentence was continued by Adam. “It’s not so much about the witch and demon, but more for what reason are the Scarletts hunting them.” “What do you mean?” Paul asked. Sara stood up and fixed her hair before she spoke. “The Scarletts have returned and for whatever reason they are trying to get the Scarlett Witch, it won’t be good. There was an item
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Chapter 154: The Basement
Matthew laid on his back on top of the roof of the hideout. The sun was covered by clouds so it was not hot at all. Susan, Alex and Tina were out shopping. Nazu and Jade went out somewhere too. So Matthew was the only one at the hideout right now. Matthew was bored after doing his morning daily training. In the past few days, he was able to improve his astra control with Draco’s help. Things such as reason, target, emotion and intensity of that emotion were important in increasing the output of his astra. Matthew had also just recovered his lost memories. Now he understood why he was able to grow at such a fast rate. He was already trained since he was a child, so his muscle and body memory remained despite not remembering it. According to Draco, Matthew was actually still only about the same level as he was before the accident, only his astra reserve increased. In other words, there was still much to learn.
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Chapter 155: Teleported?
Somewhere in the wilderness, a bubble of space warped with a dim red flash. A person with blonde hair appeared out of nowhere. His breathing was quick as if he was surprised by what just happened. Matthew looked around his surroundings in slight panic. He was in the basement of the hideout just now, but now he was in a forest somewhere. He actually recognised the trees. “Blackwood Mountain?” Matthew muttered the name of the place. The dark coloured bark of the trees and mana around the area were clear indications of where he was. What it didn’t indicate was why or how he was there. :It seems that you accidentally teleported here: Without asking, Draco answered Matthew’s question. Matthew remembered that he was holding two objects in his hands. Matthew looked at his hands. Sadly the blue sphere was dropped and probably was left back in the basement. However
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Chapter 156: The Adaptive Monsters
“We are chimaeras.” Potolo said with a bow. “Chimaeras?” Matthew had heard of them before. The chimaera that Matthew knew originally was a creature with the body of a lion, a tail of a snake and also a goat head sticking out of its back. However, in this world, Matthew learned that chimeras were essentially a creature that has a composite DNA of multiple creatures and exists as one being. A chimaera in this world, according to books, was only a lump of meat with no fixed features and a vicious appetite. It will eat creatures it comes across by absorbing their prey into their body. Then, depending on what they ate, they will morph to take their prey’s shape, features, intelligence and even abilities. Their origin was unknown but research about them had proved that they were very dangerous creatures. There had been multiple chimaera rampage cases in the past. However, most
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Chapter 157: On Site Training
Matthew confronted the crazed Potolo bravely. Potolo who had turned into a monster of mixed features was attacking Matthew without stopping. His attacks were fast and heavy. Each of those attacks that Matthew managed to block sent shock to his bones. He felt it but miraculously, he didn’t feel the pain he was expecting. Matthew was again astonished but he didn’t let his guard down. Each time Potolo attacks with his limbs, a loud *swish* can be heard, telling how fast his attacks were. Each time his attacks hits, a loud *boom* resounded and a shockwave was created. Despite that, Matthew was able to see all of his attacks and blocked them. He couldn’t dodge them because apparently his body couldn’t keep up with his reflex. Even so, this seemed too abnormal even to Matthew. ‘I’ve only been training to control my astra better. Why am I this good?’ Matthew asked h
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