All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
322 Chapters
Chapter 168: Jade's Confession pt.2
Jade’s POV Since I was a child, I have always been a great inventor. I managed to create a smartphone from scraps of old broken phones once. Of course, such a thing was already widely used and the working garbage I created had no worth. But to me, it was something that inspired me. Kind of weird, huh? Inspired by your own garbage. I started taking classes focused on science in school and majored in computer science in college. Many inventions were created, be it special or not, I felt pride in my own work. Each success and failure gave me motivation. Nothing stopped me from inventing things. It was my passion to keep making things. Be it something that’s already made, an improvement to them or a completely new product. I was happy about it all. That was until I started working. At first, it was fine. I got a decent job at a te
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Chapter 169: Jade's Confession pt.3
"And so, with that in mind, I bought two of those consoles when it came out." Jade continued to tell his story. "When I got them, I disassembled one of them. I inspected and learned the parts of it. There was a red crystal, that red crystal." Jade pointed at the crystal in Matthew's hand. "Then there is also material with weird composites, maybe not something that can be found on Earth. I took the parts I thought would be important." "And then what happened?" Matthew asked. "Hours later, the news came in. A total of 2.7 million people went missing. Once they have identified the cause, they stopped all operations and seized all the consoles." "Wait, weren't there only 500,000 available? How can there be almost three million? Also, if they seized all the consoles, how did you teleport later on?" Matthew remembered the number that was shown in the advertisement. 
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Chapter 170: Volume 4 Epilogue
The skies in every major city in each country were currently filled with an army of creatures. They were simply hovering in the sky after they came out and have not yet moved much since. There were also battalions of ground and sea infantry sighted on open plains nearby the nation borders. Their situation was the same as the sky units, they only waited there as if they were waiting for an order. It has been like this for an hour already. It seemed that they were still coming. The leaders and kings of each nation had gathered in an emergency meeting via magic communication. Their holograms were being projected at the table where only the Omni King, Kronos Von Spector, was the actual person there. From his right: Cyss Emperor, Alfredo El Chrome; Dwarf King, Gronta Pappy; Tiberian King, Argus Maximus; Elf Queen, Guinevere Whitehorn; Missoni Chief, Phulu; Cobalt Ocean Empire Emperor, Shima Melcros; and S
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Chapter 171: Volume 5: Scarlett War II: Prologue
An announcement was suddenly made just a moment ago. In about three hours from now, the Scarlett Army was going to launch an all out assault.   Soldiers clad in silver armour were hasting their efforts to evacuate the citizens. There were also soldiers that were running in formation into the buildings and streets in order to prepare for the incoming attack.   There were also people with custom made armours and equipment joining the ranks of the soldiers. They were Hunters who were willing to provide help. Some followed the instructions of the knights and moved to strategic places, some did their own thing without heeding anyone else, and some others were the one giving orders.   The citizens and townspeople were practically in chaos but the knights were able to keep everything under control for now. The people were pushing each other in desperation to save their life first.   Children, women, and the
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Chapter 172: 3 hours Before The Battle
"Please move this way! Quickly!" "Don't push! Don't push!" "Follow the knights' order when you're inside!" "Quickly! Move!" The knights and soldiers were guiding the citizens to the evacuation points that lead to the underground bunkers. They knew they didn't have enough time to fully evacuate everyone but they tried to get as many as possible. Gustav was also one of the people that were currently evacuating to the bunker. With him were Emilia, Cecilia, Yuki, and also his butler. "Lord Crystal, we do not have priority for your status as a noble. So please follow our instructions." A knight spoke to him when he saw them approaching. "That is fine. We will be in your care. On that note, I have two people that are willing to give assistance. Please have them in your ranks." Gustav gestured his hand to Yuki and Bart, his personal butler.
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Chapter 173: 2.5 Hours Before The Battle
Somewhere in the San Coro capital, a particular group of Hunters were helping the soldiers of San Coro in evacuating the city. "Over here!" "Careful there." "This way ma'am." "Are there still more?" Isaac, Lawen, Mira and Apoel were currently in the capital of San Coro. "Damn, we just came here to look for Matthew and Rose's whereabouts. Didn't expect the Scarlett Army to appear out of nowhere!" Isaac complained as he kept guiding the citizens. "There are a lot of strong Hunters here. We probably can hold them off for a while until backup arrives." Mira said while noticing the tags of the Hunters nearby. A lot of them were yellow and green which showed Seasoned and Experienced rank. Some were even white for Veteran rank. There was also one or two bronze which signified Champion ranked Hunters. "Th
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Chapter 174: 2 Hours Before The Battle
Metil sighed after he had done what he had to do. Then he looked at the woman in black beside him. “Thanks Marlin.” “No problem. Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Marlin asked while glancing at the small house not too far from them. There was a farm nearby as well. It was not very big nor was it very fertile. The house seemed very out of place because it was in the middle of a vast plain. Metil could only look at the place with sad eyes. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Those things aren’t a problem for me to deal with. Well, they’re far from here. They won’t be coming here any time soon.” Marlin nodded many times. “Yeah, yeah. But that’s not what I meant.” “Hm?” Metil looked at Marlin while making a dumbfounded sound. “About your pa
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Chapter 175: 1.5 Hours Before The Battle
Somewhere in the ocean, two armies were facing each other. One was in a defensive position, and the other was getting ready to attack. The Scarlett Army even had flags that held the Scarlett insignia. It was flowing according to the ocean's current just like it was being blown in the wind. The Cobalt Army also had their own flags that showed the different clans. This particular army was showing more flags from the shark clan than the other since this was their region. The armies in the other clans' region also did the same. They shared their military force so that they could cover the weaknesses of the other clans with their strength united. The commander of this army was a shark man with grey skin. His hair was short and swayed around in the current. His muscles were toned and showed strength. His hands and feet were webbed and he also had a large fin on his back. His black armour with blue edges on
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Chapter 176: 1 Hour Before The Battle
Tiberian Kingdom, Tiberia-San Coro border. Three massive corps of 20,000 to 50,000 each were gathered on the Maut Plains. Maut Plains was a place that spawns the undead every now and then. It was practically a desert but the sand was always moist so it looked just like soil, but there was no living plant. Only undeads such as zombies and skeletons would be spawned from the earth. Sometimes there were even phantoms and other ghostly beings. Liches were a rare sight as well. It was the very reason it was also called the Plains of The Dead. That was in the past, because right now there were thousands of them. Zombies lined up in the front with not very good armour. There were also gargantuan zombies behind the smaller ones. Behind the zombies were skeletons. The skeletons were wearing armours that were in much better condition and quality than the zombies. Skeletons were said to be
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Chapter 177: 0.5 Hours Before The Battle
West Omni City, Omni Kingdom. Second Crystal mansion. Matthew was able to intrude the mansion easily since the mansion was empty. Matthew had already done what he came to do. His sword was on his waist, the gauntlets he usually wore were on his arms and he even wore his magic imbued clothing. Matthew was thinking about the equipment that he had on him as he was running back to where Raisya and the others were. “Aside from the sword, my clothes and gauntlets aren’t good anymore. They’re weak.” Matthew said this while running. (The gauntlets were supposed to give me more strength and help me put more power into my swings, but now my own strength surpasses what they can do. My clothing’s defence is also bad. I can dodge most attacks though, so it won’t be a problem.) Matthew had grown so much in the short time he was away. It
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