All Chapters of BLAIR: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
322 Chapters
Chapter 178: Charge!!
Scarlett Castle, Scarlett Empire Capital. Bronto, Pearl, Feistar and Crone were gathered in one room where the tomb of their father was kept. This place also became their command room for the time being. “3 hours is almost up.” Pearl said after briefly looking at her watch. “The armies are in place. Good thing they obeyed and waited for 3 hours. Otherwise, our troops might be taken down before we could do much.” Bronto said while looking at the map in the middle that showed the map of the world. The holographic map showed red dots and blue dots on it, indicating their troops and the enemy’s troops. The colours overlapped in the capital city of each nation. “Will this succeed?” Crone asked. He was the youngest of the siblings, therefore he also had the least experience in war. “Of course. Father will be revived s
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Chapter 179: Battle In The City
“Ma’am! The troops placed at the capital said that the enemy is currently heading here.” A knight reported to his commander. “Yes, I can see that from here. Is everyone in place?” The commander was a woman with long blazing red hair. Her eyes were small and sharp. “Yes ma’am! We are ready to defend the city.” The soldier replied. “Good. Cannons, take aim!” The cannons placed on the buildings locked onto their target, the swarm of monsters flying toward them. “Make sure to use explosive rounds!” The soldiers in charge of the ammo did one final check before affirming it with the one manning the cannon. The commander held her right hand in the air as a sign to hold fire. She waited for the monsters to get closer. It was to make sure they entered the firing range of the c
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Chapter 180: Just Watching From Afar
“It looks like the knights and Hunters are doing quite well. Those are some weapons I’ve never seen” Raisya was commenting on the battle so far. The rest of the Winged Gears, including Matthew, were just sitting on top of a roof while watching the battle unfold. It has been only about two hours since it started. They were so fascinated by the battle that they didn’t even realise that much time had passed. “The cannons and guns?” Matthew asked. “Yeah. I know the elves were developing them, but it seems that the other nations also copied the idea. From their performance, they are quite a defective product.” “Hm. So uhh, are we just going to stay here and keep watching?” Nazu asked. He had a plasma rifle in his hand that he rested on his shoulder. “So far it doesn’t seem like they need help. If I join the fray,
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Chapter 181: The Debt Collectors
Metil was standing beside the table set that Marlin created from earth. Marlin had already left earlier and only he stayed. The reason for that was the two presences that they detected earlier. Marlin didn’t know who these people were, but Metil did. “Why are you here, baron?” Metil mumbled to himself. The presences were still quite far away so Metil had some time to collect his thoughts. Of the two people that were approaching, the baron himself was not there. These two were just the people that always came to collect the monthly payment for the owner of the land, Baron. Metil had collected some information on them. Jin and Fin, they were identical twins that were also highly skilled in combat. They were from the slums and had to survive by stealing. They had fought and struggled to live, and they had learned to fight from that. When they g
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Chapter 182: Beastman Army VS Undead Army
“Groah!!” “Oraa!!” Roars and screams filled the ears of everyone on the sandy plains followed by clashes of metal and whirling of magic spells. Dust and sand exploded in the air everywhere. Giant rotting moving flesh smashed down with their large clubs. Robed skeletons fired spells. Armoured skeletons clashed with armoured beastmen. Zombies swarmed the soldiers with large numbers and strength. Ryuka was among the brave warriors in the front lines facing this undead army. One by one, the zombies and skeletons were cut down with his greatsword. His mane flowed in the wind as he moved forward while swinging his sword. He was practically leading the charge, creating a path for the other soldiers and Hunters behind him. While he charged forward, they dealt with the undeads swarming from the side. “As expected of one of the Five Colour
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Chapter 183: The Death Paladin
In the middle of the battlefield that took place on the East Desert of San Coro, just on the Tiber-San Coro border, a man wearing a dark green cloak with black outfit was facing a heavily armoured skeleton with a large shield and sword, a death paladin. The man facing the skeleton had a sword in his right hand. The hood on his head covered a part of his face, but a pair of green orbs were glowing under the shadow of the hood. “Alright then, let’s go!” The man’s foot pressed deeply into the sand as he pushed himself forward and threw sand in the air in the process. The man launched himself toward the death paladin. The large, armoured skeleton planted its shield into the sand, preparing to receive the Hunter’s attack. Too bad for it tough- “Hmph!” The Hunter jumped into the air, over the death paladin and landed behind it. He readied his s
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Chapter 184: Ryuka Vs The Supreme Liches
Ryuka managed to break through enemy lines and got to face the target he was after, but there were some things there that he did not expect to see. “I didn’t expect to meet two of you here.” Ryuka commented on the two figures present in front of him. “You broke through our soldiers with ease. If anything we should be surprised instead.” One of the robed skeletons spoke. “He is one of the Coloured Hunters, it is not that surprising.” The other one said. “I suppose. A top Hunter that never got the approval to reach Legendary rank. “ “Poor guys.” Both of the supreme liches seemed so calm that it made Ryuka more cautious. Skeletons were being summoned constantly while the liches in command of them were chatting. The summoned skeletons completely ignored Ryuka as if he was just a statue standing in
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Chapter 185: Akame's Boredness
(What is this?) Akame thought. The world around her was seemingly moving so slow. She was actually currently cutting a two horned demon in half, but even the motion of her blade was slow. The screams and yells around her were echoing slowly. Her bright red eyes left a trail of light behind as she moved. The demon in front of her was spewing blood as her single blade sword was cutting through the middle of it, but Akame did not care about that. The sight of blood and being covered in it was normal for her. What was itching her mind was- (Why is it so boring?) She was bored. The enemies she faced were so easy. Too easy. (Everything is so weak. So slow. Is this really all the Scarlett Army has to offer?) How many hours has it been? How many monsters has she killed? How many fellow warriors had died? How many times has she swung her blade?
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Chapter 186: Bunker Not Safe Either
“Please, don’t push! We have enough for everyone!” “Form a single line! Please comply!” Two knights were shouting instructions to the citizens who were in the bunker. There was a table with pots of porridge being served by knights in armour to the people. A long line was created by them thanks to the knights that were instructing them. The knights were distributing lunch at the moment and so far, it was going smoothly. There were some complaints from the adults and whines from the children, but no one actually faced the knights. They understood the situation well and only kept quiet most of the time. Sir Kop, Izz, Shim Boon and Bran were also just sitting down and enjoying their meal. “Hmm, I think it needs more salt. Maybe some chives and chicken too.” Izz commented on the porridge he was eating. “Don’t c
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Chapter 187: Giant Back Up
Skeletal dragons were flying all over the sky, creating a looming shadow across the desert as if clouds were passing by. The soldiers in the desert already had their hands full with the zombies and skeletons. When the bone dragons came, it was just utter chaos. Black flames were spewed out of the dragons’ mouth and they also engaged in a melee against the soldiers. The average soldiers could not even land a hit on the dragons and the army was slowly being pushed back. The zombies and skeletons advanced behind the bone dragons. “Fall back! Regroup!” A general on the field ordered his soldiers. The soldiers followed his order and fell back. Most of the Hunters also joined in their retreat. Some of the Hunters intercepted the dragons and held them back. Bone dragons were S class monsters. By theory, it would take a Champion ranked Hunter to take them down or several of the mid ranks. These Hunters braved t
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