All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
304 Chapters
Pt 3. Chapter 24
 1087 word(s)Published198 Callan kissed Kamara's lips tenderly at first, his arms going around her waist as he drew her more closer to him. She sighed into his mouth, her eyes closed. She gave herself over to the pleasant feeling feeling he was beginning to arouse inside her.His mouth became harder on hers, searching, seeking. Demanding. She clung to him, seeking more contact from him, her breath going erratic. One moment, they were standing before the fireplace, the next, Kamara felt the coolness of the wall behind her back. When he had her backed against the corner, Callan finally held nto othe last strand of the control he has. pulling back, his forehead caressed hers. "I'm so sorry, My Lady, I was not thinking. I---" "No, do not apologized for this, Callan, I..." she took a deep breath, "I want you. I've wanted you for
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Pt3. Chapter 25
 1180 word(s)Published199 The King was seated on his chair at the Consultation room when the door opened and Baski led two nervous kids through the door. A teen girl and a small boy, their fingers clutching at each other as they pushed forward to stand before the King. "My king, you sent for us..." Remeta forced herself to say. She was worried. What if they said something they weren't supposed to say, Yesterday? "Do you have any idea what happened, yesterday?" The King groaned at last, "Do you have any recollection?" They shook their head at the same time. Corna moved closer to Remeta, nervous and scared. "I thought so too." King Lucien was not surprised that they did not remember. Yesterday, they were able to look him in the eyes, stand boldly and say everything they needed to say to him.
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Pt 3. Chapter 26
 904 word(s)Published200 Callan and Kamara kept kissing until they reached his bedroom, and he gently put her down. His mouth moved to hers, his hands lifted to her head and angled it slightly, and then sealed his lips over hers again. He held her face, pushed his tongue between her lips, and began kissing her with devastating force. His tongue swirled around hers, came out, licked over her bottom lip, his teeth grazing her softly. Kamara gave herself up to him, she wanted everything he wanted everything he can give her. It began a duel dance of lips, the wind of the early morning wisp around them. The glow of the bedroom due to the closed cotton by the window added to the intimacy she wished would never end. They came up for air. He groaned deep in his diaphragm and went back for more. She sagged in his embrace, leaning against h
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Pt3. Chapter 27
 829 word(s)Published201 The soft wind of the morning did nothing to make Vetta feel good. Nothing can lighten her Yesterday was a disaster. She'd not only slept with a giant pain coming from her body, but she'd also slept with the knowledge that Danika will no longer be executed... that she is spending the night in the King's Chambers. Why doesn't anything ever work out the way it should? Why does this keep happening to her? At first, all will be going well. Then, all of a sudden, all will be lost!? When she whipped Danika, she was enjoying herself and Danika's pain. Then the King came and ruined it for her. And what about when the market women beat her up? It only made her closer to the King! What kind of charm is that witch using!!? Vetta was so enraged, she can't think straight. The Ki
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Pt3. Chapter 28.
 1123 word(s)Published202 Baski matched the King's step as they walked out of the Consultation Room together. He has not said anything to her, and she waited patiently, knowing he does have something to say. "Thank you so much, Baski." He groaned at last. She lifted her head to look at him, "For what?" "For everything. For not giving up on Danika. You were actually the only one that believed in her...believed that she could have never laid with another man and pin that man's child on me. Thank you for always standing for what you believe in, even when no one had the same belief you did. You have always seen the best in people." His words melted her heart, Baski smiled up at him. "Thank you so much, Your Highness." "Why did you go through so much pain to save me all those years ago, Baski?" He asked the one que
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Pt 3. Chapter 29
 1089 word(s)Published203 "There is this man in my my memory." Callan voiced out to Kamara, "He was in the cell with me, and he suffered as I did. But, he was always protecting me. Always." "What does he look like?" She asked curiously. He pulled back and turned to face her, "It's always flashes, so I don't know exactly what he looks like. But, he has blue eyes like mine.. ."he paused,"...I think he is my family." "Oh, Callan, I'm so happy for you. At least you know that you have a family have a brother." Callan does not look happy. "But, what if you're right? What if my family does not want me anymore, and that is why they never looked for me?" Kamara shook her head, "No, you shouldn't think like that. You said he always protected you. He must have loved you very much. Maybe, he does not know where t
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Pt 3. Chapter 30
 1236 word(s)Published204 Danika stayed with Sally all day. It was one of the best days of her life. Sally's company has always been the best company ever. Danika was supposed to wash clothes today but Baski was adamant that she is to do nothing other than to rest and recuperate. She'd heard from Baski that Angie examined her body while she's asleep, and she heard that he'd already told the King the results of his check-up on her. She wasn't particularly perturbed because she still feels pregnant. Her child...her still inside her. It gave her immeasurable joy, coupled with her relationship with the kept her smiling all day. She'd done nothing all day, only resting. And more resting. It was exhausting. But, Sally's wonderful company made everything so beautiful. "And that's how they lived happily ever after, Sall
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Pt 3. Chapter 31
 1250 word(s)Published205 Two Months Later.... A kick against her ribs woke Danika up that morning feeling very grumpy and so tired. That is almost like her default setting in the last few months. Another kick against her ribs made her wince as she dragged herself up from the bed. "Any day you don't kick me awake, I'll be very worried. You, my baby, are a strong kicker" She groaned, a small spreading across her sleep-swollen face. The door opened almost immediately, "How are you doing this morning?" Baski's voice followed as she walked into her bedroom in that usual hasty steps of hers. "Grumpy. I feel like I've aged fifty years." She grumbled, staring warily at the steams coming off the teacup the older woman carried in her hands. A smile ghosted Baski's face as she set the tea down on the table and turned to
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Pt 3. Chapter 32
 1040 word(s)Published206 Henna was in Princess Kamara's bedroom arranging her bookshelf when Mistress Donna swing the door opened and entered the room as she owns it. "M-Mistress! A very g-good morning to you, Mistress!" Henna gasps, very flustered as she pushed herself to her feet and bowed her head to the Head Mistress of the King. Mistress Donna looked around the empty bedroom, her lips pursed. "Where is Princess Kamara?" Henna swallowed tightly. This shouldn't be happening at all! What is this mistress doing here, now? "She went h-hunting, Mistress." The girl pushed out. "Mmh," Donna pushed her well-commended black hair away from her face, cocking her head to the side, "Don't you think she's roaming the wilds a lot these days, Henna?" "W-Well, you know it's a hobby of hers, Mistress." Henna laughed nervou
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Pt3. Chapter 33
 803 word(s)Published207 The King began feeding Danika. He scooped up the soup and raising it towards her mouth. Danika glared at the spoon for a few seconds before she opened her mouth begrudgingly and allowed the spoon to pass through. Silence descended as they repeated the processes over and over again until the plate was almost empty. Then, the King looked at her face, she had the most strangest look on her face. He arched his brow, "Is anything the matt---" He didn't get to finish when all of a sudden, she leaned forward and wretched all over him. She was vomiting on him. The sound of gagging continued as the food just kept rushing out of her and deposited on his body. That continued for several long seconds. The King was too shocked to speak. He remained frozen and watched what was happening like he's se
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