All Chapters of Changing The Princess's Fate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
226 Chapters
Chapter 80 Part 3
After leaving that place, I directly went to my room which was assigned to me by the royal family. It was at the main palace, yes at the main palace. Of course, it's more than strange for a guest like me who's not even a king to stay at a main palace since but thinking about how the king loves Lalaine so much, it became natural for me but of course, I still decided to ask who gave this room to me. There, I had a talk with the lady in waiting that uncle assigned to me. I observed them first before opening my mouth as usual. Looking at their luxurious dresses, they seem to come from notable nobles and wealthy families. 'I have a bad feeling about this' and also, seeing their gazes, I can feel that these girls are trying to check me out.  Anyway, turned out that it's both the king and the crown prince who decided my room Looking back,  Whether I can be controlled like a kitten or I can bite like a tiger.
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Chapter 80 Part 4
'They looked shock enough to puke as soon as I ordered them those words. 'Ah, I love what I am seeing' Looking at their faces, I showed them a glamorous and triumphant smile. Yes, like a someone who won an argument. It's not what I usually wear whenever I am outside or inside of my palace on my empire because it's kind of hideous and evil so it'a not appropriate to use it to get other people's favor but since these girls are trying to dominate me and make me lower myself to their kinds, using this luxurious, mocking smile is good. 'Now, I felt like I becane the original Laine who torments people without a reason' Probably, the only difference is I am doing this for a reason of them being rude and not just nonchalantly trying to step on them. Of course, as soon as I ordered them, they had no choice but to to what they were told because they doesn't have the power to defy an imperial princess specially because it is known to this country that I
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Chapter 80 Part 5
Obviously, as soon as they left my room, the maids that I brought from the empire smiled at my action and asked me if I am incomfortable anywhere. 'They are probably proud of my actions to contradict those girls actions' Since I just finished changing my dress, I wasn't feeling stuffy anymore so I shaked my head while saying "Not really. For now, I want to write a letter first. Can one of you deliver it to sir Finiell?" As I said these words. i smiled at them brightly then asked for a pen and paper. Not like we are prohibited to meet each other for a while but it is better to put a bit of distabce between us for a while because the nobles here may think that I am trying to be married to Calix in he future. And that's not good of course. Not only for my image but for his own. So yeah, there are eyes everywhere, for me so this is a good move. Specially now that these people are probably most interested to me and Calix. After all, they fi
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Chapter 80 Part 6
I hope that as soon as he saw my letter and finished reading the letter I sent, he will understand my intentiin and why I did that action. Knowing that guy, he can be stubborn sometimes. No, actually he's always stubborn so I hope that he can atleast try to understand and act accordingly while we're here and being watched by countless of nobles After all, we can't just simply act the same way as we were in the imperial palace. Anyway, Dinner came and I was invited by my uncle to have a dinner along with him. I wasn't surprised by it because seeing how he reacted a while ago, I knew that he wants to spend time together. After all, i am his precious niece. Actually, I am quite tired because we just got here but still had to got o some troublesome dinner. Of course,  uncle is like an air to me and a relaxing presence but sometimes, you'll also feel bad and annoyed because of the sudden events. Anyway, since it is a proper dinner, I a
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Chapter 80 Part 7
If course, I had to apologize since I came later than everyone else. That's a basic ettiquete since I am about to have a dinner with a someone higher than my position, a king so it's only appropriate for me to apologize for my behavior regardless of anything. "No, you're not we're just early" my uncle said. Still full of warm tone. Ah, he's too genuine. Anyway, It's true that I am not really late at all,they are just a little earlier but since I made them wait, it's still my fault. In the empire, I usually didn't really cared but since i am in a different country with a much more modest culture and sticter ettiquette, I have to make my actions a little more purer. The two guys along with him, the crown prince and Calix also nodded and assured me that it's fine so I didn't said any further. After all, there's no need to dwell in that any longer since both of them are already fine with it.   There, I sat as careful as I can. "Shall we start
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Chapter 81
A month after of coming in this country, we were now supposed to come back to the empire where I originally lived. Of course, a lot of things happened in that short span of time that I stayed in this place, I got to know a lot of powerful nobles, the cunning ladies and young men and most of all, the madams who were once my mother's friend. to enjoy the weather by having some picnic together or a tea party. They were really kind and good at socializing so I've learned a lot from them. It is a really fun and relaxing vacation. So yeah, my time here is more than worth it because I was able to feel refreshed and remove idea of my own survival in my mind. Also, Calix is not always outside because of too much work from the duchy so i was able to reduce my stresses. No, actually I was able to remove the roots of my stresses. Yes, I am lucky and fortunate for this one. Because if not, he'll definitely made me feel troubled me all they l
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Chapter 81 Part 2
As soon as we head back, a grand welcome for us was done by the capital of the empire. Specifically, the people in the capital. They all cheered well and seems happy about my vacation in an another country. They alao seem excited by my returned so of course, I'm quite touched. Dad and nobles are also there to welcome me as well as other nobles who seems to be not so happy about my return contradicting the commoners who admire me. 'They are firces to welcome me with a smike but that's a matter that I should be concerned' After all, it's their duty to welcome their princess. And they need to respect me as well. They should learn at uncle's countries nobles to know how to control their facial expressiom well. Tha5 way, I won't realuze how displease they are to the idea of me coming back. 'Anyway, something worries me' Since it has been a month, a lot of things  changed regardless of anything. I believe that my force in the empire slightly went down
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Chapter 81 Part 3
I walked down the red carpet and had a few greetings with every one of them. 'This is really grand' Obviously, they seem as sly as always and have the mindset to make every opportunity theirs. 'But unfortunately, I know their transparent intentions well so they wonvt be able to fool me no matter what' So yeah, I tried to have some good conversations with them to get them on my good side despite knowing their snakes mind But.. That just lasted for a few minutes. Yes, it's just a few minutes but I am already more than exhausted. After all, in my life on my uncle's country, I don't have to deal with this kind of society. 'Snakes talks, cunning actions, I didn't did that there so I had a good time' The reason for that is because, the crown prince and my uncle is blocking them from doing so. Of course they are not blocking everyone from having a talk with me. It's just that they are carefully choosing whom to let to have som
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Chapter 81 Part 4
Anyway, I looked at the maids that I brought to.the other country as their eyes sparkled. It seems like they wanted to immediately share their experiences and thoughts to their FRIENDSand co worker. I smiled inwardly. I don't know why but it's good to feel that way. As I was looking at them.with a pleasant expression, I heard a voice calling me so I turned my head at the other side where the voice came from and focused my attention to her There, I saw a coupke of maids "Your highness, we will now bath you" One of the maids whom I left here said while bowing. 'Somehow, I missed their familiar faces' Maybe because they remembered my habit even after a month if not serving me. Anyway, all of them are aware of it so I think it's kind of natural to remember it. 'There's really no need to be touched Lalaine' I said to myself like as if I am getting too embarassed by random things that I shouldn't be. As you know, I don't like
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Chapter 82
Since I brightly amiled a while ago, I suddenly realized how stupid I looked like a while ago so I kind of feel embarassed about it. Anyway, we went inside the bathroom and I was assisted by them carefully. There, I enjoyed my time bathing. The water is just enough to made me feel warm and fresh so I loosened my shoulder 'Ah, this feels so good' The fragrance that I missed is now currently back again. You know,the purple petals that has an alluring scent which can make you feel relaxed. This time, that same petals even felt and smells better. Maybe because I hadn't used it for a quite long time that I got new to this feeling again but yes, it's so good. Come to think of it, I should have brough some of it on uncle's country but.unfortunately, that idea left my mimd as soon as we did left. 'Well, there's no use in regretting it now since I am already back' I closed my eyes as they massage my hair and body. They are doing
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