All Chapters of Changing The Princess's Fate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
226 Chapters
Chapter 85
We talked more about few things until it's already late 10 at night. Honestly, we had a great time talk8ng about my mother. He mentioned how kind hearted is she and what she usually do in her free time. Since not all of this informations are at the novel since the author just made a limited point of view to daddy, the knowledge of me regarding their love story is also limited. So through this conversation, I have learned a lot. He mentioned how he often went out of tje castle just to meet with her as often as possible but what's more interesting for me is when uncle used to peek on them always whenever mom and him are together and having a date. I enjoyed my time together with him talking about his happy pasts of course but both of us can't help but smile bitterly beacuse the spurce of these happy memories is now long gone and won't come back anymore. I never met her so I never had a feeling if attachment to her but still, as a someone who considered her as my mother, I
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Chapter 85 Part 2
The next morning, just like what i had expected, the news about the appearance of a dragon spread like wild fire. So as soon as I woke up from sleeping, the people in the palace including the servants and my lady in waiting became busy chatting with each other. Actually, that's what woke me up. Yes, their whispering voices are what made me awake. Of course, those are not intentional. After all, waking up a royal family member from their slumber without an important reason is prohibited. It's not like I will punish them for a petty reason like this. Maybe if the princess that they are serving is the original one, they could be punished or worse be killed. The soldiers or those what we call knights are also making a fuss early in the morning. Aside from their training became even more enthusiastic, now they are also shouting some encouraging words while training. That's seriously annoying but it's quite fine because after all, it is for this country anyway.Also, n
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Chapter 85 Part 3
"hah this is really hard" I said while frowning. Now, it's already afternoln and up until this moment, I stull haven't anything yet. Not to mention, I haven't even thought of a single strategy that can help them as well. Aside from being hungry, I am becoming more and more frustrated as minutes passes by. I don't know byt this is the first time that I have ever felt thiz much frustration. After all, I always had a solution on my problems. 'I din't think U'll be able to think clearly this way' Again, I sighed and put down the pen that I am currently holding. I have been taking notes of the key parts and characteristics of the dragon that a knight must watch out so even my finger us starting to get numb due to too much exhaustion and repeatedly using it to write more. Since letters here are quiet complicated, it is harder to write it. Maybe that's the reason why my finger is now starting to get numb. On my past life, I usually write more than this everyday to pass very ex
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Chapter 86
After eating, I took my time looking around my veranda where i can see the servants going around like crazy. Knights are also busy outside talking to each other. I don't know why they are talking while currently in touch of the sun heat while sweating like crazy. Looking at them, they must have just finished their training. Although the knights quarter are a luttke fa4 from my palace, their training quarter is near so I often see and hear them train. Of course, they are being diligent as always which made me look at them in a favorable impression. After all, the more they work hard, the safer this country is. Of course, the reason why they are currently training thus hard is partly because of their commander whuch is really strict. Yes, although he is not as struct as the past commander, he is still strict enough to get them rolling all they if they came to the training grounds late.In result, no knights have been late lately and they are all working diligently. Sometimes, i
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Chapter 86 Part 2
I had more thoughts than usual these days so finishing this one as early as possible is the right choice of course. I read through the pages until it's already past time for dinner. All day, I did nothing but read and read and read while using my mental knowledge. It was quite exhausting in the morning but now that the sun has finally went down, it's even more tiring. I don't know why but it's maybe because I have this mentality that says, it's now time to rest since the day is finally over. Actually, I know very well that almost all people are depending on the su  while working. They have this mentality that says, once the sun is down, the work and the day is finally over. Now, it's finally time to rest. Of course, that doesn't apply to my dad who almost work every minutes and seconds. He doesn't know the word rest unlike normal people. Not like it's strange though, after all, he is not a normal person. Anyway, as soon as I finished reading the second book, I looked at the rou
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Chapter 86 Part 3
Knights, mana sword knights, magicians from the tower. That's the ones that are supposed to participate in the subjugation.I thought for mor eminutes before coming into a good plan.Mana sword knights are the one who was supposed to slice the dragon wings while the magicians will set up a barrier around the surrounding of the drago so once it turns into berserk mode, it won't cause too much damage around the mountain. In short, we are basically jailing it. With the barrier around it, it won't be ablw to go oAround and kill some ordinary knights. While it's still on it's berserk mode, no one will make a move and will instead stay in a place where they can be safe. It will stay on that mode for weeks but ut's fine that way. They can fight longer as long as the win is a sure one. If it calmed down a bit, the magicians who can use fire arrow, ice arrow, wind arrow or even spears, that's the moment that they will attack it's eyes. Again, the soldiers will move into a safer p
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Chapter 87
 Opening the door of dad, I entered his office. It's still eight in the morning but right after bathing, I went on my way to look for dad to duscuss something with him"You're quite early today.." Dad said while busily moving around his desk. Another pile of work. Now that I think about it, I am glad to have a two talented managers who can do the work for me. Fortunately, because if I donvt have them, I don't think I will be able to do things this calmly. I feel like if I have to do things that way, I won't be able to finish things up and just rather die out of tiredness of my mental."Yeah, I am indeed early" I sighed and sat at his comforting couch. As usual, it felt so good to sit in here. I just woke up but again, I felt sleepy. Maybe the partly reason is because I was too exhausted last night for thinking too much. His office smells good too so how can I stop from myself from sleeping at this kind of atmostphere. Not to mention, the sound of  the pen on
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Chapter 87 Part 2
"Yeah, but rest ther first. There wilñ be a national.meeting which will be held later at 11 in the morning. Attend with me" He said. I knew it. Seeing his grin, I knew that he is planning something annoying.Not like I am shock though. After all, that's just how things are. That's how he is. He likes making fun of his daughter. No, actually, I already expected something like that. Since I already heard the news that daddy is holding a national meeting for nobles and knights to have some talks regarding this matter. Although I know that, I kind of thought that since I wasn't told by dad to come, he wouldn't ask me to join but then, I thought of this one thing. If I gave the strategy informations to dad, he will most likely ask me to join this so called national meeting. Regardless of anything, I won't do something foolish later. Rather, I will actually use this opportunity to raise my reputation more and make a sturdy place on the empire. Of course, it is not my first time atte
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Chapter 87 Part 3
A few moments after working, dad went up and tapped my shoulder. He has been working all this time so what does this guy wants now. I looked up to him only to see him putting his outer robe where his achievement pins are currently placed at. How stunning. I wonder, jow can a father be this handsome? How come the author came up with this kind of father? Really. He is one of the most handsome someone that i have ever envountered. He is almost the same as the male lead. And eceb after working with so much pile of works, he stilñ have the charm to make people i. Awe of his facial features. Now that I am seeing this with my own eyes, I can't helo buy feel a little envious of his face. Yes, that's what I was about to feel until I realized that his genes is currebtly flowing into pri cess lalaine's body where I currently possesed. In short, it is thabks to him that I have this beauty today. Although it is not mine, it is still helping me with my life. I bet princess Lalaine won't ls
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Chapter 87 Part 4
"Is it?" I asked curiously. I never thought that he had such thoughts with him. Now, I feel like crap which I donvt know why obviously. There, I looked at him with a curious gaze which he immediately disregarded. 'What a guy, how can he just brush off my cute curious gaze so naturally?' "haa.." i sighed He didn't even bothered entertaining my gaze and went ahead of me. "Won't you go? I don't think we have a lot of time to have some simple chat with each other" "Wait, can't you atleast warn me?" There, we walked together outside. Since the main hall where meetings are being held is just near his office, we didn't walked in a long distance which is really fortunate because if ut's far and we won't use a single carriage, I don't think I'll be able to walk so comfortably in heels. Anyway, it's not like I am comfortable at this moment as well because I am now currently shivering in coldness. Maybe because I got used to the w
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