All Chapters of Changing The Princess's Fate: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
226 Chapters
Chapter 90
'I just hope that the reason why he asked me to go here is just to give this letter' Still frowning, I glanced down at the letter that the staff gave me. Somehow, it smells good. He must have used a scented paper, atleast it smells good enough.Thinking that, I opened the paper. Of course, I am expecting it to have a good content because the outaide of the letter is too extravagant. Finally looking at the letter inside, my expectant eyes turned grim. Aside from I got confused from what's the purpose of these words, I was also disappointed because I obviously kind of looked forward to what's inside. "Haaa, what's with him?" I sighed as I said this. Who wouldn't react this way anyway? Anyone will feel how nonsense he isAt the whole paper, there's nothing written on it but a two confusing sentences'Flowers, aren't they romantic? I'll be coming to where you are in a second so please look forqard to it'See? Just by rea
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Chapter 90 Part 2
"Lalaine, please stay there. I want to say something" I was about to stand to greet him since it has been a while since we last met each other personally due to busy schedule regarding the plan to kill the dragon. As you know, he's now the duke and he needed to train his knights before coming into  the forest. but when I was still about to do so, he spoke. Of course, after I heard him say that, I stopped myself from standing. Rather, I stayed seated as I look at him in a confuse way 'What's with him? Why is he asking me to stay seated? And why is he asking me to maintain a distance between us?' Thoughts and questions came to me. I clicked my tongue then turned my head toward him. He probably saw my frowning forehead as he laughed slightly. 'How handsome. No matter how much I look at him, there's nothing I can say aside from praises'   Well, he's a male lead so it's obvious that he will have a good features Just then,
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Chapter 90 Part 3
Hearing his words, I focused myself even more to him. There, I stared at him. "Y-Yes! I undestand. P-please stand up for now" I said while kind of panicking. With his posture being like that, I don't think I can focus on his words. Gladly, he stand as soon as he saw me being flustered and uncomfortable. Why the hell is he even acting like this?  "Before that, promise me one thing. You will not avoid me once you hear what I am about to say" He said firmly while looking at me softly. What is it that I may avoid him once I find out what he's about to say. Hiding my confusion from what he said, I came to a decision to just agree for now. 'Yes, I should just agree and promise for now. I just hope that it's not something too shocking for me to change my mind soon' After all, I don't want to have a bad relationship with the male lead. I have sacrificed a lot of efforts, time and patience so there's no way that I can just threw away those
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Chapter 90 Part 4
"N-no, I think you should say what you wanted to say for now" I said shyly as well. Of course, before I spoke those words, I hesiatated first and weighed my words. In tjis kinds of things, it's not good to make a wrong move. After a while of thinking, that's when I came into a conclusion that this choice is the best Yes, This is the best choice. After all, there's no way that I'll be able to eat comfortably while being anxious on what his real purpose is and what is it that he has been contemplating to ask me. I don't think I'll be able to eat properly after he say what he needed to say as well of course since obviously, my mind will surely float around thinking about what he said but it's better than getting choked while eating because I am wondering hard what he's about to say. Anyway, since this is the choice U have decided, I said it. Hearing my answer, his face once again got tense while slightly blushing. 'His exp
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Chapter 90 Part 5
That left me speechless. I don't know what he's trying to say but of course, I can vaguely guess it.This is still a feeling so I am far from being sure.    'Probably, does he like me?'   I just hope that's what he meant is far from this Yes. That may a not the reason because he's meant to be with the female lead who already appeared. Or.. Am i just getting too ahead of myself?   No, there's no point in figuring out what he truly meant. I can just listen to him for now until he finally say it himself.   Thinking this, I calmed down and focused myself to him while trying to brush off the thought that this guy's intention is to confess with me.   Still looking at him, I nod slightly but as I do that, he stared deep into me.   "Seeing your expression, you must have guessed what I am trying to say" he uttered and handed the flowers to me. Of c
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Chapter 91
Suddenly, I fell into panic 'W-what?!'   This is the route of this world that I have never thought even once. Aside from I am more than certain that there's no way that a male lead would fell for a villainess, I also believe that the fate of the lead couple is fated so no matter what happens, they will end up together. After all, they are destined to live side by side with each other. Really.... How come that this male lead suddenly confessed his feelings toward me claiming that he have been showing it to me almost everyday? How come I didn't noticed it? How dense I am to not to feel anything? How is this possible? Isn't yhis juat too much? This world is made for them so if thay won't end up together, I don't think this world will hold a value at all.   But really.. How come I didn't noticed at all? How? Is it because I am too focused on my survival that I didn't even see his feelings? I am always reading his thoughts
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Chapter 91 Part 2
"You're highness? Are you alright? Pardon me but I think you need to see a doctor" My lady in waiting said while looking at me with a worried expression while I just smiled at her saying that there's really no need for me to do that "Are you sure your highness?""Yes, I am perfectly fine so don't worry" I repeated and assured her. Finally believing what I said, she went back to do her work.'Even the maids are begining to worry about me now'I sighed as I thought of these words. It has been five days since Calix and I last saw each other. Yes, at the restaurant where he confessed the fact that he have always loved me and yet here I am, getting too distracted because of it. I just don't know how things turned out this way.For the past days, all I ever think about is where did things go wrong? How is this possible?But most of all..What frustrated me the most is the fact that I am getting too sucked up to that confe
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Chapter 91 Part 3
"If things goes this way, my life will be ruined" I uttered unintentionalky. I was supposed to say to to mysekf without speaking but because of my clouded my mind, I said it accidentally. In result, the maids who are currently working looked at me curiously. They are probably wondering what happened for me to speak such words and in a fuerce way at that. "Your highness? Are you alright?" Again, the same maid asked me this question. She have a worried look on her this time as well. I am glad that she's worried but rather than feeling touched by her actions, I felt myself being ashamed. Of course, as she do that, I can't help but just smile. After all, I feel embarassed at what I suddenly did."Yes, don't worry. I'm really fine. I just spoke that way to wake myself up more" Fortubately, it seems like she bought my lie. Anyway, hearing my answer, they again went back to work. As of now, they are preparing my breakfast at my table here in my room. As they move hastil
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Chapter 91 Part 4
As I bath through my bathroom, I once again told my maids and lady in waiting to leave me alone here for now. I want to clear my mind as much as I can today so tomorrow, I can work again. Along with my favourite scent which is really relaxing like I have always said, the bath water was also heated well. Just enough to make me feek comfortable and better.No matter how much I think of it, this time is the best to clear all my thoughts. Still naked and drenched in water, I rested my back at the sude of the big bath tub. There, the ceiling which has an alluring design came into my view. It has a mix gold in it just like some of the walls in my room and it looks good based on my taste. Seeing the sight, I closed my eyes. As I do that, the image of a someone came into me.Calix.Calix.Calix.The memory of him confessing and wearing a magnificient white suit suited him well along with the boquet on his hands. I am bothered by him. Really, this always ha
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Chapter 92
With those thoughts, I finished bathing immediately and ordered my servant to get me an ink and a paper to write a summon letter to the heroine's house and to Calix. "Here it is your highness" As my lady in waiting said these words, he handed me a couple of papers with a royal crest on it along the ink. She must have figured out that I will writr a letter that's why she gave the paper with a royal crest. As you know, letters in this world must have it's own crest before delivering it to the receiver. I don't know why but it is especially needed for nobles and imperial family so that the sender cab be recognized immediately"Thank you" I said then held the pen. I was about to write on it but I suddenky hesitated. Personally, I don't know why I hesitated but it's not like I can just do nothing here aside from overthinking things. There, again i started writing."Good day viscount, this is the crown princess and I'd like to summon Angelina to the palace" I'd
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