All Chapters of Changing The Princess's Fate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
226 Chapters
Chapter 87 Part 5
"Greetings your highness - the crown princess, greetings your majesty the emperor" They all bowed as they said these words chorusly. What a polite action. If I know, these guys are trying to scheme something against the imperial family again. As they did so, I looked around the meeting hall. From thd designs and people,I observed them all. Yes, from the gold linings and designs to these bearded nobles. 'No seat are vacant. They all must be curious about the dragon as they immediately went here to here something about it and suggest some proper solution and strategy' After all, if they managed to suggest a successful strategy, they will become a hero. Anyway, since I already saw that no vassals are absents today, I smiled pleasantly. The four dukes which Calix belong is and the others as well. Also, the commanders of the knights divisions are currently present making this place a little crowded. Of course, it's still spacious bu
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Chapter 88
Anyway, despite of them not saying anything, I can see from their eyes that they are looking down on. It's like they are saying these words to me through their eyes 'A princess? In a military meeting? Really?' Yes, that's what they are thinking. Of course, there are some like Calix who didn't mind me being here and was just genuinely surprised so I am quite happy at the very least. "Sit here" dad dragged a chair then made me sit beside him.  'I appreciate the effort dad but they are assuming that i am a spoiled brat right now so this action is not really necessary' Despite of these thoughts, I went to look at dad with a pleasant expression as I sit on the chair. As expected, their eyes became even more darker when they witnessed what just happened. There are two probable reason why. First is they will think of me as a someone who can't do anything by myself including being an empress. The second one is for those people who's planning to k
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Chapter 88 Part 2
"Just like what we agreed your majesty, I'd like to join in this subjugation. Along with me, I'll take some of my useful men" For the first time, Calix said while maintaining his firm words and actions. 'He's quite tough despite being new to this kinds of meeting. As expected of a male lead'Hearing his words, the nobles's faces hardened. They must have understood that since the Finiell ducjy gave some man power for the empire, they also need to do the same. I bet my dad and Calix had already agreed to open this matter here to make them do the same. Ha, what a fearful people"As expected of a prominent noble. You know how to be a dignified noble" Dad said as he plastered an evil grin on his face. I knew it, they have talked about this before hand. I can't believe they are joininh handsAs far as I know, they both hates each other but now, they are working like a colleages who's helping each otherAnyway, they all stayed quiet as soon as dad c
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Chapter 88 Part 3
"Obviously, a dragon is an existence that a human can't easily beat. Whether therr's an aura users or magicians, it is an ancient being that lived it's life to became the most powerful being so let's admit the fact that we won't be able to defeat it by brute strength that's why I thoight of these strategy to make our attacks more efficient and make an effective damage to the dragon" I continued while roaming my eyes around the nobles to see more 9f their reactions. 'Calix and dad looks somewhat happy by what i am saying so I can't really figure out whether they are micking me or they are feeling a little proud of me' Well, I better mind them later."First, what we need to secure is for the dragon to not to fly anywhere and cause more damages to the empire. But how are we supposed to do that? Cut it's wings? No, that's an impossible thing. Although some foolish people may think of this but they've got it wrong. It's wings which was covered by their thick skins and
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Chapter 88 Part 4
By doing so, I showed them how good I am at handling magic so some of them can't help but cough shyly especially the one who called out to me a while ago. I almost showed a proud look but I held myself from doing so because that will be a little inappropriate specially because I am a princess and not a prince. I bet that if they saw me act8ng like that, they will try to bring me down using the pretext of me not knowing a proper attitude. 'Yes, because I am not a male so the ettiquete is a little stricter' It seems like they are also quite ashamed of how they acted toward me minutes ago so I just let them do whatever they wanted to. After all, in the end they will realize that I am capable in this field as well 'I didn't put that much effort for nothing. Almost sleepless nights and repeatingly reading those hard ancient books, there's no way that I will waste those efforts' "Assuming that we were able to suppress the dragon from flying, now it'
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Chapter 88 Part 5
"I don't think we can fool a dragon though" One of the nobles said while focusing at the paper that was plastered infront of them. Of course, I am more than aware of that fact already but the only thing that I could think of is as long as the aura knights are careful enough to not to make a big movement that can draw the dragon's attention."That's true if the dragon is in a stable moment. That same scenario, he was likely imprisoned by the magicians so he will have a clouded judgement and sense. Also, the inside of the wall would be filled with mana so you would hardly distinguish that there's a human being inside of it unless, they are noticeable enough" I uttered while pointing at the dragon's eye."If that's the case, then it's good but it still had it's eyes to see the knights" he refute"Yes, that's why they will have to conceal themselves. In other words, hide. For example, at the back where the dragon's eye can't reach" With this, he nodded his head. It
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Chapter 89
Three days haf passed already since the meeting was held. In that span of time, my strategy was duscussed on and on by the knights leaders and officers. It was to seee if this is am effective. Of course,this is also to see the opinions of them whether it has a chance or not. And I, just stayed here on my office dping my own work becaus the officer knight said that they will inform me whether they will use my strategy or not in three days minutes after the meeting. And that was today so I am kind of busy and looking forward to it.After all, based on their reaction that time, it seems like they are convinced enoigh to use it so them uskng my strategy have a higher percebtage than not. By the way, these past days, I am also been stressed out by how Calix kept on visiting me despite of my busy days. Of course, that's not what annoyed me the most. It's because he kept sending flowers to me two times a day.Seriously, I don't know what to say and how to react about his stra
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Chapter 89 Part 2
"Two weeks after, the knights will have to leave to exterminate the dragon your highness" I nodded at him as an answer without any surprised look becayse in the first place, I am already aware of that fact three days ago"Then.. Your highness, may I ask you something?" he said caustiously while not keeping his eyes in mine. He seems uncomfortable and hesitant but i let him be. There's no need for me to ask why he's being uncomfortable because in the first place, it is already obvious enough. He must be uncomfortable to ask me the question that he currently have in his mind"Sure, ask comfortably. As long as it's not offending, I'll answer it" Of course, I mad sure to add the last sentebce just incase tha5 he's intebding to ask me something unnecessary and rude. Well, I can't help but to think about the fact that he ma6 ask a rude question because he's being nervous and sweating so much."Y-yes, your highness. I-it's just I was wondering whether you will partucip
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Chapter 89 Part 3
Hours after the knight left, Calix sent his servant to my office uttering some kind of strange words. Yes, strange statement "Your highness, fuke Finiell wanted to have some talk with you at this place. He is hoping for you there so he wishes that you will meet him there exactly two at the afternoon your highness" he then handed a piece of paper to me. Of course, I was confused as h*ll about why is he suddenly asking for a meet up. Why can't he just go here in the palace since he always do that anyway? Why do we have to waste some effort? I am displeased by it but I didn't showed it to the servant That Calix sent. Also, I found it strange that he had to ask me to go to this specific place. This restaurant is kind of... strange Not only he's not a kind of person who would love to eat at this restaurant, it also doesn't suit at the both of us I frowned at the thought of his sudden behavior.   'What's
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Chapter 89 Part 4
Walking through the garden of roses, I looked around. Scents of roses are everywhere and it's petals are also shining brightly. This is a pleasant place. Full of beautiful and relaxing roses. But somehow, I felt like there's something off. Why will he ask to meet here? Again, I looked around while slightly frowning but unfortunately, I failed to see Calix who asked me to go here. 'Where the hell is he?' I asked inwardly while obviously roaming my eyes around the place I did that for minutes but still hadn't spotted a single Calix. "Haa.." I sighed and touched my temple to massage it. 'I am really getting impatient now' Now, I don't know anymore whether he's playing with me and just let me waste some time in here. I sighed I am now currently in one of the most famous restaurant which was garden themed as per Calix's request. I have heard about this place a couple of times already but this is the first time that I have th
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