All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
2612 Chapters
Chapter 151
At least, that was what Mitch thought.“Kneel.” When he first heard the word, Mitch thought his ears were playing tricks on him. Even Henry and Anna widened their eyes. Kneel?! Jasper was asking Mitch Langdon to kneel!? Jasper’s smile grew wider as he gazed at Mitch, whose eyes had widened in shock. “What, did you not hear me clearly? I asked you to kneel.” Mitch, who had just fallen from heaven to hell, yelled furiously, “In your dreams!” Jasper said coldly, “Fine. You have a backbone. You can crawl, then.“You can crawl out of this room and have everyone stare at you as you crawl a full round. Either that or you can kneel before me here. It’s your choice.” Jasper sat on the couch and stared capriciously at Mitch as he said calmly, “Hurry up with your decision. I’m losing my patience.” Mitch’s entire body shook slightly as he gritted his teeth. The veins on his hands that were now curled into fists were popping out. Mitch was experiencing a multitude of emotions
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Chapter 152
“Thank you for your generosity, Prince Langdon.” Jasper smirked as he took the cheque. Mitch gritted his teeth and scoffed as he glared at Jasper, saying, “Don’t be too smug. Harbor City might not be large, but things happen every day. We… will have plenty of opportunities to fight again!” With that, Mitch left with his traders. “F*ck, what a shame we couldn’t witness him kneeling.” Henry had a disappointed expression on his face. He might have reminded Mitch just now, but he wanted to see him kneel even more. “It might have been nice for a moment to watch him kneel, but we wouldn’t have gotten anything else besides that. We would even have gained the Langdon family as our enemy,” Jasper said. Anna nodded and said, “Jasper is right. Our parents might not care if our subordinates fight amongst themselves, but we would have been pissing on the Langdon family if we had forced him to kneel. They would never let that go.” Jasper waved the check and said, “If you take a look
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Chapter 153
How could this have been accomplished by an ordinary person? “You did well in your final choice. Mitch’s grandfather is an honorable man, and we’re indebted to him due to things that happened in the past. We must let him keep his reputation.”Zachary was extremely appreciative of the fact that Jasper had not driven Mitch to the point of desperation but instead chose to settle the matter with 100 million dollars. “Of course, you didn’t have to help the Law family repay what we owe the Langdon family. However, if you want to settle in Harbor City in the future, you should take note that we’re different from other places as we take our relationships very seriously. It would have been detrimental to your development if you had offended the Langdon family.” Jasper said calmly, “I didn’t think about it that much. Respect is earned, not given.“The Langdon family’s attitude doesn’t affect me too much. I merely think that exchanging a one-time kneel for 100 million dollars is much more
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Chapter 154
“Uncle Law, is Gladness Entertainment seriously considering selling?” Jasper asked. Zachary nodded and said, “Their boss, Michael Lane, is an old friend of mine.” “Gladness Entertainment Movies is a branch of his company, Gladness International Corporation. It did quite well in the early years, and the company earned quite a bit of money in the movie industry. However, Harbor City’s movies have been losing their popularity in recent years.“Which is why he has decided to switch his focus from the movie industry to financial asset management and go international. That’s why he wants to carve out the entertainment portion of his company and sell it.” Jasper thought to himself that the head of Gladness Entertainment Movies, Michael Lane, was a visionary. In his past life, Harbor City’s movies had peaked in the 90s. Gangster films, gambling films, and movies starring Stephen Cole had made up the youth of a whole generation. However, their fame started fading starting from the ye
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Chapter 155
“Alright, you deal with your matters in Harbor City first!” “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” Jasper talked to Wendy about other matters before hanging up. However, he did not go straight to bed. He used the hotel’s computer to browse the news and make some notes in the notebook he brought along with him. Although rebirth was Jasper’s greatest advantage, it would slowly weaken over time. Jasper was not one to sit on his laurels both in this life and the previous one. Thus, he needed to study and analyze the day’s news. Hard workers would not necessarily succeed, but successful people were always hard workers. Jasper was convinced of that. The next day, Anna dropped by the hotel with a tailored suit for Jasper. “It’s for the charity ball tomorrow,” Anna said as she passed the clothes to Jasper. “How did you know my measurements?” Jasper asked in surprise. Anna said gleefully, “Besides being the second young lady of the Law family, I’m also a designer. It’s not th
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Chapter 156
Anna and Henry arrived at the hotel in the early afternoon to pick Jasper up. You would never drive yourself to such formal events, which was why the Law siblings had their chauffeur drive them in the family’s other Rolls-Royce. Henry, also dressed in a suit, widened his eyes in surprise when he saw Jasper stepping out of the hotel. “Why bother buying an entertainment company when you look like that? Might as well go star in a movie and gain instant fame,” Henry said with jealousy. Jasper laughed as he got into the car. “Starring in a movie is such tiring work. How could it be as easy as being a CEO?” Henry clicked his tongue and was about to say a reply when he noticed something. He stared intently at the suit Jasper was wearing. A couple of seconds later, Henry wailed and said in equal parts anger, jealousy, and woe, “Anna Law, isn’t this the suit you designed?!“You wouldn’t let me wear it no matter how much I asked. Were you waiting for Jasper?!“I’m your brother! You
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Chapter 157
As the crowd stared, the Rolls-Royce pulled to a stop at the red carpet. Someone immediately came forth to open the door. Lights immediately began flashing wildly. It was as bright as if someone was shining a large searchlight. Henry was the first one to get out of the car.The wealthy son was well-known by both the tabloids and the crowd. Then, there was a face that most people did not know. “Who’s that?” Someone asked curiously as they watched Jasper getting out of the car. Even though they had no idea who he was, everyone understood that any person who could enter a venue in the same car as Henry Law would be someone important. He would have to be at least an esteemed guest of the Law family to have such eligibility. Both Zane and Mitch’s blood were boiling as they stood some distance away. They were wishing they could charge forth and pummel Jasper to death. Under the flashing lights, Jasper turned to stand by the car door in a gentlemanly manner. He reached out
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Chapter 158
Who was Anna Law? She was recognized to be the most beautiful lady in the upper circle of Harbor City.She was the apple of Old Master Law’s eye. The number of people who wanted to date her could form a line that stretched from Victoria Harbor to Causeway Bay! They were all sons of rich families too. However, they were now hearing this from Henry Law? The journalist who asked the previous question seemed to think that they had struck gold, but by the time they wanted to ask another question, Henry had already walked off. He was finally free from the flashing lights once he had crossed the red carpet and entered the hotel. However, the socializing that came after was also a pain. The differences between various cliques were exceptionally obvious in vanity fairs like these. The four big shot families formed a clique of their own, and no one else was allowed in it. When the four big shot families were done socializing, they would scatter off to look for those who were
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Chapter 159
Mitch stared at Jasper’s retreating figure. He felt blood pooling at the base of his throat, but he could neither swallow it nor spit it out. He had just been gloating over the fact that Queenie was his date, and Anna Law suddenly appeared beside Jasper the very next second. Queenie was pretty and famous enough. To be honest, one could not be embarrassed bringing Queenie along to any event. She was on par with his status as Mitch Langdon too. However, one was always worried to be compared with.A man’s success was measured by the woman beside him. Queenie was fine, but could she and Anna be compared side by side? They were miles apart. Mitch felt his face burning, and that translated to him feeling annoyed as he stared at Queenie. “Young Master Langdon… You…” Spooked by the look in Mitch’s eyes, Queenie was just about to speak when she heard Mitch saying, “F*ck off!” Queenie stared at Mitch, flabbergasted. “I said, f*ck off!” Mitch turned after speaking coldl
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Chapter 160
Just then, Zachary had already led Jasper over to a modest-looking middle-aged man who had a pair of round glasses on. “Jasper, this is Michael Lane, otherwise known as Mr. Lane. He’s the CEO of Gladness International Corporation.” “Mike, this is the wonderful young man I’ve been telling you about, Jasper Laine.” When Zachary was done with the introductions, Jasper extended a hand and said while smiling, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Lane. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Michael smiled as he shook Jasper’s hand. “I’ve never heard about you in the past, but Zach’s been talking about you for the past few days.” The fact that Zachary and Michael had nicknames for each other proved that they were on close terms. After exchanging pleasantries, Jasper said, “Mr. Lane, I won’t beat around the bush anymore since Uncle Law is here. I’m interested in purchasing Gladness Entertainment, which you currently own.” Michael glanced at Zachary before he smiled at Jasper and said, “I do intend to se
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