All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2612 Chapters
Chapter 171
“Hahaha, this is f*cking hilarious. Look at this f*cker’s face. He looks like he just got kicked in the face by a donkey. Hahaha…” When Henry Law grew bold, he did not care if Zane was Bob Lancaster or someone else’s son. He simply dissed him mercilessly. After hearing what he said, everyone’s expressions turned odd. They wanted to laugh but did not dare to. It was hard to suppress their laughter, though.Zane was so infuriated that he was about to spit blood. However, he did not dare to do anything to Henry Law. He could only repress his anger and glare at both Henry and Jasper with a seething gaze. The auction, which had been nearing its end, concluded after this interlude. However, everyone felt dull for the remainder of the auction.After all, they had just watched Jasper go against Mitch and Zane in two epic showdowns. Everything else paled in comparison to that. After the auction ended, the host rushed down the stage while breaking out in cold sweat. He had even forgo
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Chapter 172
“You can rest assured about all your affairs in Harbor City, Mr. Rogers. We’re always monitoring the major wealthy families of Harbor City. There has been nothing out of the ordinary in terms of their performance. However, a Mainlander named Jasper Laine has joined the Laws lately…” Detecting the hesitation in Kennedy’s speech, Rogers frowned. He put down his glass of wine and said, “Tell me your worries, Langdon. This plan is of an extremely large scale. Factors beyond our control should not exist at all.” Kennedy then began to explain, “Not long ago, Bob and I discovered that the Laws have hidden a large sum of funds. We have no idea where the funds have gone up till now. It seems to have happened around the same time as Jasper Laine’s arrival.” Bob added, “However, the Laws have always been doing business in the real estate industry. Other than the financial crisis three years ago, they rarely involved themselves in the capital sector. Therefore, we’re still in the midst of in
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Chapter 173
Zachary smiled. “Don’t refrain from speaking up if you need help. The Law family has ample wealth.” Jasper raised the teacup and took a sip. He smiled. “I don’t think that’s necessary… Has the Law family prepared the funds?” Zachary’s expression grew stern. “Give me something to go with here. How much do I need exactly?” “It’s hard to tell for now.”Jasper thought back to the United States stock market that he had been following the past few days and frowned. “The United States stock market is wrecking up a weird storm. I’ve noticed that someone’s already trying to control the market over there and they’re covering quite a large area of stocks as well. It’s a gamble of at least trillions of dollars over there.” “Trillions!” Zachary found it hard to believe despite having seen his fair share of money.‘Using trillions as a base unit… ‘Only the country’s GDP had that power!‘Only the country’s GDP was worth enough to be measured by trillions.’ That showed how exaggerated a
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Chapter 174
The following morning, all of Harbor City’s gossip magazines released breaking news as if an explosion had occurred.‘Mysterious Mainland Youth Crushes Son of Plutocrat At Charity Dinner In Front Of All Harbor City’s Magnates!’‘Mysterious Mainland Youth Throws 30 Million, Gains Favor Of Law Family’s Princess!’‘Gladness Entertainment Movies’ New Owner, Mysterious Mainland Youth Buys Harbor City’s Fourth-Largest Film Company with Striking 1.5 Billion!’All the gossip magazines shared the same protagonist, and that was the mysterious Mainland youth.Paparazzi had managed to take a picture of Jasper’s side profile.The image was one of Jasper linking hands with Anna, and the two had smiles on their faces as they talked and walked on the red carpet.This mysterious youth from Mainland was rich, handsome, and full of charisma.Jasper’s name had instantly swept all over Harbor City.Some people even began to wonder when Jasper and Anna’s wedding would be held.Meanwhile, people in
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Chapter 175
“Doesn’t that mean the people who are starting to invest in the internet now are screwed?” Henry asked. Jasper thought about how the dot-com bubble had popped in his past life and how multiple people in Harbor City had gone bankrupt overnight, turning to suicide through jumping off buildings.Some people even said that the ground in front of every high-rise in Harbor City was filled with blood afterward.Others said that while the police dealt with a case of suicide by jumping, someone else would jump from the building before the body below could even be moved away.It had been a heart-shuddering sight.“I suppose they dug their own graves,” Jasper replied plainly.“The United States currently leads the western capital since their economy is overheated and their loan interests are low. It urges investors to put money into the stock market, so there’s a large number of fluid funds there. Business’ financial statements end up looking great too.“Especially the internet industry.
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Chapter 176
Zachary was in a meeting with senior executives of the group when he received Henry’s call.He raised a hand to halt the man speaking and picked up the phone.“It’s starting, Dad! Jasper’s plan is starting! Our stock traders need to get in position now!” Henry spoke agitatedly.Zachary, a man who rarely lost his composure, felt his emotions go haywire at his son’s words.“I’ve already contacted the professional team. Bring Jasper back immediately. There’s no safer or more quiet place in Harbor City than our home. The people and equipment will be waiting for him there.”With that, Zachary ended the meeting and rushed off, leaving behind the senior executives in the room to scratch their heads and share looks of confusion.On the way back, Zachary lined the people up while he texted Michael the details.Since they had already decided to involve Michael in this, there was no way they would neglect him when things were happening.Zachary was efficient. Everyone he had prepared was
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Chapter 177
Up until that moment, Zack had no idea what the Law family and Jasper wanted him and his team to do. However, the shocking sight of 40 billion in cash signified that a storm had begun to brew over Harbor Stocks.He did not dare ask nor think into it, throwing away all thoughts that he should not have. He waited in focus for Jasper’s next order.Just then, the doors opened to reveal Zachary and Michael walking in with solemn expressions on their faces.“How’s it going, Jasper?” Zachary asked.Jasper relayed the information he had gotten from Jack.“Weresoft… is splitting up?” Zachary asked in disbelief.Michael was more sensitive, for he had switched to working in the finance industry, after all. “It’s going to affect a lot of people.”Jasper nodded. “From my understanding of Weresoft, there’s no way they’ll be so willing to split just because they’re forced to. However, once the news gets out, then it will come with drastic effects.”“Will this be what induces the popping of th
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Chapter 178
Michael was enraged when Jasper talked back at him.After all, Michael was still his elder, especially in terms of working in the business world. His Gladness International was a large corporation.Everyone respected him, in front and behind his back.Yet Jasper’s words had cornered him and made it difficult for him to accept.“We’ve already agreed, Mr. Lane. I need to have absolute authority,” Jasper stated.Michael replied roughly, “All I did was make a suggestion. You’re the one who’s acting like a tyrant who won’t listen to others’ opinions.”“I didn’t say that I won’t, but I’m trying to think and make a decision here. Your self-righteous suggestion will only divert my attention.” Jasper’s expression hardened at Michael’s accusation.“We’re a team now. If we win, we split the winnings, and if we lose, we all shoulder the blame. If you’ve already decided to give me the full authority, then I’ll greatly appreciate it if you remain a silent bystander most of the time, Mr. Lane.
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Chapter 179
At that moment, fierce competition began among the people who were watching the rise and fall of the internet sector in Harbor Stocks. A large number of funds were entering the market every second.Bearish people wanted to knock down the stock prices, bringing down with them all of Harbor Stocks and its Hansel Index. Meanwhile, bullish people continued to defend their territory and refused to let the prices drop so easily.A war without the use of gunpowder continued to spread.At that moment, in a quiet villa within Harbor City, the clicking of keyboards continued to sound out.Kennedy stared at the display screen solemnly and kept firing orders.A short distance away, Rogers sat idly as he sipped red wine.“We’ve accumulated enough bargaining chips, Mr. Rogers,” Kennedy turned to tell Rogers.Rogers put the glass of red wine down and looked at the screen, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he spoke, “News of Weresoft in the United States should’ve arrived at
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Chapter 180
In the futures market, one could decide whether they wanted to buy or to sell. In other words, to take a bullish or a bearish stand.It was a simple idea. Taking the bullish stand meant that you believed the stock index would increase, so when it did, you earned profits.Taking the bearish stand meant that you believed the index would drop, so when it did, you earned profits.All in all, it was a gamble of whether the stock indexes would drop or rise.Jasper believed that the Hansel Index would drop, so he chose to take a bearish stand.When in truth, the falling of the Hansel Index was a trend that not even God could change.The figurative tsunami had appeared at sea level, and the only thing anyone could do now was run as high up as possible, since stopping the tsunami was impossible.With both Weresoft losing the antitrust lawsuit and Barron’s article, sorrow filled Harbor City’s stock market.The entire market was starting to crash, and retail investors were trying to escap
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