All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
2612 Chapters
Chapter 181
Gulping, Zack licked his dry lips and did his best to stop his voice from shaking. “Since this morning, the Hansel Index has dropped by 3,000 points and the 15 billion we invested in has become a total of 29.6 billion.“In just one morning, we’ve earned 14.6 billion!”“Stock god! Mr. Laine, you really are the god of stocks!”Zack shook as he spoke.At the same time, stock traders in the room all looked at Jasper with gazes of utter admiration. As executionists who merely followed his orders, they knew better than anyone how decisive and intellectual Jasper’s orders had been.Many of his seemingly inexplicable orders had proven to have incomparable foresight, for the ever-changing capital market would shift a very short moment afterward.It was as if Jasper could see through every secret in this treacherous capital market.Jasper, who had been wearing a solemn expression for the past few hours, finally smiled and said, “Alright. Let’s go eat something now that the market is on br
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Chapter 182
While the market was put on hold for lunch break, it gave a breather to every person in Harbor City who had been shrouded by gloomy clouds.Just then, people suddenly realized that this storm had not come without warning.In the United States across the ocean, a similar situation was occurring.The entire dot-com bubble was being popped worldwide.It had originated from the United States and slowly spread to Europe and Terra. Sweeping across the entire world, every stock market in every country and region was affected.Everyone who entered the stock market with high prices now had to pay a tragic price for their impulsive decisions.Almost one trillion US Dollars had been lost in the global stock market on the first trading day the bubble popped.A flood of reports had brought the latest news to citizens of Harbor City, and the readers felt their scalps tingle in fear.Harbor City had not fully recovered from the financial tsunami attack three years ago, and here they were with
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Chapter 183
At that moment, calls were blowing up Zachary’s phone. They were all from Harbor City’s rich families, some of whom even held senior positions in the government of Harbor City.They had one goal.In face of Harbor City’s current economic crisis that was so severe, the rich were frantic and lost. They needed to communicate a plan.As the wealthy held the life of Harbor City’s economy in their hands, they were the only ones with the power to turn the tides at such a time.Even Michael had received similar phone calls.Both Zachary and Michael were torn between feeling ecstatic and sorrowful.For the bigger dip the stock market took, the more they earned. Yet letting it continue to drop was no different than killing the goose that laid golden eggs.Not to mention that the Law family’s prestigious image would be destroyed if the outside world came to know about the situation.“Not only are the wealthy families frantic, but even the government of Harbor City is urging for action t
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Chapter 184
’Popping of the Dot-Com Bubble!’‘Harbor Stocks Drops Violently by 10,000 Points!’‘Hundreds of Billion Harbor Dollars Lost!’‘Financial Tsunami Tragedy Three Years Ago Sweeps Harbor City Again!’‘Harbor City’s Economy in Danger, Citizens Ask What Now?’Countless news articles had spread throughout Harbor City that night.Almost every citizen was affected by the crisis.Switching on the television, every channel was reporting today’s economic crisis.What truly chilled the hearts of civilians was that the boss of Carefree Net, an internet company on the stock market, had gone bankrupt and proceeded to kill himself and his kids by jumping from the rooftop.A true tragedy.Sorrow and fright could be seen everywhere in Harbor City.Meanwhile, a joyful party was held in a rural and safe villa somewhere in Harbor City.“Haha. In these few years, I’ve never been as happy as I am today!”Bob raised his wine glass and clinked it with Kennedy’s with a smile on his face as he spoke.
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Chapter 185
“The Langdons’ business has already started moving out of Harbor City, hasn’t it? You’re everywhere in Southeast Terra, so what are you afraid of?” Rogers did not care.“But there’s nothing wrong with you going. At least then we’ll get some insight on how Harbor City’s four major families plan to save the city. With intel on our side, how will they ever win us?” Rogers stated plainly.Rogers clapped Kennedy’s shoulder when he took notice of the other’s calm expression. “There’s a saying in the United States that capital only makes friends with winners, Langdon. Harbor City’s still too small, not to mention that it has already returned to its previous state now. You have to know that the west is where true heaven exists for people like you.”Kennedy smiled. “I know. We will always be friends with Quantum Funds.”Rogers laughed aloud. “Of course, as one of its founders, I can promise you that Quantum Funds will always be willing to be friends with intelligent people like you.”…Th
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Chapter 186
“But whether I do save the city or not tomorrow will depend on how things end up going.”Anna fell into deep thought. “You mean that if the trend continues and the market crashes, then you won’t help. But if this is caused by someone and they’re secretly trying to increase the severity of this economic crisis, you’ll help?”Jasper smiled. “Smart! There’s no way I’d be able to fight the trend of the dot-com bubble popping no matter how rich I become, so the only way to earn money now is to go with the flow. Fighting against the trend is only something idiots would do.“But if someone from the outside is putting their capital in? That means someone’s trying to crush Harbor City’s economy and that’s a man-made disaster, not a natural one! Then I have to act!“Not to mention that the government of Harbor City and the city’s rich families will act even if I don’t do anything. By then, I’ll still just go with the flow!”As they spoke, the two arrived at Victoria Harbor.Anna pulled the
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Chapter 187
Zane had both his hands in his pant pockets as he scoffed at Jasper and spoke, “What? Haven’t seen a night view as beautiful as Harbor City’s before? That must be why you’re here, right? To learn more about the world.”“Don’t say that.”Mitch glared at Jasper and spoke wittily, “That’s a humiliation to cockroaches. People like him should be called a mangy dog.“After all, it wasn’t easy climbing up a tree like the Law family. He looks so proud of himself. It’s like he can’t wait to wag his tail and please his master.”Zane broke out into a laugh and agreed. “You’re right, Young Master Langdon. He really is just a mangy dog!”Jasper could not help but feel like he was being stalked by Zane and Mitch.Needless to say, the amount of hatred, new and old, between them had gotten beyond the point of mitigation.“Should’ve checked my horoscope today before I left the house.” Jasper shook his head.“Shouldn’t we be the ones saying this?”Zane scoffed. “What misfortune to see a dog lik
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Chapter 188
“Pfft!”Mitch burst out laughing and said while laughing, “What did I just hear? 200 million is not a lot, but can you make so much? You’re just lucky, and you only made some money from shady businesses, so how can you compare to me? I made my money with my own ability!”“Yeah, you’re just a country bumpkin and you dare to compare with Young Master Langdon? You’re a humiliation to all of us with the last names starting with L,” Zane chuckled coldly and said at one side.“I’m sorry, I think I’m going to disappoint you guys. I did use my luck to make money, but my luck has been great so far. From stock speculation to futures, I rarely fail. I think I made a few billion in just a few months.”Jasper shrugged and looked at the two of them who widened their eyes after they heard him saying that. He chuckled lightly.“Right, how much did you say you made? 200 million? You just made the scraps from what I made, so I guess that’s just my pocket money.”Mitch and Zane felt a buzz in their
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Chapter 189
When Mitch saw Anna siding with Jasper, he felt the fire of anger and jealousy burning in his chest. His eyes were filled with rage!“Anna, I know you’re pure-hearted, but don’t be fooled by him! Do you think he got close to the Laws with no ulterior motives?”Anna gritted her teeth with anger. She wanted to tell them that Jasper was making a lot of money just from the short sale.Due to the general trend, the market of Harbor Stocks would plummet. He could not fight the general trend, and Harbor Stocks would fall no matter if he did or not.However, this was the secret between the Laws and Jasper, so Anna could not tell them everything.She looked at Mitch and Zane before saying coldly, “Mitch, do you know what Jasper said to me just now? We’re talking about how we’re going to save the crisis of Harbor Stocks and not how to continue to suck the blood of the citizens of Harbor City dry! As someone from a rich family, don’t you ever think about the economy of Harbor City?”“A mark
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Chapter 190
After leaving Victoria Harbor, because of Mitch and his gang, their moods were destroyed so they went straight home.Tonight, a lot of people in Harbor City could not sleep.This entire city fell into a dense cloud of dismal.However, Jasper got himself a rare good night’s sleep.He had not had the chance to rest for the past few days because of the time difference and having to follow up on the stock market in the United States. He had to be prepared for the burst of the dot-com bubble at any time.Now, the bubble had burst and the storm had arrived in Harbor City.Jasper slept soundly tonight, and he only woke up because of the blaring alarm clock the next morning.After washing up and eating some breakfast, he walked to the living room.At this moment, Zach and his team were already in position.When they saw Jasper, everyone got up enthusiastically and greeted him.Due to the exceptional results yesterday, Jasper was now the true stock god in their hearts.As such, even
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