All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 2441 - Chapter 2450
2612 Chapters
Chapter 2441
’Somerland tycoon, Jasper, suspected killed in Bardot, and the murderer is suspected to be Kimbra, the head of the Kurt family’.Looking at the eye-catching headlines in the newspaper in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of Jasper’s mouth.“The Rothschilds are great at what they do.”Jasper lamented.Kimbra would never have guessed that Bella, whom he regarded as the proverbial life-saving straw, was behind the media reports shaming him.And it was Jasper who asked Bella to do this.That’s why Jasper let Bella go in the first place.“It feels amazing making Rothschilds go against Rothschilds.”As an opponent, the Rothschilds would make many despair.On the other hand, as an ally, the Rothschilds would make many lament their luck.As the patriarchal family of the Freemasonry, the power of the Rothschilds was far beyond the imagination of many people.Meanwhile, Jasper was enjoying the convenience of using the Rothschilds’ power.And the most remarkable thing about thi
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Chapter 2442
Julian and Celine were completely confused when they heard Jasper’s words.“Jasper, what do you mean when you say that Bella’s false surrender was actually part of your plan? Are you deliberately doing that to use her?”In the end, Julian could not hold back the curiosity in his heart, so he asked tentatively.“Of course.” Jasper nodded decisively. “The trip to the Kurt family is imminent. We must do this, otherwise, our visit to Qari will lose its meaning.“However, this matter is equally not easy. There are only a few of us so we don’t have enough power and we cannot single-handedly rescue Baltimore and his son from such a big family.“The only way we can achieve our goals is to borrow as much force and power as possible from all the forces so that it can be used to achieve this.“And now, who is the biggest force hovering over Qari?”The answer was right there.“The Rothschilds!” Celine blurted out directly.She had nearly her entire family previously because of the Rothsch
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Chapter 2443
Jasper looked at the message on his phone and his face darkened.He did not expect Snow to ask for help at this time.By common sense, if Snow encountered danger, the first person he should call for help would be his boss in the United States.Moreover, Jasper clearly remembered that he had previously asked Warwick and the others to quietly let Snow go in the follow-up anti-monitoring operations.Although they had not known each other for too long, Jasper was very confident of Warwick’s ability to handle everything.He refused to believe that Warwick would make such a simple mistake and put Snow in a dangerous situation where he needed to call for help.‘There must be something behind this!‘Could it be that Snow doubted the role I was playing, and so he came here to sound me out?’The news about Jasper’s death had already been spread and, as an intelligence officer, Snow would not be ignorant of this ‘big event’.So if Snow probably knew that Jasper was ‘dead’, why did he ask
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Chapter 2444
“So, my friend, are you willing to help me?”On the other end of the phone, Snow’s voice was very urgent. He was obviously in a very bad situation right now.Jasper was silent for about two seconds.The panting on the other end of the phone was getting heavier, and the sound of approaching footsteps could be heard faintly.Unsurprisingly, it was the United States intelligence personnel who were hunting Snow.Finally, just when Snow’s patience was about to reach its limit, Jasper spoke leisurely.“So, why me?”Snow waited for a long time, but this reply from Jasper made him so mad that he wanted to start cursing.However, the situation was very urgent so he had no choice but to reply patiently, “Laine, I’m not lying. I am in danger right now, so I can only be brief.“Whatever questions you have, leave them until we meet.“The reason I chose you is that you have a background in Somerland, and according to all the intelligence I have seen from various countries, I think only Som
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Chapter 2445
Seeing that Jasper had made up his mind, Julian and Celine stopped trying to persuade him.“Okay, Jasper, we are all at your command. Everything is at your command.”Jasper looked into their puzzled eyes. He thought about it, but in the end, did not say anything.He looked at the information on his phone and began to silently think about what to do next.Julian and Celine saw that he was thinking about countermeasures, so they did not bother him. They just stood aside and waited silently.After a while, Jasper sorted out his thoughts and quickly ordered, “Julian, I now need you to contact Warwick and tell them I need a Jeep of unknown origin. Also, I need some guns.“As for Brock, ask him to bring some trustworthy people to ambush at the target location in advance. It’s best to pick some unfamiliar faces so that people will not guess that they are related to us.“Celine, go and ask someone in our company in Qari to prepare a personnel file. I need to arrange an identity for Snow
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Chapter 2446
Celine grabbed a chair and barged into Rowan’s room.In an instant, sounds of fighting and wails of pain came from the room.“Ah! Celine! I didn’t! I’m not! Stop talking nonsense!“Celine! Stop hitting me! I was wrong! I just asked for them but I didn’t use them! You didn’t give them to me anyway!”“Huh? So I gave you my photos and you’ll use them to seduce others? You’re asking for this!”“Celine! No! It’s not like this! Wait, Celine, you can hit me all you want, but why are you holding a knife?”…Listening to the fight in the room, the corners of Jasper’s mouth raised slightly.In recent days, Celine seemed to have become a lot more violent since Rowan’s arrival.However, Rowan did deserve this.The thought that Rowan had almost used Celine’s photo to seduce Assange gave Jasper a pain in his head and rubbed the space between his brows.What was that kid thinking? How dare he try to use the photo of the heir of the Maynard family in South America to seduce male netizens! W
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Chapter 2447
After a while, Julian and Celine appeared in front of Jasper.“Jasper, everything is settled. The car will be here in about ten minutes. The guns are in the car too. The driver will leave when he reaches his destination so that no one will know we are behind this.”Julian reported his task completion to Jasper.Celine also reported the completion of her mission, “I just contacted the people from the company here, and they have helped Snow arrange an identity in the securities company. They’ve also completed the documents and procedures.“It just so happens that there is someone in the company about the same age as Snow and his file has not been terminated for various reasons after leaving the company. So, coincidentally, Snow can use that.“This identity is almost flawless. Unless they find the person involved, or else no one will be able to find any flaws.Jasper had to admit that both of them completed their tasks very well, especially Celine. She even considered the hidden d
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Chapter 2448
“So, Jasper, is this the mission you’re giving me?”In the jeep, Rowan looked at the pile of women’s clothes and wigs in front of him. His face turned pale instantly and his voice began to shake a little.Celine next to him could also see what was going on. She was holding back her laughter so much that she almost hurt herself.As for Julian, he had turned his back a while ago and had stuffed his fist into his mouth silently.He was afraid that he would laugh out loud.“Yes, this is your task. If there is an emergency at that time, we may need a girl to attract the attention of the pursuers.“When that happens, you should go out, pretending to be a girl and cause them some trouble.“Also, since Assange asked for a video with the target person this time, it is inevitable that he will have to meet his online girlfriend.“If you don’t dress up, do you want him to know that the female netizen he had been flirting with is actually a man? It would be too cruel for him.”Jasper said
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Chapter 2449
Finally, Rowan was mentally prepared, and the team departed officially.Soon, they came to a dilapidated building.According to their information, Snow was hiding in the basement.Several Qari guards were patrolling in front of the building. From the large bag of cameras on the motorcycle behind them, one could assume that they should be carrying out the anti-surveillance operation here.However, the way they were blocking the door at this moment looked more like they were cooperating with a certain party to block the door of the building to catch someone.Seeing the situation, Jasper’s heart sank.Needless to say, these guards must be here to capture Snow, in cooperation with the United States Intelligence Agency.Originally, what they should do was search for more eavesdropping evidence of intelligence personnel from other countries.“It seems that the infiltration of Qari officials by the United States is more serious than I expected.”Jasper looked at the situation and mut
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Chapter 2450
Julian was relieved to see Brock.He knew better than anyone how much responsibility Jasper shouldered.If something happened to Jasper, all would bear the consequences.At the same time, he was curious inside.‘What secret is Snow hiding that can make Jasper risk his life to save him?’“Okay, Rowan, showtime.”Seeing that everything was ready, Jasper called out to Rowan.Rowan was looking mournful. He was taking his sweet time and reluctantly stood up.At this time, he looked very feminine. He had fluttering long hair and a pleated skirt that moved with the wind.Rowan had an amazing foundation. He had a masculine body but a feminine face, so with Celine’s amazing makeup skills, he looked so alluring.Even if Rowan’s old man was standing in front of him now, he might not be able to recognize him.Celine was afraid that Rowan would be nervous, so she encouraged him, “Rowan, you can do it, trust yourself.“If I didn’t know that you’re actually a man, I would be tempted, even
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