All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 2461 - Chapter 2470
2612 Chapters
Chapter 2461
Jasper was also speechless after hearing what Snow said.This was essentially a misunderstanding.However, it turned out to be such a catastrophe for Snow.“Don’t be scared. Everything is over now. As long as you escape, no one will know that you are the one who saw the confidential documents.“However, aren’t you afraid that your colleagues will suspect that you are the thief when they notice that someone from their side is missing?”Snow shook his head. “They won’t know it’s me.“At that time, I was also afraid that the matter would be exposed. After all, it was against the rules to sneak into the boss’s office to read the documents.“So I snuck in with a colleague’s ID card.“I had too much free time so I cracked the identity encryption algorithm in the agency. As long as I want, I can create an identity card for any colleague at any time.“Besides, I was also wearing a mask at the time. Moreover, if nothing goes wrong, that person should have already died in an attack so t
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Chapter 2462
Rowan gasped on hearing this.No matter how stupid he was, he knew what this meant.This meant that this area would be completely visible to Snow, and the entire Kurt family would be no different from a naked woman.“So... Did you bring that document out?”As he posed this question, Rowan's voice trembled, and he couldn't help but swallow hard.He was excited.Snow did not look up as he replied decisively, “Of course not.”“Do you think I’m crazy? I just glanced at the document and it triggered the alarm. If I leave with the document, they will dispatch even more guards.”“Then why tell us that?”Rowan was a little disappointed. He turned and said to Jasper, “Jasper, I think this guy is unreliable. We should leave first.“Anyway, we both came here in disguise. So, even if they know that someone has been in contact with him, they won’t know it’s us.“It’s better than implicating ourselves by saving this guy.”Snow, who was calm just now, immediately panicked when he heard th
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Chapter 2463
When Rowan heard that, he patted Snow on the shoulder before saying admiringly. “Well done, my man! You have completely mastered the encryption algorithm of your intelligence agency.”Snow seemed to be a little afraid of Rowan, so he dodged Rowan’s touch.“It’s just a hobby. Just a hobby.”Jasper suddenly asked, “Then what are you going to do with the keys to the remaining surveillance?”Snow looked embarrassed for the first time. “This is what’s been troubling me the most.“Now that these keys are in my hands, I don’t dare to use them at all. It’s okay if I expose a single area. If they are all exposed, they will definitely find me in the end.“I don’t want to live a precarious life and be hunted all day long.“However, I have taken such a big risk that I will feel like I’ve suffered so much for nothing.”Upon hearing this, Jasper thought to himself, ‘No, you will want to live a life like this.Because in the future, that’s what you do.‘And while exposing all the evidence, y
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Chapter 2464
Snow’s heart tightened when he saw Jasper and Rowan’s faces. Then, sweat began to pour from his forehead.Even with his usual fearless character, he was starting to get nervous now.He discovered Smart as the spy because he wanted to gain the initiative by striking first, but now he accidentally saw something that he should not have.Was he going to lose his life because of that?Jasper nodded solemnly, relaying to them what Julian had just said on the phone.Rowan’s face turned pale instantly. Then, he said trembling, “Jasper, is Julian saying that the reinforcements won’t be coming and we’ll have to escape on our own?”After all, he had just got to Qari not long ago, so no matter how much he had experienced recently, he was still that sheltered hedonist in essence.Back then, he could hold on until now with a single burst of energy, but now that he knew reinforcements were not coming, he was immediately deflated.Cold sweat dripped from Snow’s forehead like a wet towel that h
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Chapter 2465
“In fact, when I saw him, he was still yelling at me for not hurrying to catch the spy. He has to at least make me find a way so he can ensure that the files are destroyed remotely.“That’s not how someone with a guilty conscience should behave.“If he’s the spy, he wouldn’t be so anxious about the person not being caught.”Snow’s face turned pale instantly.“So... What are you trying to say?”Jasper spread his hands. “I think your assumption about the spy may have been a beautiful misunderstanding from the beginning…“So, I guess you can’t prove your innocence by testifying against Smart.”Snow was immediately discouraged.He scratched his head and said helplessly, “Then, what should we do?“The reinforcements can’t come in now and the enemy has also increased their troops. We can’t get out by ourselves…”Thinking of this, Snow’s face became even more annoyed.“I’m sorry for dragging you into this. I thought your connections here would be enough to save me.“But I never ex
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Chapter 2466
After Jasper said that, Bella screamed into the phone.“What? Jasper, are you asking me to send mercenaries to help you?“I promised to cooperate with you, but I didn’t say that I was willing to use our most precious fighters to help you!“What’s more, since you started the damn gun ban, our mercenaries in Qari have lost their weapons and can’t fight at all. So how do you expect me to help you?”Jasper smiled and said, “If I’m not mistaken, the guards at the gate will come in about fifteen minutes.“You’ve only got fifteen minutes to think about whether to help me. Alright, I’m only here to tell you this.“I’m hanging up now.”“Wait!” Bella’s roar came from the phone, accompanied by intense panting.Finally, Bella’s breathing returned to normal. It was as if she had made some important decision before she said coldly, “Okay, Jasper, fine. This is all of our armed forces in Bardot. I hope you can prove that you are worthy of it with your actions.”After speaking, Bella hung up
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Chapter 2467
Bella was cursing Jasper.Outside the Karl Building, the pressure on Julian and Brock had been greatly reduced due to the arrival of the Sky Wolves Mercenaries.Julian and Brock were a little confused, looking at this group of fresh troops that were clearly not an official army.These soldiers did not have any insignias on them and they had no way of identifying the team. They only knew that Jasper must have found this team from somewhere.Judging from the combat tactics of this group, there was a high probability that they were mercenaries.However, why did this group of mercenaries come to help them?In the end, Brock could not stop himself from nudging Julian, he asked, “Lager, when did the boss get a mercenary team here?“The combat power of this group of mercenaries is a bit scary. They’re not inferior to those of the regular army. I think only the top three mercenary groups have this kind of strength.”Julian was also at a loss now. He could only spread his hands in answe
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Chapter 2468
Snow's face was a mixture of eccentricity and horror.The reason he asked Jasper for help, apart from his ability, was largely due to Jasper's background in Somerland.In his opinion, if he chose someone else, there was a high probability that they would choose to betray him because of the United States.Because those people were not individuals but represented the countries behind them.After all, the matter he was involved in now was too big. It involved saving face for the United States or what it represented.If someone chose to protect Snow, it was tantamount to declaring themselves an enemy of the United States.Most countries would not dare take this risk.However, Somerland was different.But... What did these soldiers say just now?They said they were sent by the Rothschilds!The Rothschilds were the elder family of the Freemasonry, and the Freemasonry was the real master behind the American company masquerading as a country.If Jasper could get the Rothschilds’ peo
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Chapter 2469
The mercenary who came to the rescue looked at Snow with disdain.He thought, ‘He only heard the Rothschilds’ name, why is he so frightened?‘There’s a gunfight going on outside and we’re not even scared of death, but you are afraid of a name?‘Besides, the boss has already said that Mr. Jasper is our distinguished guest, so we must take good care of him.‘We are here to help, not to eat you, so there is nothing to be afraid of.‘How timid. What a coward.’Although the mercenary looked down on Snow, he still respected Jasper.After all, he had fought Jasper several times before but failed every single time.And the mercenaries respected strong people the most.Although he still could not figure out why the relationship between everyone had changed. They were fighting each other to the death before, but now they have changed from opponents to allies.However, as a mercenary, he did not need to have a mind of his own. He just needed to obey orders.Thinking this, the mercenary
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Chapter 2470
“I remember you said that there is a hidden danger in the information you gave me?”After Jasper reminded him, Snow immediately understood what Jasper meant.Jasper wanted to delay the destruction time of the keys.He had told Jasper that the intelligence agency would find a way to replace the installed cameras after a while, and when that happened, these keys would become invalid.However, he did not tell Jasper the whole truth.In fact, the keys would expire much earlier than what he told Jasper.Because there was a simpler way to invalidate the key besides replacing the camera.That was to key in some orders to destroy the back-end automatically, but that operation had a lot of uncontrollability and might even affect the obtained images.So they would not do this until it was absolutely critical.In the entire intelligence agency, only two people had mastered this destruction method: one was Smart, and the other was Snow.This was one of the reasons Smart made things hard
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