All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 2481 - Chapter 2490
2612 Chapters
Chapter 2481
“What are you trying to say then?”Snow looked at Assange’s curious face and smiled confidently.“Of course, I will continue to lurk in the intelligence agency and get more information about this plan. After that, we will wait for the opportunity.“You don’t really think that just based on the few videos we have now, we can accuse the intelligence agency of anything, right?“Hell, I still don’t know the name of this surveillance plan.“Without details of the complete plan, the intelligence agency can blame this on the individual members. In that case, we will not be able to achieve our goals at all.“Either we don’t do it or we uproot this damn plan.”Jasper listened to Snow’s impassioned speech and silently praised it. He was worthy of being called the ruthless man who would almost single-handedly confront the entire United States intelligence agency in the future.He could see the big picture indeed.Assange fell silent after hearing Snow’s speech.He seemed to have somethi
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Chapter 2482
Once he heard that Jasper had a way to solve his financial problem, Assange, who was initially a little hesitant to mention his pain, instantly perked up.“Mr. Laine, please tell me.“We’ve been worrying about this for a while now.“The problem now is not only that we lack funds to expand services. What’s even worse is that, because of the exposure of remittance addresses, many of our people have been controlled.“You know, although we are still pretty small-scale now, we have definitely offended a lot of governments.“We need more money to expand services and more money to protect our people.”Jasper knew that the ‘protection’ Assange mentioned meant that he needed money to bribe those Western officials in exchange for a certain level of protection.Jasper smiled and said, “Don’t worry, my method will not only help you solve the financial problem but it will also save you from having to seek the same ‘protection’ methods you used before.”Assange’s eyes immediately lit up afte
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Chapter 2483
“Peer-to-peer payment?”Assange lowered his head and mumbled.“Theoretically, this is indeed feasible, but how should we do this? At the end of the day, all payment methods require something for credit endorsement. If we skip the bank, then what should we use for credit endorsement? “Snow keenly saw the flaws in Jasper’s plan and raised the question.Jasper was not surprised when he heard Snow’s question.In fact, this has been debated over the years since Bitcoin emerged.However, ten years later, Bitcoin had finally dispelled this doubt with its actions. A digital currency was completely feasible.Even in the future, Somerland would become the first country to try to use digital currency as a legal tender.Jasper knew that if he wanted Bitcoin to appear in the world ahead of schedule, the two people in front of him would be the key. So, he must first convince them of the feasibility of Bitcoin.Jasper was confident of this because he clearly remembered that, in the informat
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Chapter 2484
After Celine’s speech, Jasper’s eyes were full of excitement.Celine was indeed the hero of this era.With just a few words, she managed to guess the complete Bitcoin plan of later generations.The mining system that she mentioned was the key to the popularity of Bitcoin.Even the metaphors she used were similar to the terminology used by Bitcoin’s mysterious founder, Sato Naka.Jasper was beginning to wonder if Celine was the real ‘Sato Naka’ in history.“I agree with this plan.”Snow was the first to express his opinion.“I agree too.”Assange chimed in.“There was still the question of how to implement the reward algorithm?”Celine’s question somewhat dampened the excitement that had just ignited.“The reward algorithm is critical as it will directly affect the follow-up sustainability. The initial miners must be the beneficiaries. Will they try to monopolize this business? In that case, our idea of dispersing the coins will be in vain.“Yes, and how much is appropriate
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Chapter 2485
“Okay, now that Bitcoin’s name is confirmed, it’s time for us to talk about how to hide our role in this plan.”Jasper interrupted everyone’s heated discussion.They looked at each other.They could imagine how much Bitcoin would impact the existing financial system, but when that happens, as the promoters of Bitcoin, they would surely become the target of public criticism.All forces would seek to control them. Whoever could control the founder would have authority over this new weapon.So, for their own safety, they must hide their identities.“First of all, we can’t complete this project with just us.“This is risky, not only from a complexity perspective but also from a safety perspective.”Snow heard what Assange said and nodded, “That’s true. Even if we can do this alone, we are too concentrated and will be discovered.“If we adopt an open source approach and call on enthusiasts to develop this together, it will not only solve the cost problem but the security problem to
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Chapter 2486
When they saw what Rowan typed, they were taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter.Even Julian, who had always been a fly on the wall, joined everyone in laughing at Rowan.Rowan was a little confused and scratched his head.At this time, he looked abnormally adorable in his charming outfit.If Assange was not here and he did not have to pretend to be mute, Rowan would have asked directly.He thought, ‘So all of you understand but I’m the one who’s confused, huh?’This made Rowan very depressed.In the end, Celine could not stand it anymore so she explained, “Our plan itself has solved the funding problem.“Once Bitcoin is successfully developed, we don’t need to ask others for help as we can print money ourselves.”Rowan was still a little confused with Celine’s explanation. He continued typing on the keyboard obediently.[But even if the value of Bitcoin rises later because of supply-demand, what do these Bitcoins have to do with us? We can’t get them.]Assa
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Chapter 2487
Jasper looked at Celine’s skeptical expression with a smile.After all, Bitcoin was too advanced for people of this era, so they simply could not imagine the value of this seemingly ordinary and costless digital currency in the future.Even though Celine was regarded as a great talent in this era, Bitcoin was like a product of another world to her.If they had not experienced that era personally, no one would have been able to imagine that the price of Bitcoin, seemingly worthless, would soar to a hundred times the price of gold in the future.“This is a gold mine, and the output is almost endless. The key is that we don’t need to bear any mining risks and costs.“The price of our digital gold will soar without limit.“Bitcoin will also generate a large digital currency market. Once it is put out globally, it is equivalent to a cost-free means of fundraising.”Jasper’s extremely sure and serious look made Celine inhale sharply.As an expert in the financial industry, she unders
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Chapter 2488
Even though she was mentally prepared, Jasper’s grand plan still surprised Celine.“Jasper, what are the specific areas of research in these basic fields you are talking about?”Celine asked cautiously.“Photolithography machine research and development, recyclable rocket launch technology, high-precision engine research and development, high energy storage and high load battery technology…“And we have to complete all these within five years.”Jasper answered without hesitation.These were things that would haunt Somerland for years to come.If they solved these basic technologies, Somerland would occupy an absolute leading position on all promising tracks in the future!“Are you saying this Bitcoin that we are tinkering with now can provide financial support for so many things?“Also, isn’t five years too short a time?”She worked at Colossal Investments for many years and participated in many investment cases.Many of these investment cases involved some high-tech.So sh
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Chapter 2489
“If we could achieve all that, it would be unbelievable.”Celine murmured to herself, unable to calm her racing heart for a long time.She could not help being intoxicated by the beautiful blueprint that Jasper constructed.If all Jasper said could be realized, Somerland would truly be on top of the world. The possibilities would be endless. No country would be a barrier for Somerland.This was the dream of every Somderland descendant.No matter where they resided, they never forgot their roots, and they always aspired to restore this ancient nation to its rightful position.“It will happen.”Jasper said that with certainty.Now that he had reincarnated into this world, he must do something big.In addition to achieving great wealth and power, he also believed that he had a responsibility to help Somerland truly reign as number one in the world.“In this case, I think I have to take this Bitcoin thing more seriously.”Celine had regained her composure by this time, and her e
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Chapter 2490
Snow’s question was exactly what Jasper wanted.The answer to Snow’s question was in their next plan.“Snow, you are right. If you want to better promote this digital currency system, you need a physical endorsement.”“Then what are you planning to do?”Snow was curious, and then he started to mutter to himself, “Gold will definitely not work. Gold is already a universal currency. If gold is used as collateral, the significance of Bitcoin will be greatly weakened. It would be like gilding a lily.“Silver is definitely not good either. Silver corrodes easily and is essentially a carrier whose value cannot be retained for a long time.“If you use it as collateral, it is equivalent to saying that Bitcoin is a constantly depreciating asset. This is contradictory to the idea of designing a deflationary demand system to allow Bitcoin to appreciate.“...”Snow loved to think, so before Jasper could answer, he began to think about the answer himself.As he thought about it, Snow’s fro
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