All Chapters of Life at the Top: Chapter 2491 - Chapter 2500
2612 Chapters
Chapter 2491
When Rowan said this, Jasper and others also became curious.They gathered around the computer and saw that Assange had sent a message to Rowan just a minute ago.[Rowena, I’m very happy to see you today.[Although you always look stupid when you hear our discussions, I still think you are adorable.[I have to admit that you are not as beautiful or smart as Miss Maynard, but I like you.[My silly little beauty.]Everyone in the room instantly burst into laughter.This time even Julian, who was always serious, started shaking from laughter.Celine was also laughing so hard that she could not stand up straight.Rowan was even angrier now.“This guy humiliated me but you’re still laughing. Don’t you realize that this is too much?!”Celine was holding on to the wall while laughing so hard she was out of breath. Then, she said, “H-How on earth is he humiliating you? He’s calling you a “little beauty”. Is that a form of humiliation?”Rowan was even more furious this time.“He ac
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Chapter 2492
Compared to how excited Snow was, Julian frowned.“Jasper, isn’t it too early for us to go to the Kurt family now?“The Kurt family is one of the largest families in Qari, so they’re heavily guarded. It would be impossible for us to break through and rescue Baltimore alone.”The curious Rowan then wondered, “Now that Qari has implemented a gun ban, how can they still maintain their armed forces?”Celine could not hold back her laughter.“Rowan, you were just mad at Assange for calling you stupid. Now, you have proved with your words that he was right.”Rowan was still a little confused. “Did I say something wrong? It’s true.”Jasper could not stand it anymore, so he explained, “It is true that the gun ban has changed Qari’s original chaotic scene, but it mainly targets civilian forces, such as mercenaries.“Official forces are not included here. Qari is different from Somerland so the big families here are practically collude with the military.“If you look at the situation of
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Chapter 2493
“How about we try to contact the Elvis family and ask them to help?”At this time, Snow, who had been watching quietly, put forward his suggestion.Since Jasper proposed the idea of Bitcoin, he was more eager than anyone else and wanted to quickly realize this great idea.Obtaining oil support was an important part of the entire plan, so he was now particularly concerned about Jasper and the Kurt family.After he said this, the more he felt that this plan was feasible the more he thought about it, so he continued, “Anyway, the Elvis family and the Kurt family have fallen out now. Therefore, both Solander, the head of the Elvis family, and Warwick, the next head of the Elvis family, now hate Kimbra.“If there is an opportunity to make Kimbra suffer or even directly remove him from the position of the head of the family, I think they will be very happy about it.“Moreover, the Elvis family is fully capable of this. They also have an armed force that is not inferior to that of the K
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Chapter 2494
Everyone was looking at each other.After this discussion, the situation became clearer.It was almost impossible to barge into the Kurt family and rescue Baltimore alone without the help of any external forces.“Then, can’t the group of people who helped us deal with the intelligence agency last time help us again?”Snow was still a little unwilling to give up, so he put forward his own suggestions.After his great escape that had just ended, he still vividly remembered the combat power of the Sky Wolves Mercenaries.In his opinion, if there was support of the same scale as last time, it should not be a big problem to rescue Baltimore.“This will not work! We tricked Bella that time, and she will definitely not be fooled again!”This time it was Rowan who was the first to reject this idea.Snow said sarcastically, “Well, I thought you were cooperating with the Rothschilds...”In reality, he was not quite a member of the small team in front of him yet, so no one told him much
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Chapter 2495
“It seems that I have to start working now.”Snow spread his hands helplessly.He finally understood. Jasper wanting to see the inside of the Kurt family through those cameras was only one of his intentions. The other purpose was to inspect the goods.Jasper was afraid that he would tamper with the cameras.Snow knew that his previous actions had made Jasper wary of him, so he could only sigh and silently walk to the computer.“Mr. Snow, you play a big role in whether our visit to the Kurt family can be successful.”Celine smiled, her eyes narrowing into crescents.After Snow heard this, a chill ran down his back.He understood what Celine was trying to say.This meant that if something happened to them this time, he would be the one to blame because he did not detect enough information through these hidden cameras.If this thing went wrong, then the plan to help him escape and clear the intelligence agency’s suspicion would be scrapped.Celine was blatantly threatening him.
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Chapter 2496
Kimbra was also a little distraught when he heard Sahar's accusation.He originally just wanted to rely on the Rothschilds. He just wanted to obey their orders, disrupt the wedding, and ruin the marriage between the Elvis family and the Royal Family of the United Kingdom. Who would have thought that in the end things would turn out like this?The reason why he cooperated with the Rothschilds was not only to repay the Rothschilds for their help in his seizure of power but also to take advantage to manipulate the Elvis family.Since Kimbra came to power, Solander, the head of the Elvis family, had been working with the Kurt family openly and secretly because of his good relationship with Kimbra’s father. Even if he could not go against Kimbra’s rule because of his relationship with the Rothschilds and the United States, Solander would still make trouble in the collaboration between the Kurt and Elvis families in secret or publicly.The intermediary fees alone were raised by more than
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Chapter 2497
“We don’t have time! My men told me that the president is inclined to agree with our competitor’s proposal. Even with what our factories can make, we can hardly meet the conditions for petroleum processing! We need to resolve this now, or it’s over for us! These petroleum fields are our everything! We cannot afford to lose this!” Elder Sahar roared.Kimbra looked less furious, but his frown had yet to unfurl fully. He knew his family, and his position as the head of the family, were at risk.Suddenly, someone spoke up. “Perhaps you should step down, Kimbra. Your impulsiveness was what brought the Elvis family to our door. Everything will be alright again once you step down.”Now that someone had spoken up, more piped in to demand that Kimbra step down. “You are no longer suited to be our leader, Kimbra. Step down before you bring ruin to us all.”“He’s right. This would never have happened if Baltimore was still our leader. You have brought disaster to our family, Kimbra!” …
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Chapter 2498
Kimbra looked at the protesters furiously.He felt the sudden urge to call the guards in and shoot all of them dead. Without a doubt, it would be a wonderful sight, their blood splattered across the tiles like New Year’s Eve fireworks.Yet, all he did was stare. He did not call in the guards, nor did he have anyone shot. For he knew that each and every one of those protesting were more than just themselves, they were also representatives for the powerful people supporting them.To hurt any one of them would be to declare war against those powerful forces. The Rothschilds and the Freemasons might not fear those powerful forces, but Kimbra certainly did and he was but the Rothschilds’ representative.Even if he managed to make enough profit for the Rothschilds, Kimbra knew that they would still discard him in a heartbeat, if it meant pacifying those forces. Suddenly, Kimbra felt a wave of despair come over him.The United States was not the only one who had their eyes on Qari’s
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Chapter 2499
Everyone else filed out of the room as well, leaving Kimbra and the few terrified maids who waited on him.It was no secret that Kimbra was violent. Whenever he was angry, he would always take it out on his maids. The last time someone infuriated him, four maids paid the price with their lives. No one knew what happened to their bodies afterward. Qari was no stranger to war and death occurred more often than one could imagine. Someone healthy and alive could end up dead the next second. Fortunately, to the maids’ surprise, Kimbra left them alone. He grabbed his phone and dismissed them all, though his eyes were murderous as he watched them leave.“One of them has to be a spy, or they wouldn’t have reacted so quickly. It’s only been a few days since I’ve lost contact with Miss Bella, and they’ve already caught wind of it. I’ll have to clean out the rats once this is over,” Kimbra muttered to himself. After a few rings, the call connected.Kimbra was relieved to know that he h
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Chapter 2500
It was a warning letter: “Dear Mr. Kimbra, We have reason to suspect your involvement in the disappearance of our Ambassador, Jasper Laine. Please contact us immediately and aid our investigation. If you are unable to provide a satisfactory response, we have every reason to believe that you are trying to provoke the Somer Government. In such case, Somerland shall blacklist all petroleum trading with the Kurt family and impose economic sanctions on your family.” Kimbra was furious. He was already in a precarious situation. He did not need Somerland rubbing salt into his injuries. If this was any other time, Kimbra might have ignored this warning letter. After all, all trade between the Kurt family and Somerland was done through an intermediary. However, sanctions from the Elvis and other families meant that the Kurts would have to sell petroleum via their own channels in the future, and Somerland was an important customer.Kimbra frowned, frustrated and worried. Ye
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