All Chapters of Forced to marry a murderous Mafia King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
255 Chapters
Chapter 101 Medical genius??
I waited outside Clara's cabin and looked at the certificate which was hunged on the walls. Suddenly my phone started to ring. The caller was Lav. I attended the call. " Did you find out? " I asked." Yes, Ma'am. The Chairman of XZX university is Mr.Eric Gold, the new CEO of Gold corp," said Lav." Eric Gold?? " I repeated her words." Yes, Ma'am. 85% of the colleges in the f country are owned by Gold corp. "What the hell is going on?I immediately hung up the call. I went inside and said to Clara. " I have some work outside. I will try to return within an hour. "After informing Clara, I drove to Mrs.Wright's house.I pressed the bell.Still no response. I again pressed the bell." coming. " I heard Mrs.Wright's voice.When she opened the door. She looked at me as if I was a monster who came to eat her up. She was somewhat shocked to see me in front of her house." Hello,
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Chapter 102 Another idiot
Is any screw missing in her head?" Are you an idiot," I asked her suspiciously." Why? "" That idiot, how can Steven be a medical genius? " I asked." Steven? I am talking about Mr.Eric Gold. " She said.I kept my hand on my forehead and said " Hey, Steven is Eric. Eric is Steven. Now you understand. "" Steven is Eric? Are you blabbering? "" Oh. Clara, Steven's real name is Eric Gold. "" uh?? how? he can't be. "" Yes, he is. That Steven idiot didn't tell us about his real name. "" How do you know," said Clara." I told you before that Steven's real name is Eric. Mr.Edmin said to me. " I said." No, you didn't say. "" Ok, leave that matter. Why are you saying he is a medical genius? " I asked Clara." All people in the medical profession know that he is a medical genius," said Clara." why? "" For the past two years, all the medical awards have been won by him with
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Chapter 103 I will eat you
I went and sat on the chair." What happened Risa. " Clara asked while looking at my irritated expression.I didn't answer her. After a few minutes, I heard Clara saying. "Hey, your hubby came back to pick you. " she giggled at me.I just glare at her. I took a look at that buffalo who was leaning on the door with his arm folded across his chest. I turned my face towards the window." Brother, don't take her seriously? she is stupid. " That buffalo didn't open his mouth just stared at my back which I could feel his stare on my back. " Brother, do you know she was cursing you nonstop. wherever we go out she was cursing you without fail. I think she has fallen for you. I am right, Risa? " I frowned at her. fallen? I may fall on the ground due to this idiot. but I won't fall for him, for this idiot." Is that so Baby? " I didn't respond to him. I just glare at her. " Risa, I am waiting inside t
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Chapter 104 My jealous wife
" Why did you come late instead of staying with your beautiful girlfriend? " I asked him while munching.He didn't answer me. The movie came to an end. I again played another horror movie. It would be fun to see a horror movie at night time.He still didn't respond to my question. My snack pack was over. Before I take another pack. Some leftovers were remaining in my fingers. Before I lick it.Alex grabbed my hand and licked my fingers one by one." Hey, idiot. Leave my hand. Are you a dog that licks my fingers? " I yelled at him.but he didn't react or respond to me." Idiot Alex, stop licking. "I pulled my hand from his grip but he didn't leave my fingers until he cleaned my fingers thoroughly. After he left my finger I moved away from him and washed my hands and came back and sat away from him. and opened another packet. " idiot, shameless bastard. " I murmured. While eating he stole a piece from my hand and at
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Chapter 105 Lawful marriage
" She was matchmaking for me. daily she will bring a girl and tell me I want her to be my sister-in-law. So for my sister, I married that girl by contract, not lawful because I know very well what will happen next. My sister's mood will change continuously. If she doesn't like a thing she will throw it off. If she doesn't like her sister in law she will order me to divorce her. It happened 9 times and one more thing it's not a real marriage. " he said while keeping his palm on his forehead and rubbed his temple." Then you also married me by contract?" I asked.yes, he made me sign a contract, then the marriage is not real. Right? hooray!! I can escape from this hell.But my happiness was broken when I heard his words."contract? When did we? I didn't remember it," he said." Hey, idiot. you only made me sign the contract before and after the marriage. "" Oh. did you see the contract after that? " he asked. " no. " I
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Chapter 106 poisoned
Then the head department meeting. All the departments were working badly than before. I don't know how I will improve my performance within these two months. I felt like my mind would burst. After a long period of the meeting. I settled myself in a place. I can't lose my position easily. I started to work after taking a short rest. while going through the files I came to know half the clients withdrew their contract from the company. I felt a headache. Whenever I ask Mr.Edmin is there any problem in the company. He would tell me there was no problem. But now when I took a glance at the file. There were a lot of problems with it. If it continues to go like this then the company should be shut down. Now I realized that I made the biggest mistake by leaving Edmin to manage the company in my absence.And Clara, she didn't call me at all. I think I should give her a call to ask what happened. I came back to the mansion and toss
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Chapter 107 Dead
" It's a diabetes medicine. It is manufactured by our country. but there are two medicines in a single bottle. It little bit made me suspect." said Clara." diabetes medicine? " I repeated her words." yes. "" and the second medicine?" I asked" it's a drug and it's not used for diabetes but it is used to activate the dead brain cells. I don't know why they mixed the medicine with another medicine. I looked at the market for a similar medicine. There was a similar medicine in the market. it's also consumed by diabetic patients but the medicine which I bought is different from the first medicine which you gave me. And there is a difference in these two bottles" she said as she placed both the bottle on the desk and pointed. " see at the corner of the label. you find the drug strength has been mentioned. ," said Clara. " yes. "" and see this medicine is also the same manufacturer and see it also has the same drug strength but both
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Chapter 108 Why Amanda has my mom's photo??
" After I noticed the missed calls. I called her back but it was not reachable," said Clara." mm"" Did they find the body? " I asked." Yes, not one but three."" three? " I repeated her work." Yes and still, the bodies are not confirmed. ""Oh. ""in the river or godown? " I asked her while glancing at my surroundings." both. "" Who saw the bodies? "I asked." truck driver. "" truck driver?" I repeated her words." Yes," she said." timing?"" 9:30 pm. "" Oh. "" did they go to her hostel? " I asked." not yet. "" mm. " I shook my head." Did her friend be notified? "" She has no friend other than us," said Clara as she glanced at her cell phone." what? how? " she mentioned her boyfriend to me." her boyfriend? " I asked." No, she does not have a boyfriend. " what is this? again a different twist?
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Chapter 109 is he a wizard?
While driving...My concentration was not on driving.Does she have any relation with my mom? if I have her bag. it will be easy to find any clue but I don't have her bag with me. " Clara, did Amanda leave her bag in your hospital? "" mmm. I" said Clara. " wait! wait! I think yes. she was in a hurry so she left the bag in my cabin and went out and she didn't come back again. so her bag is in my cabin. " explained Clara." Good. "We went to the hospital and found her bag in Clara's cabin. Clara raised tons of questions in front of me. However, I didn't reply to her silly questions. I looked into her bag in the hope of finding something useful but finally, I found a diary. I didn't open it. I placed the dairy where it was and took the bag and tossed the bag inside the car and drove to the spot.Before we get down from the car. I warned Clara. Not to inform the crew about Amanda's bag. She nodded her head like
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Chapter 110 just sold my hubby
" that... I got a spam call. so I switched off the phone. " I said while I placed my hand behind me. " Oh. spam? " " yes...yes.." " The spam you are talking about 'me'? uh? " said Alex. " " I shook my head. " a single call from your friend, Clara, and other calls came from me. Then how can you get spam calls? and you switched off after my call then how can you get a call from spam. " I just showed my teeth. go to the conference room and give your lecture. Those idiots in your company will listen to you, not me. Why are you lecturing me? if I have the fate of meeting him again in my next life then pls God make me deaf. it will reduce my ear pain. If I am deaf I don't need to listen to his nonsense. Before Alex could start his monologue. The police officer called him. " Sir, is there any problem? Why did you show up yourself here, sir? If you called me I would have come. " said the head police officer with respect.
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