All Chapters of Forced to marry a murderous Mafia King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
255 Chapters
Chapter 111 Her diary
I forgot what they will be looking like now. I have only a few photos which we took when we were celebrating my birthday. I am still looking at these photos to make myself remember them.For my birthday, I just don't want anything but my parents. I miss them. -Amanda___In the upcoming pages. she wrote about her life and wanting to join a famous university. ___4 th March 20xxDear God,Today it's my 17th birthday, Today I am happy. My wish came true. I met my father after 10 years. He told me how he missed me these years. I asked him to take me home to see my mom and brother and my family. but my father's words broke my hope. He told me they didn't wish to see me. Why didn't they wish to see me? why? Am I bad luck? Why do you hate me? I have no friends, no relatives. why? I was alive to hear this. I wish I could die. - Amanda___If she saw her father then why did she tell me
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Chapter 112 Send these letters to my father, IAN WHITE.
The next very second I got another warning message. Now I understood they were watching my moves. I couldn't do anything. Next month, finally the doctor changed medicine.which didn't cause much of a problem.but it increased my addiction to medicine. It made me not want to live my life without medicine for a second. I don't know why they are using us as an experimental tool. Day by Day they increased the treatment which made me lose my memory frequently. I, Who was always first in everything, now became a loser and comes last in everything. I was appreciated for my intelligence by many teachers when I was young and before joining the university but now I have become a coward. I managed not to reveal the truth. Now I have lost my memory of what my mom looks like. After entering the University I wasn't able to go out of the university or drop out. it's was impossible. I felt I was arrested.- Amanda. ___next paper,
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Chapter 113 ' Did I marry a child?? '
" I want tea made by my wife," he said.I just glared at him." ask the servant. " I said." I gave them a day off. "" then lunch? "" you have to cook," he said." cook? it's not in my dictionary. " I replied." oh really. "" yes. "" Ok, now I want tea. " he asked." I can't make tea for you. " I answered him back." I want. "" No, I can't. "" I want tea. " he raised his voice" you won! you won " I repeated the words. if I stay a second in the living room with him I will be tortured to death by his lecture." you are torturing an innocent child always. " I said.I stood up and went to the kitchen. A smile appeared on his face which was unseen by Risa.I stood in the center of the kitchen. I don't know how to make tea or anything. Did he ask for black tea or Green tea or white tea or iced tea?How they will make iced tea? doubtful.
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Chapter 114 you are naive.
" What do you mean by that? " I asked. " Why do I have to stop working? " He switched off the gas and stood in front of me. He slowly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer." Because you won't be safe when you go out without me," he said as he kissed my hair." First, Your safety is important," he caressed my hair. why did he suddenly care about me?" I know my safety." What is he thinking about?" But Baby ..."" you shouldn't restrict me. you, bad man " I cried out. I turned my face away from him with a furious look. " ok, Risa, I won't compel you. but you should be careful with your assistant and your surroundings. " he caressed my hair." assistant? you mean Mr.Edmin. "he nodded his head. " Why? " I asked him doubtfully." I feel suspicious about him. it's not safe if he stays beside you. " He stopped for a minute. " Do you have any problem with the gold corp?"
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Chapter 115 I have to put a full stop to it.
" but..." Clara interrupted." Wait, Risa. I know your question. Some people will come voluntarily for the test. right? "I nodded my head." Yes, there are some people but the hospital has to pay a certain amount of money to the person who is wishing to undergo the experiment test. and this method is not supported by the government. There will be more side effects after the test. If the experiment leads to some other problem the hospital has to pay him for his lifetime.but it's totally risky and the government is also not supporting this method. so no hospital will practice the newly founded treatment on a healthy person or an affected person without their concern of the people or with the concern of the people. But this hospital is forcing the students or the people to be their experimental tool.And there is a list of student's names presented in the book. I think these are the persons who went to f country in the name of the internship course
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Chapter 116 Disloyal dog
Time passed, Alex called me but I didn't attend his call. After completion of the meeting. I went to the basement after I got the information from Lav." Nice to see you, Mr.Edmin. " I said. If I didn't take any action now then they will continue to fool me in the future. The room was dark with a single source of light." Ma'am, I heard that you called me," said Edmin." yes. yes. I have something to discuss with you. Take a seat. "I sat on the main seat and glanced at Edmin." Is there any problem, Ma'am?"" No, there is no problem but recently I found there was a speck of dirt without cleaning for three years. So I have to clean it today or it could spread wider. "" What happened, Ma'am? " asked Edmin." Nothing. Just look at the video and say your comments about the video. Lav, play the video. "After the video, Edmin started to shiver and wiped his forehead." what happened, Edm
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Chapter 117 How dare he could take my power
Before Steven( Alex's assistant ) could leave the room Alex gave some orders and left with the file.Alex dropped his pen on the pen stand and stared into my eye without saying anything. I tried to move away but he didn't leave me." you have to be grateful that I helped you to evade the losses. " I said proudly.__Alex chuckled at her words these losses are nothing to him. but he was happy that his kitten thought about him. __" you still didn't tell me the reason," he asked."don't act. I am sure you know about it. " " I asked him curiously." No," he said coldly." you. idiot. I know that you know about this matter. and you signed the contract with Eric and Jacob too. also, you became a shareholder of Gold Corp. how could you say that you don't know about their illegal activities. " I said."there is a reason for not telling you and also I don't want you to know about it," said Alex as he pinched my n
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Chapter 118 is Amanda related to me?
___On funeral day ___ The three bodies were buried in the same cemetery without making them into ashes. Due to some problem, I couldn't attend the funeral ceremony. Next day After completion of my work. It may be the afternoon. That time I left the company and arrived at the cemetery with a bouquet. It's a little formal to visit her grave. I don't know when I will have time to visit or I can say I will forget about it or I won't visit after this visit. I parked my car away from the cemetery to take a small walk. I love to take a walk in the forest area. The cemetery is located in the center of the forest. So it's best to visit the cemetery before evening. Because I am really scared of ghosts or I can say ghosts could get scared of me. * haha * kidding. I am not that scared. Before I enter the cemetery. I found a familiar car, with a familiar car plate no. Where I saw this car. With a thought in my mind, I entered the cemetery and searched
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Chapter 119 Thief
After an hour,what trouble. I jumped inside the window and looked at the darkroom in front of me." is this record room? " I murmured. I took out the blueprint and found I landed in the correct place.Currently, I am on the 3rd floor or the 5th floor. confusing.I am an expert in climbing trees and walls. Because for three years it was my habit to escape from the house and roam around and I am also an expert in bunking classes in college as well as school.I placed the blueprint back into my pocket and took a torchlight.' sigh' to get a piece of evidence what end-all I have to do for it._____An hour before.After the police officer left the place and the man with a cap stood up and moved away.I just looked at them. They went out and spoke something and went away. After I completed my donut. I paid and took the Americano with me in a takeaway cup and before I settled inside the car. I hea
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Chapter 120 Now, let's play a small game.
I was about to freak out but controlled myself and spoke " hello sir. "" are you Risa? " asked the officer." yes. "" Oh. why are you here?"" I came with the head office and somehow I got lost. so. " I said with an innocent face. I have to use the head police officer as a scapegoat for now." Oh. but now only our head officer left. "" oh my God. Sir can you take me out. " I said." ok. "' sigh ' just missed. I thought he was still in the room.I come out with the help of one of the officers. I thanked him and took my leave from there.I settled myself in the car and tried to call the detective.No, response.I tried many times. Still, no response. What happened.At that time a message notification popped out. the sender was ' unknown. ' it read._____*I warned you before. Not to dig the matter. you didn't obey my words.Now you will suff
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