All Chapters of Forced to marry a murderous Mafia King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
255 Chapters
Chapter 131 Clara
I strike out my name and write his name before he gets the paper.Gave the paper to him. " You are handsome like a chimpanzee. " I whispered and chuckled. Alex stopped chuckling and continued with the meeting. I don't know what to do. so I played with the pencil. From time to time, the woman who fell on his arms was peeking at him. I felt somewhat irritated. After the meeting.I came out of the room and met Mr.Steven. " Hello, Mr.Steven. "" Hello, Madam," he said as he arranged the files on his desk." You can call me sister. " I said. Steven nodded his head. " And thanks to you, that you attended the meeting on my behalf and took half of my burden. "" No problem. I just did what sir told me. "" Mm.., And I want to ask something and don't tell him. "" Yes, Madam. "" oh, call me sister. and who is that woman near him? " I asked as I pointed out the woman near Alex." She is his per
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Chapter 132 Misunderstanding
before I turn away to escape from there. Alex stopped me and said " I know you have been escaping and I saw you avoiding and being hesitant to contact your friend. Today, you should clear your misunderstanding. I know what happened on that day and as for the man who messaged you had passed away. Don't imagine something which didn't happen. Ok, I will go now and pick you up afterward, and don't ever go anywhere without your friend. " he said as kissed my cheek and left the restaurant.wait! How did he know about what happened that day? and passed away? Tell me clearly, idiot.I looked at Clara. She frowned at me. I am going to die. Can anyone help me?before I turn back. " Risa, are you trying to escape again ? " said Clara. I gave up. I went to the table and sat across from her with my head down." I am s-sorr..." before I would complete my sentence. Clara knocked on my head. I rubbed my head. " Do you have any sens
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Chapter 133 Do I really fall in love with him?
" Can't you understand my words? I am telling you when you will express your love. and don't tell me you don't like him. You know better than me whether you like him or not. you ask yourself. you will know the truth. "I looked at her with my eyes widened. " Tell me and don't say you are still in love with that insane " she urged. " Which insane are you talking about? "" Steven or Eric. something " she said." I am not. My love had died for him after his betrayal and my hatred still keeps on increasing for him. "" Oh my God. I thought you are still loving him. and this is the first time I am wrong in judging people. if I didn't pursue you to accept him. You won't have to suffer in that year. " she said with her head down."It is ok. "" And tell me. When are you prepared to tell him? And my small advice. Don't ever leave him. You are lucky to have him and he is treating you well. I can see and feel that. "Am
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Chapter 134 Suspension letter.
Two days passed.Alex didn't bother us in these two for this vacation. I can satisfy myself with this shopping. That idiot told me this place is full of romantic spots but he didn't bring me anywhere like such so-called romantic spots. I have to punish him for sure.Clara and I shopped as much as we could purchase. We explore many things. The second day, in the afternoon. Alex has some work to be completed so we flew earlier. Clara has some work in the y country so she couldn't fly with us and stayed in the inn. As I told him. he changed the stewardess. This stewardess was not like that woman before. I felt a little warm but for days But he began to act strangely after that call which he got that night. What happened to this idiot these days. Did any ghost occupy him?After we arrived at the mansion. immediately he left after he dropped me at the mansion. work!! work!!! he should marry the work, why
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Chapter 135 Slap
" I don't know the reason. "" Then how will you write the exams," he said." I don't know. We will see. Okay bye. See you later. " I said and went out of the university and drove towards the mansion.I went inside and tossed my bag and key on the couch and sat on the couch. I laid my head on the couch and stared at the ceiling.I heard Alex saying " What happened, Baby. "" Nothing. " I said." Ok, I have a meeting. See you in the evening," said Alex as he moved out without taking a look at me. I was bemused. Where is my kiss, idiot? Idiot, Buffalo. Suddenly he stopped his track and turned towards me and took his steps. I just stared at him. He came towards me. Did he hear what I thought? but he didn't come towards me but for his phone. He took his phone which was placed beside me on the couch and stared at me. I frowned at him. " Idiot. " I murmured.he chuckled and kissed my temple and
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Chapter 136 I am just a material for you
I threw the paper on his face. I grabbed his collar and yelled at him " Why did you play with my feelings Alex? "_____Before half an hour___" J-just see," he said.I opened the file and found some papers which have some bold letters on its 'transfer of company shares agreement' and some other papers. my eyes widened when I saw Alex's name and my father's signature on the paper.I looked at my father." See the second file," he spoke without looking at me. as he said. I took the second file and looked at it. There was a divorce agreement. I immediately asked my father." What's it, dad? for whom divorce agreement is paper. " I said." Hereafter, I can't risk your life for my own benefit. " my father said." Tell me properly, dad. ""It's dangerous for your life to stay with him. And that's for you and as for the company share, you have to give it to Alex after getting a divorce. " he hesitated.
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Chapter 137 I love you
before I turn away and walk towards the door. Alex stood up from his seat and grabbed me and locked me in his arms." Don't leave me," he yelled. Instantly my tears which I stopped for a while began to fall from my eyes." Idiot, leave me. you g-got...what you...waited....for...Just l-leave me. " I screamed." YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHTS TO LEAVE. " he shouted." You got what you wanted for these months. Please leave me. " I couldn't stop my tears." I love you, baby. I love you. don't leave me. you shouldn't leave me. " he yelled." I hate you, please leave me. I don't want to see you again in my life. I thought y-you won't play with me as he did but you proved m-my thought was w-wrong. " I struggled in his arms." Please, don't leave me. I can't be without you," he screamed. He made me face him." Leave me. i-i don't want to see you in my...." Before I could complete my words. He made me face him. he crushed h
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chapter 138 is it a date?
The first time I met you, You were a stranger to me and made me feel insecure.Now, you made me realize my love for you and made me safe. I had no idea how much I will love you and am eager to wait for your love in the future.I didn't say anything. I felt happy and comfortable. I have found someone who will love me and stay with me and nourish me other than my parents and friends. my false thoughts were broken about him with his single word. He is in love with me and I began to fall in love with him within that second. I just stayed on his lap with our fingers linked together not leaving him to work and making him concentrate on me and peeped at him from time to time.The misunderstanding and the problem between us were solved. Next day.I don't know when I fell asleep in his arms and came to the bed. I looked around. The time was 8 am. before I lie on the bed. immediately my eyes widened and began to panic a
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Chapter 139 Date
" oh, you want a girl. you take a step out. I will kill you for sure. come and sit here. " I pointed towards the couch. He didn't move but stared at me. I pulled him inside and made him sit on the couch.I closed my laptop and placed my headphone on the laptop and looked at the dress on the nightstand. I took the dress and went to the washroom to change myself. I came out after changing into the dress which was on the nightstand. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my reflection. It's a red frock. it covered my knees. Days before that idiot told me to cover fully from neck to ankle before going out but now my back is so revealing. I looked at the reflection of him in the mirror and frowned at him. but he didn't react at all. I unlocked my messy bun and left my black hair to touch my waist. I wore my earnings as I peeped at his reflection. immediately I asked him. " This time. What animal park are you planning to bri
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Chapter 140 Gun point
he wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered " Do you like it? "" I love it, Alex. How do you know that I love seashore scenes? " I asked him. [ He has to thank Martin for his stupid idea which made his wife happy. ]without getting a reply I moved forward without him nearby. I ran to the water. I stood in the low-level water with my bare feet, feeling the freezing water.Alex slowly came behind me. I asked him " I didn't think you could have a good romantic sense. I am loving it. " I chuckled." Another one thing," said Alex as he took my left hand and slid the ring to my ring finger.I was dumbfounded. Brother Martin didn't tell me about this part and the date on the seashore.After he slides the ring. he placed a kiss above the ring finger " Now, no one will judge or look at my wife," he said as he pulled me in his arms and kissed my temple. " uh?" He gave me a ring and told me to slide the rin
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