All Chapters of Forced to marry a murderous Mafia King: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
255 Chapters
Chapter 151 Prison
I threw myself on the king-sized bed and stared at the chandelier which was hanging on the ceiling. On the outlook, this private area may be more than 1000 acres. The interior design was lavish. I wonder did he own this property legally or stolen it.leave that matter. I was not astonished by the area or the interior design or the exterior design. But one thing horrified me. Everywhere almost two to four bodyguards are guarding every door and every corridor. And those bodyguards are not with empty hands but a nearly 4 feet gun is there in their hands.A single word came into my mind ' PRISON'I currently feel like being in prison.Alex came out of the dressing room with his undone tie on his neck." I will come back within two weeks," said Alex." Are you okay, baby?" he asked as he took a look at me." How will I be okay after you put me in prison and you are leaving immediately. " I sighed.He chuckled." There is so
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Chapter 152 Lily
Immediately after he left. My cell phone began to ring. I looked at the caller. Unknown? I stared at the cell phone but didn't dare to attend the call.  Again my cell phone began to ring. I reached out and grabbed my cell phone and attended the call.  " Hello. " I said. " Risa,  are you that busy not attending my call? " said Carlos. " Hey dumb, is that you? " " Yes, it's me. Why are you not attending my call?  " " Had some work. Whatsup? "" Your punishment has been reduced. " " uh? " " What ' uh '? Professor told you to come to college within two days or you will again be expelled. " " are you joking? I won't buy your words. " " It's true, Ri. To pass this information I have been trying to call you since yesterday. " " Yesterday evening? " 
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Chapter 153 Graveyard
" If I got bored. Did he order you to bring me here? " " Yes, Madam. " She replied. I looked at the room. What the heck? Who said that I love books?I hate books. I always kept my distance away from the books. In this lifetime, books won't become my friend. But be an enemy. " Is there any place better than this? " " What happened madam? " " Nothing.  " I sighed and went inside. I grabbed a random book from the shelf and sat on the window couch and patted my side.  " Come and take a seat. " " No madam. We can't enter the Master's study room without his permission. " She denied. " Just come and sit. " She hesitated but came and sat beside me and began to blabber something.I just listened to her and shook my head.I looked out through the window as I asked her "what is surrounde
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Chapter 154 Miss me
I yawned." Why won't they leave a human being to sleep peacefully? " I murmured." Come and stand here," said Carlos as he pulled me aside." Why did you call me in the early morning. " I asked while I yawned."yesterday, You left the class earlier without listening to the announcement. And you escaped from the work. We stayed back and did every preparation. I tried to call you. but you didn't attend my single call... "" Wait. Stop your monopoly and come straight to the matter. What special today to call us earlier and why did they made our department students stand alone with these professors" I interrupted his words." Our new dean is coming for an inspection. our professor thought we are the only kind of species who are workless in the whole college so he made our department take up the work."" New dean? " I asked." yep. "" whole university? "" Y
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Chapter 155 Cooling down my angry kitten
“ Miss me, baby?”I frowned. I turned my face away from him. Alex looked at me and placed his head in the crook of my neck. “ Are you angry, baby?” he murmured as he inhaled and kissed my neck. His hand slowly slipped under my skirt.“ I hate you,” I slapped his hand off of me.“ Hate me? “ he asked.He continued” But someone was enjoying the kiss just a few minutes before.” he smirked.“ you..” I stumbled.He bit my collarbone while his hand slowly slipped under my skirt again.I slapped his hand off and pushed his head. I warned him “ keep your hands off me.”“ Why is my baby angry? ““ I am not your baby,” I questioned him.“ You're my cute baby which I own legally,” he said while he pinched my nose.“ Why didn't you attend my call these d
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Chapter 156 Cage your husband
“ Are you not happy?” he asked.“ It's not about whether I am happy or not.”“ Then?”“ But Why did you come here? “ I asked.“ Are you not happy to see me?” he raised his eyebrow.“ Who told you I am not happy? I really missed you. I was eagerly waiting to see you. But why did you come here? just now a bitch ordered me to fix a date with you.”He immediately chuckled.“ I also may be the reason to make others have the chance of approaching you by selling your phone number and revealing to others that I have some kind of relationship with you. Now I regret it. But you are the main reason. How dare she order me to fix a date for her with my husband. I don't know what will come in the future. how many girls will drool at my husband and ask for a date like that bitch.”“ My jealous wife,” he sai
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Chapter 157 My head is gonna roll.
“ Ma'am, your coffee.” Lav showed up behind me and handed me the cup. I turned towards her.I nodded my head and took the cup from her hand. I turned towards the glass wall.I took a sip and started the conversation.“ why..”“why..” both started at the same time.We both chuckled.“ you tell,” Alex said.“ Why are you still awake?” I asked.“ my wife didn't return home. How can I sleep without my wife beside me? So I am waiting for her.” he replied.I smiled.“ Your wife won't return home, for now,” I said and took a sip from my cup.“But I want my wife,” he said.“ Don't wait for me,” I replied.“ Just tell me if you can't solve the problem. I will…” I interrupted him.“ Alex, I told you before I will solve it on
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Chapter 158 But it's not my decision.
I went to the office and settled down in front of my desk. If the HR department took legal action from the very beginning this problem wouldn't have happened.I called Lav.“ Yes, Ma'am.” She stood inside my office.“ I forgot to ask about that manager?”She understood my question and gave her reply “ Regarding his contract and punishment everything is settled. ”“Mmm. legally?”" No madam. It's not a good idea. So we took care of him. "“ mm good. Lav, when did they begin to report about the harassment ?” I asked her as I rubbed my forehead. “ For two months they have been reporting to the HR department. But the HR department didn't take any serious action and the HR department thought it was not that serious to take action.”“not serious? Now, what happened?” I continued. “ S
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Chapter 159 I came here to get my kiss
The door of the meeting room opened and revealed a man. He entered the meeting room with his hands slipped inside his pocket and his coat was over his shoulder which made him so attractive as well as like a king. With his powerful aura, he made others shiver.Why do I have to shiver after seeing my husband?He went to the end of the room and took his seat facing me.Immediately a man got up from his seat in the fear of losing the chance of pulling me from my position.“ Mr. Alex..., It' may b-be o-our client b-but you are not an s-shareholder o-of this c-company. .” He stammered in fear.“ Sorry, to disappoint you. I have to announce that I am a shareholder of this company.”He stopped for a second and spoke.“ Second largest shareholder of this company,” he said as his assistant placed the file on the table.The shareholders immediately took the file and took a look
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Chapter 160 Devil
I still didn't complete the work. What I will do. Before I settle in front of my desk. I went to Lav’s desk. “ Ma’am.” She called out.“ Is there any progress? If not then call the HR director.” I ordered her.“ I think there is no need for it, ma'am." " What do you mean? " I asked.  " I don't need to tell you but you can find it yourself, Ma’am. “ She said as she switched to the news on the computer.After a minute, I rushed to my office and went inside the private bedroom. I turned on the television and switched to the news channel. I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. When he found my presence he turned and looked at me. “ What happened, baby.” He asked me with a smile on his face.“ What did I tell you? Didn't I tell you not to help me by any means?&rdqu
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