All Chapters of Forced to marry a murderous Mafia King: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
255 Chapters
Chapter 171 I just want to stay like this.
" Where are you taking me? " I asked. " You will know it soon, Baby. " He said as he linked his fingers with mine and kissed my knuckles.  After half an hour, the car stopped at a point. He got down and helped me to get down from the car. It's a cliff. I looked at him as I moved away from the car. I looked at the surroundings. Nice atmosphere and pleasant too. I took a deep breath.He approached me and stood behind me." I use to like this place. I thought you too would like it. So I brought you here. " " Like it? " He asked. I nodded my head and tried to look down. From here we were able to see the entire city. The lights were still up which made the city twinkle like a star. He leaned on the car and pulled me and buried his head in the crook of my neck. He relaxed as he slowly inhaled." The other side is covered with sea. Wan
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Chapter 172 Grudge
Author POV After Risa went inside the inn. A few minutes later Some girls showed up in front of the professor with the bags and the light lamp in their hands.  " Oh, you guys brought it. It's good. Then someone goes and informs Risa to come back. " The professor spoke. " It's okay, professor. There will be no need. We informed her while we were on our way. " A girl spoke. " Then okay. But I didn't see Risa. " The professor asked. " She came back already and sat inside the bus. I think you didn't notice her return. " Isabella came forward and spoke. " Oh okay. Then everything is ready. I suppose. " Professor said as she inspected other buses. Isabella exchanged a smile with the girls and hauled into the bus.After a two hours trip, the bus reached the village and one by one got down from the bus. Suddenly Carlos noticed that he didn'
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Chapter 173 Old friend
Days passed.The exam approached near. Isabella stopped giving me trouble and focused on exams.To avoid long driving. I stayed in my penthouse which is a little bit nearer to the university till my graduation day. Alex had no option other than to stay with me. so he stayed with me in the penthouse till my graduation day and helped me in my studies. Finally, I completed my exams.  On graduation day. I requested my parents to attend my graduation day but they gave me some excuse to avoid attending it. Their decision made me totally upset. Even my mother gave some excuses to avoid attending it. I felt irritated.Even though Alex had a meeting he didn't fail to attend my graduation day. there is someone who is caring about me but still, I was totally in the mood out for the entire day.  At the end of the ceremony,  
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Chapter 174 WHO IS SHE?
“ Do you think I will buy your words?” I yelled.“ How was your day, Baby ?” He asked.“As usual,” I said as I gazed at him.“ And in-between don’t try to change the topic, Alex,” I said. “WHO. IS. SHE.?” I asked him again as I stood up from the couch.  “ I swear, she is just an old friend of mine.”“ Old friend? “ I suspiciously asked him as I leaned on the desk with my arms folded across my chest and gazed at him.“  AND WAIT!! WAIT!! IS IT BECAUSE OF HER DID YOU COME LATE TO HOME ON YOUR BIRTHDAY?” “Baby,....” “ ANSWER ME,” I asked as I grabbed his tie.  “ Yes.” “Mm.”“Baby, she was my past.” He spoke. 
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Chapter 175 First love
In the XX café   I entered the café and took a seat near a window.  I called out the waiter and ordered a cup of cappuccino and looked out through the window.  Suddenly I heard a woman's voice.  " I didn't expect Miss Risa to come earlier than me. " The woman spoke sarcastically.  I turned and took a look at the woman.  Oh, It turns out to be the stray dog.  " mm."   " Oh, it's you who called me, the stray dog. "  I spoke. " Yes, Miss. Risa. And sorry that I didn't introduce myself. I am Maria Logan. I am Alex's friend as well as his first love. Soon will be Alex's wife." She glimmered and took a seat in front of me.  First love? oh, I
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Chapter 176 Lover
A few days later,  After I completed the pending work in my father's company. I  came back to my company with some files with me.  I settled in my office with a headache. I tossed the files in front of my desk. I took the handset. Before I could make a call." Ri, is that you? "  Carlos asked.  I looked towards the doorway. My eyes flew up. I kept the handset on the desk." Hey dumb, what the hell are you doing here?" I was astonished. I stared at him from top to bottom. " Puff.." I laughed. " Nice costume. " I laughed out loud as I pointed at his three-piece dress. " Is there anything wrong with my dress? " Carlos spoke as he adjusted his coat and looked at me.   " Nothing..." I covered my mouth and tried to stop laughing. 
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Chapter 177 Baby
“ lover?” Alex uttered as he moved eyes flew up after I heard his voice. " A-Alex?" I stammered.  He looked at Carlos as if he was gonna shoot him on the spot.But wait, what is he doing here? And with Maria?  What the fuck he is doing with this BITCH? Carlos settled on his seat. “ It may be good if I become her lover,” Carlos said as he winked at me. His words shifted everyone's focus. I stared at him with my eyes widened.
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Chapter 178 If you can
“ Answer my question first, Risa.”“ Why do I have to?” I talked back.“ Don’t test my patience, Risa.” he roared.“ and asking me ‘ Who am I to ask a question? ‘ Yes of course I am your husband, baby. I have every right to question you."“You don’t have any right,” I screamed.“ You still didn't tell me why you were there with that bitch?" “ First answer my question and you dare to call a man ‘ BABY ‘ in front of me.” He again spanked on my buttock “Why do I have to? And I will call every man ' BABY ' in front of you. "" You will? "" Yes, I will. " He spanked my buttock after he hears my response.   " Why are you still in contact with that bitch.” I screamed.“ I told you not to be in contact w
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Chapter 179 Pervert
Alex carried Risa in his arms and went towards their room.  He slowly placed her on the bed. Soon his cell phone began to ring. He took out his cell phone and immediately his expression changed. Without thinking twice he attended the call.  After a few minutes, he hung up the call and began to get ready. He came out of the dressing room wearing his gloves. He took a look at his sleeping kitten. He slowly approached her and caressed her cheek and pecked on her forehead before he departed.   Next day,   Maria looked at Carlos who was seated in front of her as she took a sip from the cup. She wetted her lips before she began to speak. “ I will help you.” “Excuse me?” Carlos asked with his bemused mind. “
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Chapter 180 Misunderstanding 
" Married? Stop kidding, Risa. I know you very well. " He spoke.    " I am not kidding. " I said as I showed my ring.    " It's been a year since I got married. " I spoke as I took a look at the ring and adjusted it.  I moved my focus away from my ring when he began to speak. " Haha. " He laughed out loud. "   With a fake ring do you think I will believe your words? " He continued.   " It's just a single fake ring. I will buy you thousands of diamond rings as much as you want. " He spoke " Believe it or not. But it's true. " I said. " If you still didn't believe me, do an investigation. I know you will for sure" I continued. " And You may ask why your loyal dog, Edmin, didn't tell you about my marriage. Because I began to suspect your loyal dog so  I enclosed this marriage from him. "  He tapped his fingers on the table as he l
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