All Chapters of My Badass Secretary: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
89 Chapters
CHAPTER 67: Decision
CHAPTER 67I didn't wait for Farris to finished his foods. I went to his office immediately and did my pending works. I sighed when the door opened because I know who that is. I sensed him walking towards his table and I tried so hard not to lift my eyes towards him.My decision is just perfect. I know that this is the right thing but why am I hurting to the fact that we are like this just because of his ex wife? I don't know. Maybe because I can't just told him to cut his connection with Lauren. I am not that bad and heartless to do that. But all of these have consequences. Because of our situation I can't be with Farris. Yes we can but we can't entirely be happy. We will always fight and I am afraid that he'll get tired of me.That's why I chose this. I chose to have not a relationship with him because even though I am jealous and possessive of him I can't do anything because I know that we are nothing.I feel like I couldn't breathe the whole time we'r
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CHAPTER 68: Kidnap
CHAPTER 68If I can just forget what happened in just a blink of an eye I already did it as soon as I left that coffee shop. I thought that it will be just fine. I didn't know that it will be painful. Seeing or watching Farris held another girl is another heartache for me.But because we are not committed to each other anymore I can't do anything but to watch them even though deep inside me I am hurting too.I sighed after I enter my car. Ben immediately drove it towards the Carter's Group building. I don't want to work or I am thinking of just having a leave for work but it will just make me an incompetent employee. I don't want to mixed my personal life inside my work.Now I realized how much Farris changed me in just a span of months. I've learned to let go and understand the others more. I've learned how to cope up when I am hurting and how to deal with my own problems. He changed my life without my consent. But...even though it wasn't in my plan to b
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CHAPTER 69: Back
CHAPTER 69WARNING: MATURE CONTENT!The moment he kissed my lips I lost my energy to refuse. His kisses are making my mind clouded with the emotions and feelings he filled me. I lost my rational mind and the only thing I am thinking right now is his kisses to me. Instead of pushing him away, I encircled my arms around his nape and deepened the kiss. I've been longing for him for a long time now and I felt like I'd experienced a long desert before I saw a water again.I moaned under my breath when he started massaging my right breast with his hand. His touched sent shivers down my spine. He is giving me a familiar heat that he is the only one who can ignite the fire within me.My trembling hand slowly slid inside his shirt to feel his skin. Damn! Even touching him excites me! He continued kissing my lips until it went down on the soft spot of my neck. I moaned his name as I breathed for more air. I feel like I am losing my supply of oxygen every time his lip
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CHAPTER 70: Standards
CHAPTER 70I looked myself in the mirror while wearing the clothes that Farris gave to me. I frowned when I realized that these clothes doesn't suits me in anyway. It was a huge shirt and loose pants. I looked like a damn street dancer! And Farris told me that we're going to stroll around the place?Farris went out of the bathroom wearing his robe. His hair is still wet from the shower. I glared at him the moment I saw him. He raised his brows at me and surveyed the clothes on me."Stop glaring at me," he said with a smirk on his lips. I frowned more. I can't believe that it's all making him amused!"Do you think that these clothes you gave me are my kind of dresses?" I said with sarcasm. He chuckled and opened the closet to find himself a shirt."I don't have any girl's clothes inside my closet Millijay. It's only for a day anyway," he said. I stamp my feet and marched towards the bed to sit."I don't like this, Farris! People will see me i
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CHAPTER 71: Impact
CHAPTER 71WARNING: MATURE CONTENT!Like what we had plan yesterday we prepared going to the beach. Farris bought me a bikini and I just cover myself with see through dress.Farris was still preparing for our dinner when I went out of the beach. We will having night swimming! I saw the sun lounger with bonfire in the middle of it. Maybe Farris already prepared it for us when he went out earlier. I sat down in the sun lounger and lifted my eyes to the night sky. There's so many stars above and I can't help but to be amazed by them. The wind touched my skin as I watched the stars shined above.I always dream to be with Farris like this. Without problems and or any struggles. I will always wish for the night like this with him. And this days and nights with him will always be treasured in my mind, heart and soul.I was distracted by watching the stars when someone put a small table in front of us. I looked down and saw Farris placing the table with th
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CHAPTER 72: Stream
CHAPTER 72I won't ever forget that night with Farris. I can't help the wide smile stifling on my lips the whole time we traveled back towards the city. Farris was holding my hand while Tyron is driving the car on our way home.I rested my head on Farris shoulder and closed my eyes."You're sleepy?" He asked in a whisper. I smiled."You made me sleep late last night Farris," I said. He chuckled in his baritone and played my fingers intertwined with his."I'm sorry. I just can't get enough of you..." he whispered sensually. I chuckled and just rested comfortably on his shoulder. I feel like it was all a dream.The security guards of our gate opened up for Farris' car. The car stopped in front of the mansion. I turned to Farris when Tyron opened the door for us."You have to rest the whole day. I'll call you later," he said. I nodded but when I think about his meeting with his father I can't help but to ask my concern."What abou
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CHAPTER 73: Responsibility
CHAPTER 73I told him about my problems. I told him about my grandfather and my fights with mom. I told him all of it and I was like a child informing her parents and to ask for comfort.I was leaning on Farris' chest while in front of us is the sunset. The wind is touching our skin and making us feel fresh. Farris' arms are encircled around my waist while I am in his middle."Am I wrong Farris? Is it wrong? I know that mom is just worried about her father...but I feel like she already forget the evil things that grandpa did to my father!" I said."Your feelings are valid Millijay," he whispered. I sighed in relief. I know that in this world you can't move on without forgiveness but what if I am still not yet ready? Everything is still new to me. Everything are still painful to me."But why mom couldn't understand my side?" I asked."Because she wants you to forgive...""But I am not yet ready to forgive!" My tone went higher. He kiss
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CHAPTER 74: Time
CHAPTER 74This is my first time that I get serious in my work. This project I am holding right now is about an advertisement for our new venture market. I have to think about an unique way to advertise this market.I checked the time and it was almost 5 in the afternoon. I turned off my phone earlier because Farris was been calling me. I know that any minute now I will just see Farris in my door. I am now thinking for an explanation if Farris would interrogate me. I have to explain to Farris my situation and to make him understand that this is the problem I have to solve on my own.I was in my deep thinking when the intercom rang."What?" I asked."Ma'am...someone is asking for you. It's Mr. Farris Carter," Jonathan said. I sighed. As expected."Let him in," I said.I sighed heavily as the door opened and there I saw Farris with his dark and serious face. He looks a bit mad and irritated."Farris!" I stood up and went to him t
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CHAPTER 75: Family
CHAPTER 75"You know that it won't work right?" I asked back. His preposition is tempting. I really want to be with him alone. Without any problems and just happiness with him. I want all of that. He sighed as he heard my answer.He didn't say anything anymore and just gave me a hug. It makes me awake for the whole night. I want to make it up to Farris responsibility for my dearest company makes me think twice. I don't want my auntie to interfere with our business. I know that she wants it now because she has nothing to do with grandpa anymore because grandpa's bank accounts is now in a delicate level. His company is also almost bankrupt. Auntie might be thinking that Hepburn is also in their mercy. I won't give up this company. Dad built it on his own strength and perseverance. I won't let that go to waste.Morning came next and I saw mom eating her breakfast in the dining. She is now wearing her formal attire. She was sipping her coffee when I sat dow
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CHAPTER 76: Investigated
CHAPTER 76I was so fuming mad when I entered my room. I feel like exploding in so much frustration and anger. Aside from being so mad about this I am so disappointed that mom chose this path. She literally forget me, my dad, all of it. Because she wanted to fix her family so much she can sacrifice me in order to be successful for it. And I can't believe that she can do that. I can believe that she can forget me.All I think about was protecting her...but she's doing the wrong way that makes my heart hurting.I swallowed hard as I opened my closet and searched for my luggage. My tears really wants to flow but I am trying so hard to stop it from falling. I don't want to cry. It will be just a waste of time.I put some of my clothes inside, especially the formal clothes. After packing my things I opened my door to leave but I saw mom standing in front of my door. I baled my fist and looked away. I was about to walk past her when she held my wrist to stop me
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