All Chapters of Deceiving Dimitri: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
63 Chapters
On Knees
I whipped around, gulping. There he was standing at the entrance, watching Catherine with a frown on his firm face. "I came here to grab a drink, and she started insulting me. When I told her to stop, she threw wine at me," she cried, pointing at her soaked cloth. My eyes widened. What the hell!"She's lying, Dimi. She's the one who insulted Hazel first," Aunt Matilde defended me, hands on her hips. Mr Kingston let out a deep breath. "Catherine, get changed, or you'll catch a cold." He diverted his gaze to the side. "Aunt, Mrs Williams is looking for you." Then his adamant eyes steered to me. "Come with me, Ms Green." "But I-" Before I could protest, he turned around and walked out. I huffed, glaring at the spawn of satan who had the audacity to smirk even after everything. "You are fired, Ms Green," she mocked. 
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Bleeding Hearts
The sky above rumbled, deeming the thumping of my foot against the asphalt. Even the universe knew of the storm that wrecked the inside of my little heart. I had been running for a while, hours maybe. The jolts of pain that shot up my leg with every step, began to numb by now, and the tears blurring my vision since my departure, almost dried.    But each time my mind replayed the scene of the bouquet slipping on the floor right before Dimitri collapsed on his knees, sent the fluids cascading down my cheeks like Niagra falls. I hurt him. I hurt the man who did nothing but take care of me at every given chance.    "Why?" A sob left me, and I drooped on the ground, both from melancholy and languish to my bones. "Blake was right. Why didn't I just listen to him? Why couldn't I just stay away?" I yelled at the sky, both from anger over myself and my unfortune fate.    It wasn't long before the cold droplets pou
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Pushing the door open, I stepped onto the roof of my apartment building, feeling the cold draping its frosty arms over me, making a shiver run down my back. But it didn't stop me from walking to the edge and looking beneath. The night had tucked the world under its delicate black wings while it dreamed.    My eyes darted overhead, gliding across the dark velvety sky, drinking in the elixir of a thousand stars shimmering selflessly. It soothed whatever was broken inside. Let it be my heart or soul. If I could be one of those, I'd deliver people with hope and contentment, guide stray souls to their destinations.    But all I did now was hurt. Hurt whoever got close.    The scene from the morning replayed in my head, striking my heart with a newfound anguish. My fingers violently curled inside my palm, nails digging through. Since the beginning I had been hurting him. Why couldn't he just hate me? 
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Messy Encounters
Just a few more days.    Placing my hand on the cold surface of his cabin door, I stared at it. He was so close, yet so far away. So mine, yet not mine at all. But this boundary, it wouldn't be here for long. I wouldn't let it. I'd tear through each wall and tell him everything. From the lies to my love. I'd tell him just how much I wanted him. Needed him.    I had thought it through all night long and hard. The truth would hurt him, anger him, make him hate me, and it would most definitely shatter me, kill me even. But I didn't care as long as he knew my reasons, my helplessness. I could live with his hate but not with him remaining in the dark.    A sigh escaped me. "I hope you'll understand me."    "What should I understand?" a deep, hard voice sounded behind me.    My eyes widened to the sizes of saucers as a shadow fell over my much smaller one on th
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Dance with the devil
I twirled in the midnight blue dress in front of my mirror. Sequins like thousand stars shimmered all over the fabric, giving it a celestial look.   Rang a bell?    Yeah. The same dress I eyed shamelessly in the shop that other day...    It was almost nine last night when Aunt Matilde showed up to my apartment with a large box and her signature smile. I supposed she did not know about the incident yet. So as per her statement, she heard about the party and couldn't stop herself from buying me another dress. She also designated it as her way to thank me for sticking up for her to Christina.    I meant to refuse, but the way the curves on her lips tilted downwards, reminded me of Dimitri's countenance upon my rejection, tugging at my heartstrings, and I could not proceed on my intention anymore.    So here I was, wearing the dress and preparing for tonight. It w
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Only Mine
It was no slow dancing anymore. Rather swift and urgent. The violins played at their highest notes, and so did the trumpets or clarinets. The walls echoed in a storm of melodies, and matching them the heels clicked with equal zeal. I didn't know how many times I squashed his feet, nor I was in the state to count, for pure terror gnawed at my chest.    He never complained, but he was no gentleman anymore either, as he manhandled me through the floor, twirling me under his arm, reclining me almost to the floor and yanking back to his arms, before spinning me round and round and round until my back hit a wall.    It was until the dizziness subsided, did I notice that we were out in a deserted hallway. The proximity at which our bodies almost touched, heated my core. His heavy breathing fanned my face as he watched me with that intensity in those eyes that never failed to transform me into a puddle of wetness.   
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Soft, warm kiss of the morning sun pulled me out of my dreams. Throwing my hands up, I stretched, a contented yawn leaving my mouth. Opening my eyes, I gazed at my best friend, folding the curtains behind the metal holdbacks and flashed her a smile.    "Morning."    "Hm someone looks extra bright today."    Letting out a chuckle, I pulled my body up to a sitting position. "I slept fine."    Coming closer, she sat on the side of my bed and smirked. "Sure. Lemme guess the reason."   I shook my head, laughing. Yeah, pushing aside the guilt, I was happy. So much, I hadn't dreamed so well in what felt like decades. Sure the presence of the lies gnawed at my chest, but I had the right to be happy as well, even if it meant only for a day or two. I knew I was being selfish, but I was so tremendously terrified to face the consequences, it gave me panic attacks just thi
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A heart to cherish or break
"What? Are you sure?" Finishing my survey of the event that would be held in one of the hotels owned by the Kingstons, I was heading out when Jeremy, Sunshine Retirement's head guard called.    "Yes. Positive, Haze," he talked in a hushed tone, probably hiding somewhere. "Montero added two more guards outside the building, and one is fucking armed."    I froze in my spot. Did he find out my plan or something? No, he couldn't. None who knew the matter would betray me ever. But then what the hell was he doing?    "Haze? You have to do something fast. It's getting dangerous working here. I've to literally fight my wife every night."   "I know. I'm sorry."    "Look, if this keeps going on, I won't be able to stay here for long."    Closing my eyes, I heaved a heated sigh. How could he threaten to give up at such hour when the senior home
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A new threat
The day started like any other, sunny and with a sweet 'good morning' text from Dimitri. But my heart drummed an entirely different rhythm. There was this constant quick beating of anticipation, along with the emphatic beats of excitement and fear, for it was a different day. It was the day of salvation, both for the seniors and I. Come tomorrow, I would be free as a bird.  Finishing my morning routine, I sat at the breakfast table. The delicate aroma of Pancakes couldn't enthrall me today as I stuffed my mouth with just enough to pull me through the day.  "Slow down, Haze. You're eating like a pig," Brooke complained from the other side.  "Nom time, Brookie," I said, cramming more inside my mouth, not stopping to relish the taste. "Brookie? Oh my God, Hazel, you have lost your mind," she bursted out, cackling, and like the contagious disease it was, I could not control myself either.
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Panic Attack
  Dimitri's POV~   "Sir, I know you told me not to spy on Ms Green, but I found out something about her just now, and I think you would very much like to know," Douglas, my private investigator reported.    I frowned both from annoyance and curiosity. "What?"    "She had been seen in contact with the manager of Residential Real Estate Brokerage & Management. Apparently, she has been trying to buy twenty apartments from them," he stated.   I sat up straight in my seat, blinking slightly, and that little bastard smirked, knowing he got my attention. "Why would she suddenly need twenty apartments?"    In response he shrugged. "I didn't do any further research as per your order, sir." He got the audacity to possess a smug look.    Ignoring him, I swiveled around in my chair to my backdrop. Nothing that woman did made any sense
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