All Chapters of THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
134 Chapters
 845 word(s)Published72 πŸŽπŸŽJASAMINA🎁🎁. I looked around to see if Jaimie is near but he is not. I can't find my baby boy and it's almost driving me insane. I've been going round the stores here in the grocery market, looking for him. It's been almost twenty minutes which feels like forever. I can't find him! Tears ran down my cheeks and I quickly brushed them away as I walked through yet another session but couldn't find him again. "Jaimie, baby. Please where are you? Don't do this to me!" I whispered as I searched. I told him to stay close and not to stray, but he wouldn't listen! Oh, God! Please, help me find my baby. "Ma'am! Here are the things you bought. You left them right here." The voice of the grocer penetrated my senses. I walked back to her store, "Help me with my stuffs pls". I said politely
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 1293 word(s)Published73 πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽJASAMINA🎁🎁🎁 The sound from my phone had me reaching intoy pocket as I walked down the road just outside the grocery market looking for Jaimie. Tears filled my eyes when I saw that the caller is Anya. "Did you find him?" That was the first I said as I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands." "No, but a lady described a boy who ran after his ball to the road, I'm going down that route to search for him." "Please, it's Jaimie! Please find him, Anya, I'm going to die if I don't find my baby!" "We will find him, Mina, calm down. I'm a few blocks away from you. I'll come meet you now." "No, I'll come meet you, Anya. If I stand here waiting, I'll go insane with the wait." "Okay, okay, I'm waiting." She said softly. I tur
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 811 word(s)Published74 πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽJASAMINA🎁🎁🎁 "Oh My God! Jamie!" I cried hugging him. I thought I'd lost him! I just thought I'd lost my baby boy. I wouldn't have been able to survive it. He's my life and the only one apart from Anya, that keeps me going. Anya also has tears in her as she ruffled his hair "Don't go running off again next time, okay?" Jamie knew he did the wrong thing so he nodded. He bit his lips guiltily, "I'm really sorry, Mama." I nodded still thankful that I found him. We went home and all through the way home and even during dinner, Jaimie talked only about the man he spent his day with. He gave us all the gory details "What did you say his name is again?" I asked when we prepared him for bed. "Sir Tann!" I don't understand hi
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 1027 word(s)Published75 The cab drop me off at the office building. I gasp in awe, looking at it. It was so big... I didn't have time to take in the exterior cause of the interview so I rushed in. I walked straight to the receptionist. "Hello there, how may I help you" the blonde lady said "Hi, I'm here for the job interview" I was breathless from all the running. "Your name, please." Her smile was polite. "Jasamina Rutherford" She checked on her system. "Go have a seat there, Miss Jasamina" I thanked her and moved towards the chairs. I saw two ladies sitting their and sat beside them. "Hi" I greeted. "Hey, you're also here for the interview?" The lady beside me whispered. I nodded "Yeah..." We got interrupted by the receptionist. "Blanca? You're
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 1191 word(s)Published76 TANNER "The A1-2 plane will be in the stock market and that would push it's popularity to the highest level. With the project at hand...." As the manager for the lower market explained at the conference, I lost track of what he was saying again. The meeting is taking more time than I intended for it to, but the project was also an important one and because of that, I can't cut the meeting short. I got up and all the eyes of the board of directors came to me. "Excuse me, gentlemen. Please continue with the meeting, I'll make a call and I'll be back." I didn't wait for their consent or response, I strode out of the conference hall and closed the door. Staring at the deserted hallway, I pulled out my cellphone from my pocket. I dialed Dylan's number. "Hello, sir?"
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 1019 word(s)Published77 πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽTANNER🎁🎁🎁 I stared at the face staring up at me, and I was very sure that I was seeing things. Five years.....even after five years.... I stared at the most beautiful version of the woman that used to be My Jasamina. She looked most beautiful. Five years did the greatest work in her. "J-Jasamina.....?" I couldn't believe that that hoarse voice was mine, but it doesn't matter. I'm staring at her. I'm staring at Jasamina. "Tann!" She left her scattered file there and shot to her feet. She threw her arms around me. "It's really you!" My arms tightened around her, I buried my face in her neck and inhaled deeply. People stared curiously, but I didn't mind. I closed my eyes and hugged her tight. "Oh, Tann! Oh, God!" She gasps repeatedly, plastered to my body.
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 1043 word(s)Published78 πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽTANNER🎁🎁🎁 I watched her pull away from me and gave me a watery smile. She must be among those that applied for a job today. I'm so glad she got the job. I just can't believe that this is her, after all this years. It's as if my chest opened up and raw emotions played in there. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her. After all these years, her kiss is one of the so many things I long for. But it wouldn't be right, would it? A lot of time has passed, and she has a man in her life right now. "How is Xax?" She mumbled as she pulled away. "He's away. I don't know when he'll be coming back but we keep in touch." She nodded again, the silence suddenly awkward. She looked away. The way she kept biting her lips shows that there are words she wants to say, but she k
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 1265 word(s)Published79 Even as I worked, the thoughts of Jasamina still tugged a nerve of mine, rather painfully. So much so that I got a slight headache. " Come in." I half groaned upon hearing the knock on the door. I guessed it was Nessa. The click of her heels was all too familiar " Here is the coffee sir, I I had to remake it because the first one got cold." She said gently as she shut the door behind her, taking a professional stride towards my desk to place the tea cup, and a saucer underneath. " Thanks. You can leave now." I stated, darting my eyes to her retreating steps and seconds later, the door was shut again. I stretched my hand to take the coffee but damn!, I ended up spilling it on the floor as my fingers lost their friction. The cup and saucer followed, shattering into tiny little pieces. What's happening to me?
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 1385 word(s)Published80 JASAMINA. "Yes, he was so happy to see me but I couldn't shake it all off. It hurt bad, the thought that I thought of him so much for the past five years, that I waited so much....and it's as if I became a memory he dropped behind and moved on." Tears ran down my cheeks. I averted my eyes. "Oh Jass...." She came closer and hugged me. I burrowed into her and cried softly. She smells nice and so familiar, but I still wear the cologne of Tann. I can still smell him. She took my silence as a cue to carry on, chiding me softly. "I really understand how you feel, Jass. But, you should have allowed him to explain. You shouldn't have left just like that. He probably has a tangible reason for not coming back as he promised." "The only tangible reason there is, is that he moved on. There is no other reason, Anya. Five years is a long ti
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 1067 word(s)Published81 πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽJASAMINA🎁🎁🎁🎁 Seeing Tanner again would have been all a dream to me if not that I still have the aspirin I drank that very day on my bedpost. It's been one week since our run-in at the company. One week since I left before he could explain. One week of missing him all over again. The first three days, I looked around whenever I came to work and during work for him I couldn't find him. On the third day, I even took the elavator to the head department to look for him but I couldn't find him no matter how much I lurked around searching with my eyes. On the fourth day, I'd taken the courage to ask the woman who was carrying the coffee and staring at us at very day questions. I found out the woman is the direct secretary to the CEO of the company, and when I asked.... "Sorry, the boss is not in his off
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