All Chapters of The Inflammable Secret: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
121 Chapters
You're Her Mother
 -ANASTASIA-Laughing I took another chip from the packet and bit into it. I looked beside me to see Helena gaping at the TV trying to understand what is going on. “You need to be bigger to get it.” I told her before chuckling at another joke Jake from Brooklyn Nine Nine said.It was already 4pm and I got back from work an hour back with Helena. We were well rested and had taken our respective showers after which we are now relaxing in the living room waiting for Nathan to show up. Actually Helena is the one who is waiting I am just watching her.It has been a week and I haven’t still spoken to him about the promotion, in fact the conversation between us was bare minimum. My phone pinged with a message from the realtor that I had found online. There was an affordable flat ready a little away from work. She sent me the pictures to review. I had visited the place, it needed urgent cleaning which I assume now is done from the
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I am Done
-ANASTASIA-We went back to the backyard where they were still planning the baptism. “Does anyone want more drinks?” I asked and when they shook their heads I took a seat beside my mother.Even if I didn’t look at him I knew he was staring at me in anger and I think even my mother noticed t, actually everyone could see it. “Is everything okay between you two?” She asked whispering, I simply nodded.“Now that it is decided we also have a surprise for you children.” Michael said standing up. Cecilia took an envelope from her bag and passed it to him which he took and then kissed her cheek. They were still so in love even after these many years.I waited for Michael to say what the surprise was, when I saw Nathan standing up to leave. He shouldn’t go right now and there is literally no excuse for him to make since Helena is already sleeping in her bed. “Nathan where are you going?”
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Please Stay
-ANASTASIA-“Please stay...” His words keep ringing in my ears as I bring my hand down. There was so much vulnerability in his voice that right now I didn’t care that he hurt me tonight or that he might ignore me again tomorrow, or even the fact that he will never love me.I helped him move closer to me so that his feet were no longer dangling down the bed. “Give me one good reason to stay, Nathan.”“Hel...” I covered his mouth.“Other than her.” He nipped my finger making me shove him slightly. “Behave yourself buddy.”He leaned into the headboard and sighed. “I don’t know any other reason. I don’t know whether you will stay for me.” He slurred. I wanted to tell him that if he said I will stay but I didn’t want to interrupt the honest drunk Nathan. “But...” ah here it is. “There are so many things you don’t know&
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-ANASTASIA-Sunlight! I usually like sunlight but not when it is waking me up from a very comforting sleep. Opening my eyes I tried to turn around but the weight around me held me in my place. What weight? Looking down I saw Nathan’s bare arm around me in a metal grip reminding me of all the events of last night.I really had to pee and his hold was not making it easy for me. Oh shit! Why is there such bright sunlight already? Straining my eyes I read the time on the clock, 10:00am! No… with my free hand I took the phone from the nightstand.5 missed calls from Cain and numerous messages from Mrs. V and Priya as well as Cain. Two missed alarms and the baby monitor was silent as well. Oh god, Helena might be already awake and hungry. With some pressure I turned around, now facing Nathan.The pillows that I had placed as boundary the previous night were now strewn around the bed and one of them was on the floor. Nathan looked s
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Threatening Her
-ANASTASIA-Gasping I turned sideways to see Nathan leaning on the side of the wall of my desk with a hand in his pocket. The blazer of his three piece suit hung on his arm and his hair was all messy and ruffled as if he thought over a lot before showing up here.Even though I was hungry I pushed the packet aside and got back to the article I was writing, I am mad at him no matter how hot he looks or how bringing dinner for me is caring. “Are you seriously going to ignore me?”I nodded and typed a few more lines but reading it again I realized it didn’t even make sense, his presence is messing with my brain. I saved the file and looked at him, “What are you doing here?” He pointed at the dinner making me sigh. “You made me work this late and now you are pretending to care... I really don’t get you Nathan.”He pulled Cain’s chair and sat in front of me before folding his suit neatly and
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Suspicious Friend
-ANASTASIA-Imagine my surprise to wake up next Nathan once again, this is now the fourth time. I am not complaining but it would be nice if I knew that he was going to be there when I open my eyes in the morning. Today I am not even going to ask him because his answer as usual will be that he likes sleeping with me.One might think he is getting closer to me but throughout the day he just ignores me completely and stays most of the day in his office.“Is it weird that I want to hack into Nathan’s email and messages?” I asked Priya sipping my coffee.She choked on the coffee for a second then looked at Cain who seemed amused by my question. “I won’t call it weird but I do think it is the jealous wife in you.” Cain said with a smirk.“See I knew you would say something like this which is exactly why I asked Priya.” I said putting my tongue out at him. “Also ex-wife. I don’t
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-ANASTASIA-“You are finally ready.” I whispered once I strapped Helena’s shoes. I took a step back and looked at her in admiration, she looked amazing and beautiful in her white dress with a fluffy skirt. “Oh my god I might actually cry. Priya wasn’t joking.”I wiped some nonexistent tears and fixed a tiny crinkle in her dress. “Baby you look like an angel.” Nathan said from behind me, he had again entered my room without knocking. I turned around and saw the pride in his eyes but there was also a hint of sadness.“Are you okay?”He raised his brow. “I am fine... I was just thinking that in a few years she will be wearing a white dress again for her wedding.” Aww! Someone is a softy. I pressed my lips together to prevent smiling and simply nodded. “When are you getting ready? We have to leave in five minutes. Please don’t tell me that you are going to mak
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Convincing her
-NATHAN-I just hope Anastasia stays near Marco the entire time, her father continued to play with Helena as her mom gushed about today’s event. “I am so happy that you both are going to that honeymoon, you really need the break.”That caught my attention. “We are?” I don’t remember agreeing, I don’t even think we took the tickets from pops.She nodded eagerly, “Yes, after you stormed off Tasha took the tickets and said you were going, you are, right?”Going away would keep Anastasia safe for a few days at least till I figure out who sent the email and then we can come back. But if she agreed does that mean she is staying? “We are going.”“Great, I can ensure you Helena will enjoy Chicago.” A frown appeared on my face. “Your parents will have her over after one week.”Okay again why are these people taking decisions for us? And how long
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His Plan
-ANASTASIA-His posture stiffened and his jaw clenched. “You don’t have to worry about that.”I scoffed. “You are being serious? Because if anyone has to worry it should be me since the threat is directed at me Nathan.”“Let’s get out of here first.”I shook my head and stopped him from leaving. “No, we are going to finish this conversation.” I wanted to know if he had any clue on who it was but also I will have to tell him that I hacked into his email. I think I might get in trouble for that.“First of all you shouldn’t have hacked into my account. I have told you many times to stay away from my things.” He said his jaw still clenched. I flushed in embarrassment on getting caught, how did he know it was me? “Did you really think that I want find out? I knew you would go snooping around the moment I saw you walk away from the church soon followed by
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-ANASTASIA-‘The future is always the unexpected surprise that universe throws at you. Can anyone of you guarantee that I will see you tomorrow? Or even in the next hour? No because we don’t know if we will be alive. I had a lot of plans for my future, where I will go and what I will do etc. but now that I think of it life is really short and you should make the maximum of it.Maybe that is what the robber when street 19 in yesterday’s newspaper intended to do but in the wrong way. There is never a fast way of making money it is either directly or never. If steal that money then it will never give you the happiness you want. This might be the most boring lecture you ever heard.Let’s go back to the future. If you had decided to buy a cat in June, don’t wait for June there are not going to be summer collections of new cats, you can always go to the nearby pet store and get a cat. Don’t wait for tomorrow because
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