All Chapters of The Inflammable Secret: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
121 Chapters
Waking Up
 -ANASTASIA-I felt something soft on my face almost tickling me in my face. I opened my eyes, or well tried to open my quickly but ended up wincing as my head started to hurt like someone was hammering it from the inside. “Ana?” a husky voice reached me, I knew that voice wait that is Nathan’s voice.Did he get back from the office already? When did I even fall asleep? Then as if a ton of bricks fell from the top of a wall, I remembered coming back home, Maria hurrying for what? Someone’s birthday. Isn’t Helena’s milk boiling on the stove? The fire! “Helena...” The name slipped out of my mouth in a hoarse whisper. “Is she... uh okay?” I know Nathan is beside me from his voice earlier.“She is fine, just a little puffy from all the crying but you can see her if you open your eyes.” Why is his voice so loud? Does he have to scream even when he is near me? I not deaf!
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-ANASTASIA-“Guys I don’t have the time to make cookies.” I said at a pouting Priya and Cain, Nathan got called for an urgent meeting so he delayed the flight for two hours finally giving me the time to pack. “Also didn’t you see the kitchen? Where will I make them?”And I called these two, in the hopes of getting some sort of help but they have been messing around from the time they arrived. Sighing Priya stood up, “Fine, you can go get Helena’s stuff, we will start packing yours.”“Thank you.” We hurried in three directions. Cain went to make sure Helena wasn’t alone and she had a knack of being fussy exactly when there isn’t time. I went into her room and opened her mini trolley.What am I supposed to pack for Helena? Clothes. I neatly folded a bunch of her onesie and a few dresses. I put in her favorite milk bottle and some of her beloved toys. Within half a
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-ANASTASIA-By the time I was done with massaging Nathan’s neck we had landed. Helena looked around us with deep interest at the new environment, I know she has come to Chicago before but she was really small then and now she is a little bigger so I think she can understand the changes around her.The bodyguards followed us in a different car and Gerald had informed me that they were staying in a nearby motel. “Helena is going to get really fussy when we won’t be there with her for twelve days.” I stated while the driver drove us to my house. Nathan had arranged a car for us and knowing better I didn’t ask him how.He glanced at me and then back at his phone. “I am not the one who accepted the tickets.”I smacked his arm. “Hey! I never planned to go and do you even think I could have convinced you to go to Maldives for these many days?”He shook his head. “That you can&rsq
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Stress Free
-ANASTASIA-“Did you get leave from the office, dear?” My father asked taking another serving of quiche. I nodded my head. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t get it but if I said that my mother might pinch my ears. “They sure are lenient considering the year long gap you had taken.”I glanced at Nathan with a sly smile. “What can I say? My boss is very influential indeed.” Nathan smirked. We were leaving after breakfast but my mother had decided to delay it to the most by making an extremely large breakfast.After saying one last goodbye to Helena we left for Maldives. Would you call me excited? I don’t know, seeing a new place is always great but twelve days alone with Nathan would be something as well.‘When have you taken an unexpected trip? Not an emergency but for leisure… I find it weird writing in a plane but that is how life is. I am not going to tell you curious ones
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Self Defense
-ANASTASIA-I can’t believe we slept the entire afternoon and night. I woke up at 6 in the morning thinking it was still the previous day but my phone corrected me. I looked beside me and smiled when I saw Nathan still sleeping.But when I came out of the bathroom, he was no longer there making me frown. I hate to remove his tank top knowing that if I did his smell will no longer comfort me. My phone pinged with a message.Nathan: Come to the gym in ten.“Gym?” I don’t remember seeing a gym when I went around the house yesterday and who has a gym in a beach house? I hope Priya had packed something I could wear for a workout. I took the unopened bag from yesterday and placed it on the bed. “Oof. Heavier than I remember.”Unzipping the bag, I wondered about Helena, mama had said I shouldn’t call her every now and then and that I should wait for three days till I call. She did
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Beautiful Wife
 -ANASTASIA-The interview would start in ten minutes and I am still panicking on what to wear. I had managed to find a decent blouse from the outrageous clothes that Cain had packed but I couldn’t find a matching pant.I know you are wondering if I am worried about Nathan walking in on us then I have everything planned. I told him I had a headache and wouldn’t be able to work out today and he is in the gym building more muscles. I didn’t tell him per say, I texted him.After you know... whatever happened in the gym, we didn’t get the chance to talk not that I am looking forward to it but only if he wanted to say anything. The laptop chimed with the link to the interview, my palms were sweating as I sat down in front of it.Someone admitted me and I wiped the last bead of sweat before switching on the camera. I smiled at the man watching me from the camera. “Good morning Mrs. Dominic, I am Chad Melendez
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-ANASTASIA-He is angry, I know that. What I don’t know is why is he being childish and avoiding me? It is something we girls do. I peeked from my menu card to check on him but he was busy going through the menu.The entire ride to the restaurant was silent and now here also he is, seeing his bad mood I had assumed he forgot about the lunch but he didn’t. The waiter was back with his note pad waiting for us to place the order. I smiled at him, “I would like the rich with chicken stroganoff.”“And what would you like to drink?” He asked maintaining his cheerful attitude. I am glad there are no chest popping waitresses around here to seduce Nathan.Nathan ignored me on purpose when I looked at him for a suggestion. “I guess a strawberry lemonade will have to do.”“Nice choice.” Nathan scoffed making me glare at him. “What would you like sir?” the sweet waiter did
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-ANASTASIA-The sunlight oozed through the window reminding me of my carelessness. I should have closed the curtains especially when we have long windows almost the size of the door. Nathan groaned beside me. “Close the curtains Monroe.”I turned around towards him so that the light didn’t hit my eyes. “You do it.” I mumbled.“Please, I will take you for sightseeing if you close the damn curtains.”Opening one eye I saw his hand covering his eyes. “With no guards around?” he stayed silent for a few seconds that I thought he didn’t want me to close the curtains. Fine with me. Just as I closed my eyes, I heard him groan. I opened my eyes again, he was nodding his head making me smile. “a deal I can’t deny.”I got up and closed the curtains before climbing back into the bed. With one hand he pulled me closer to his chest, I tried to wiggle out of him but he
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Silver Blade
-ANASTASIA-By the time we were done with all the ice creams I had a hand over my mouth to prevent myself from burping loudly. “You full?” Nathan asked getting on his cycle, somehow my bicycle had managed to travel all the way from the place where we left it and reached outside of the restaurant.I knew he wouldn’t keep the men away even if I had insisted.He knew I will need the exercise after the large intake of calories. I nodded my head and climbed on my cycle. “thank you, Nathan.”“You are welcome. Do you want to go the market I suggested?” Nodding my head once again, he started to lead the way and I followed him. I can’t believe the number of flavors, imagine an ice cream with the flavor green mango with matcha powder. It is not my favorite but I did like it.Once we reached the local market, we locked our respective bicycles and walked inside the market. The right name of this
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-ANASTASIA-The next part of my plan is completely dependent on luck. I scrolled through her pictures in social media, she is ought to have something. I looked at Nathan working on his laptop and sighed. “Take a break Nathan.”He shook his head. “the entire day was a break. And I need to complete this tonight. Stat.”Rolling my eyes, I clicked on one of her pictures with a background that was really interesting. “Nathan, do you take assistants when you go to a different country?”He didn’t answer me so I threw a pillow at him which he caught without taking his eyes off the laptop. “Yes. Most of the time, why?”Uh… “One of my friends is looking to be an assistant so she had this doubt.” He closed the laptop and gave me a look that said he knew I was lying. “I am serious. Her name is Rachel, she works for us in the publishing office... now that I remember
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