All Chapters of The Hybrid's Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
94 Chapters
Chapter 61
Andras  I wake up to the sound of babies fussing, but I can not seem to open my eyes. I don't want to. I want to go back to the darkness, where I feel no pain. If I open my eyes now, everything becomes real again and I can't bare another moment of it.. “Shh.. Katie Kat.. it's okay.” I hear Alec soothing his niece and I know I need to get up and get her. Them. My children need me now more than ever. I give it a moment more of enjoying my dark bliss before I resolve to get up-
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Chapter 62
 Jeremy  I watch as my family talk among themselves, each talking over the other. I have something to say to them but everyone is speaking so loudly, I can't get a word in edge wise. “Hey!” I say, clapping my hands. Nothing. “Everyone.”
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Chapter 63
Zeke  I stand nervously, waiting for her to appear. I have never felt like this before and I have got to say that I'm not really digging this feeling. I had finally found my mate. I fell ass over elbows for her and she is.. indifferent to me. She is from a neighboring pack that Jack called in to speak to. He is asking the Alpha and the council of that pack for all of his knowledge on how to turn a human into a wolf. Jeremy's wife Jess just gave birth to their daughter, Natalie LeAnne Vale. Now she is ready to be turned, into a vampire and hopefully werewolf.
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Chapter 64
Noah  Every time I watch Bronwen and Andras, with their three children and I feel a small pang in my chest. She was the first girl I truly loved and I missed out on her because I was an idiot. I know that and it still pains me. She is so incredible, but she has moved on. She has the perfect family now and I am so happy for her. I moved on, as well. I met Millie and I finally grew the fuck up. Which was long overdo, trust me. Millie is everything that I am not. We are complete opposites, which she didn't think would ever work in a million years, but surprisingly makes us perfect for one
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Chapter 65
Chapter 65  Lucy  “I think that it really sweet.” Camden comments. “Yeah, I like that he has decided to follow her to school. That's sweet. He didn't make her choose between her dream or him.” I comment. We are laying on my bed, watching a movie. It wasn't until I turned eighteen that my dad let me bring him into my room.
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Bronwen   “Good morning. Happy Anniversary, baby.” “Happy Anniversary, my love,” I say back to him, kissing his lips with a smile. I love waking up to him every day. A thousand years and I still couldn't be tired of it. Five years have passed since the day I married this man and mated with him, letting him claim me. Five years of marriage where I have turned into a vampire, a wolf, and best of all, a mother. I gave birth to baby number four the day before Th
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Thank You
I just want to say thank you to everyone that chose to read The Hybrid's Mate and to those that are supporting my story with your views and gems. If you like the story then please leave gems, comments, or even tell a friend to give it a read! Every little bit helps in getting it promoted. Once again I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has read it and to those who have left me the kind, encouraging words of encouragement. Each comment left has touched me deeply and made me feel like all the long hours and effort I put into my story was worth something. I want to say how much I really appreciate you all! I hope that you will continue the support as I work on the sequel, The Hybrid's Pack. I hope you stick with me and give it a read. More than that, I hope you enjoy it.  All my love!     -Morgan
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The Hybrid's Pack
This is the second book in my hybrid series. It features many of the beloved characters from The Hybrid's Mate while also introducing you to many more loveable characters. I hope you enjoy the story! If you do, be sure to leave a gem and a comment. Thank you!The Hybrid's PackAndras “Andras and Bronwen Vale have had a rocky road to love for sure. They met, they began to like each other, Andras was an absolute idiot and fucked things up hard, then they hated each other for a little while. There were a million little misunderstandings that seemed to be forcing them apart that they eventually overcame. They confessed their love, got married and mated, turned their family into hybrid's and popped out a whole bunch of kids.” Sigh. “Did I leave anything out?” I think for a minute, knowing that there are probably more than a few details that I am forgetting. There was the whole Noah thing with Bron, but I filed that under misunderstandings. The whole mess with Maci.. which is also inclu
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Kat “Ollie! Lucas! River! Come on! You boys are going to be late for school!” I watch as my mother rolls her eyes and huffs in frustration, before going back to flipping the pancakes that she is cooking on the stove. She plops them down on a plate before she looks over her shoulder at me and my younger sister, Lilah. “You girls are such a blessing of a morning. Always getting up without any trouble and getting ready. Unlike your brothers.” She raises her voice. “Who I am going to dump ice water on if they don't get their asses out of bed right this instance!” The sound of groaning and scrambling can be heard above us, as Lucas and River climb out of the bed, mumbling all the while. Mom ignores their grumpiness as she finishes cooking breakfast. My two younger brothers have shuffled into the kitchen by the time she puts a big plate of steaming pancakes on the table. “Oliver Alecson Vale! You have two minutes.” “One hundred and twenty. One hundred and nineteen. One hundred and
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Ollie “Come into my office.” At my father's words, directed towards me, I manage to hide my surprise enough to nod. Despite the fact that I am technically next in line to become alpha and almost of age, my father usually never invites me into meetings willingly. He wants me to focus on school, training, and being a teenager with my friends. I have to push and fight him to be part of the discussion. But this time, he took the initiative and invited me in of his own accord. That makes me wonder just how serious of a matter it is. Following my father and my uncle Alec into the room, I push the door closed behind me. My father moves to his large leather chair behind his wide, solid oak desk, while my uncle Alec falls back onto the brown leather sofa lining the wall to my left. I am unsure as to what I am supposed to do, so I stand just inside of the door rather awkwardly until my uncle pats the seat beside him with a friendly smile up at me, so I drop down beside him before we both
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