All Chapters of The Hybrid's Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
94 Chapters
Ollie “What?” I look between my father and my uncle with confusion as they smile smugly as if they had known exactly what it was that I was going to say. “Was this some kind of damn test?” I ask them, annoyed. “Nope, not at all. Everything we have said is true and happening.” Alec says. I wag a finger between the two of them, “then what was all that about?” “That was just about you living up to expectations.” I look at my father, waiting for him to continue and he eventually does. “I know how much being alpha means to you and how much you are trying to prove yourself to us. You want everyone to see that you are ready. I get that, I really do, but here is the thing. We already know that you will do a great job. No one is doubting you. Your uncle Alec, your mother, grandfather, and great uncles have all discussed it. Everyone knows that you have a good head on your shoulder and that you will kick ass as the alpha of the pack. No one doubts that for a second-” “Then why-” “Olive
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Zach My family gets weirder and weirder every dang time that I see them, I swear, but they are my people and I love them. Most of the time. “Come on, Zach. Let's get out of here.” “What?” I turn my head to face my cousin Katie, who is standing beside me. I am confused by her words, as in I am unsure if she is actually directing them toward me. Yet she is looking right at me and she slung her arm over my shoulder, so I am like ninety-four percent certain that she is actually addressing me. “The gang is heading out to the lake to spend the day soaking up the sun and having some fun-” “Good God, you sound like a spokesperson for a discount cruise line that got their campaign slogan from their ten-year-old daughter.” Oliver butts in with a tone full of complete disdain. Katie turns to glare at her twin brother, giving him definite evil eyes before she turns back to face me. “Come on, cuz! You never hang out with us. It will be so much more fun if you come with me.” “I am okay...
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Natalie “Oh my gawd, look at him!” I roll my eyes because I already know the words that are coming next because Katie says them every time that she sees him. When the 'he is so hot!' does finally come, I sigh. “Mmhmm, yeah,.” I say noncommittally, without even sparing him a glance. “You're not even looking at him! Come on, Nat! Look at him! He looks so good today!” Katie says, tugging on my arm to get my attention. “I am sure that he looks the same as he does every other dang day!” I grumble, but she keeps pleading with me until I finally turn and seek him out. I see Noah standing by my brother Alec, my brother-in-law Andras and Zach. I look at all of them and take in a mental inventory of their looks. Alec is tall and broad, well-muscled and handsome. He looks so much like my Dad that it is creepy but he is still handsome. Zach looks exactly like him but his hair is a little longer so that it curls up on his head and his facial hair is more of a stubble, whereas Alec's is a bi
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Trevor “Come on! You can not be serious! This is a joke, right?” “I am completely serious.” “No. This can not be happening! I do not accept it.” I say, crossing my arms over my chest. “You don't accept it? What do you mean that you don't accept it? It doesn't work like that!” “But-” “Trevor. Dude. Accept it.” Zach tells me and I shake my head stubbornly. I am not ready to accept the truth. “No.” “I am seriously going to punch you in the face. The proof is right there, staring you in the face.” Zach waves the paper in front of my face and I can't help but chuckle. “She is married now. Officially off the market.” “Fine. I will accept it but I don't have to like it!” I say petulantly with a mock frowning face and this time it is Zack that laughs. “I never knew that celebrity marriages were such a hot topic with you. If I had known, I never would have mentioned it.” He tells me with laughter still present in his voice. “Not all celebrities. Just her.” I give one last glance
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Natalie “Mate?!” “Yep.” “Your mate?” “That's what I said.” I nod again. “Really?” “I am not going to keep saying yes. Trevor is my mate.” I say, for the first time saying the words aloud to someone. “Wow.. Trevor.” Kat says, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back against my headboard. “I did not see that one coming.” “Yeah, me either,” I tell her a bit snarkily. She is acting like she is so surprised by the news. I am the one that is destined to live her life with a human. I have spent the last three days since I found out going over and over it in my head, but I still just can not wrap my mind around it. “Have you talked to him? Like, about it? The mate thing..” Katie asks me, lowering her voice and I shake my head in response. No, I have not. “But I guess that I am going to try to tonight. Earlier today at lunch, he asked if we could talk. He wants me to go for a walk with him..” “A walk?” Katie asks and once again I nod. She is parroting everything I say t
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Natalie Three large wolves step out of the woods and I immediately catch their scent on the breeze. “Rogues.” Night has fallen as Trevor and I sat talking, so I have only the rising moon to light my vision. But I see well enough to notice the blood on the brown wolf's fur. So does Trevor. “Nat-” He angles his body slightly in front of me and throws an arm over my legs, clearly in protective mode. “Blood.” “I see it,” I tell him. I want to hug him or kiss him, for the sweet protective instincts that he is displaying. He is a true gentleman and I love it. But I think that he forgot one thing.. He's a human. I'm a werewolf. If anything I will be protecting him. The brown wolf with the blood-soaked fur steps forward and growls menacingly, the sound rumbling deep in his throat and sending a chill up my spine. I am not usually one to cuss too much but I can not help the expletive that slips from my lips. “Fuck.” Suddenly the three wolves spring into action, bounding across the gra
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Natalie I wake up disoriented and sore, but with no obvious wounds. I am assuming that I was out long enough for my wolf healing to take care of the injuries. Lifting my head, I look down to find my mother asleep on my legs.I don't want to wake her up because she looks so peaceful, but on the other hand, if she has been waiting days for me to wake up then I don't want to draw it out and make her wait. I need to put her mind at ease that I am okay.“Mom.”My voice cracks and my dry throat aches as I say the words, but with her supernatural hearing, she hears me and jumps to her feet. “Natalie Leann! God, you had me scared to death!” She throws her arms around me, squeezing me tightly to her. “Are you okay?” She asks me when she pulls away.“I'm okay, Mom. I'm just a little sore.” I tell her. I want to ask how many days I was out, but I don't. Nor do I ask about shifting back to human, because if she tells me that I shifted in front of a bunch of people, like my dad or brothers, then I
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Katie After the girls have told the men in my family everything that they know, I take them into the kitchen to where my mother awaits with loads of food at the ready. They sit down at the table and look at the food as if they had never seen anything like it before. My mom made them fried chicken, salted ham, buttermilk biscuits, scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese, buttered toast, hashbrown potatoes, and pepper gravy. She pours tall glasses of various drinks, such as chocolate milk, white milk, water, and orange juice for them to grab what they want. She even pours a few mugs of coffee. “Here you go, ladies,” Mom says as she passes out plates and forks to them. “Please help yourselves to whatever you want. Just dig in.” “Thank you.” The one with the curly brown hair says to my mother. “Oh honey, it's no trouble. Just make yourselves at home.” Mama gives them a friendly smile and two out of four girls return it. The curly brown-haired one and the one with long blonde hair. Th
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Ollie I lean back against the wall as I listen to all the different dialogues floating about the room. My father, my uncle Jack, my grandfather Jeremy and my uncle Zeke are speaking with a few alphas. They came together for a meeting at a packhouse just an hour or so south of us, but Dad felt like with everything going on here, he could not leave to meet them, so he opted to video call them. Luckily for him, there is a young alpha and beta down there that know how to work with technology. All the other alphas seem real old-school. “So, what is your plan? That is what I am asking because you surely do not mean to wage war without a solid plan.” Comes an angry voice, which I recognize as the youngest alpha there. Alpha Blaize. I only know his name and recognize his voice because of the other alphas. They will start spewing some bullshit about “let's wipe out all the damn rogues before they cause any more problems. I saw one outside of our territory a month or two back. I will hun
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Zachary “Move-in day..” Trevor sing-songs and I roll my eyes. He has been in an insufferably good mood ever since he was attacked by rogues. At first, I thought it was because they had done something to him until I learned that it was not anything to do with that. Nope. It was my aunt. Nat is the reason that he is so happy. He is into her and has been for years. I've known that since we were eleven. But now though, he is finally getting his shot to prove it to her because he is her mate. Nature is kind of making her love him back. Which seems messed up, but both of them seem happy with it, so whatever. “Who are you?” I hear the female voice and I look up. Blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes are staring me down as I carry my bags in through the front door. I look her up and down before I give her my most charming smile. “Hey, cutie. What's your name.” “Who are you?” She repeats and I grin. “Zachary Vale, but you may call me Zach,” I tell her and she nods. “What are you doing
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