All Chapters of Devil, Be Nice: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
276 Chapters
168 - The Demonic Generals, Fight?
168 - The Demonic Generals, Fight?Although Wu Xuan’er was a woman, she wasn’t the fragile maiden type–in fact, she could be considered tall among her peers. Being a sword cultivator, her fair complexion was a healthy rose and her slender limbs were packed with muscles stronger than any ordinary martial artist. In addition to her proud temperament, no one would ever think she’s weak.However, to compare her in front of the huge beast standing in front of her body, one could not shy away from the dissonance caused by the disparity between their physiques. People would surely feel scared for the young woman facing the beast in the form of a man.However, Little Yin spent hundreds of years in battle–despite being in slumber for the millenia to follow and then was later reincarnated in a huma
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169 - The Demonic Generals, Run!
169 - The Demonic Generals, Run! “Oh, are you trembling, little lass?” the lady with an iron fan teased. Her exquisite eyes narrowed as her gaze lingered on Wu Xuan’er’s blood-splattered but uninjured body. “Is there a need for you to fear this Ruo’er?”‘Tsk. Has she been killing cultivators while wearing the face of Old Fogey’s waifu?’Demonic Generals, second in command to their Monarch. Above millions but below a single entity. Simply put, they were akin to dukes under an emperor.Their rank and title might sound high and mighty and intimidating, but to Little Yin, they were nothing more than a ‘sound’ no bigger than an unassuming fart. High cultivation
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170 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (1)
170 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (1) ‘Can the One-Eyed Berserker also tap into the threads of karma?’ Little Yin felt doubtful it was the case. Among the individuals she had met so far, only Immortal Wuwei was capable of this. ‘Nah. His soul needs to at least reach the ranks of a pseudo-immortal. Perhaps he has a treasure that could…’‘Hmm, not that I get to think about it, these Demonic Faction bastards sure are rich.’She recalled the treasures she saw them wield, starting with the woman with a pretty decent ghostly saber, as well as that isolation formation they used to abduct her and the trapping formation that uses the Dao of Lightning and Thunder. If she were not mistaken, they also poured plenty of rare artifacts and heavenly treasures to create the formation
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171 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (2)
171 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (2) Little Yin barely had sufficient time to do what she came for, and this demon even dared to slash time off the single hour she racked her brains to scrape up?‘Oh fck, I do not have the Old Cat’s patience nor his magnanimity.’She wanted to have him punished.‘After all, even though you practice one of the laws under my Dao, we belong to opposite camps, right?’And punishment meant absolute death, the kind of death where his soul could not even enter the stream of nirvana that would allow him to reincarnate.The black-robed man did not notice the change in the young woman’s countenance. In his eyes, W
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172 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (3)
172 - Wu Xuan’er’s Destructive Sword (3) ‘Since Big Sis Xuan’er’s body is not compatible with my own Dao, what if… I open up a new path for her? A path that is not purely of the sword…’The Dao of the Sword belonged to the Greater Dao of Weapons, which could also be fused with the Dao of the Five Elements. That meant, she could evolve it further to carry the Laws of Yin as well. Although Little Yin knew that Wu Xuan’er pursued the pure Sword Dao and it would be wrong to try to change stuff without consent, it was a matter of life and death.‘This demonic practitioner reeks of the kind of yin qi that should only be found on young girls and virgin women. His body count ought to be in the hundreds. Though Wu Xuan’er is a married woman already, she’s stil
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173 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (1)
173 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (1)“Have they arrived?” “According to our spies at the border, they will be entering the city in a few minutes, Senior Brother,” the Iron Fan Mistress reported.“Tell our men to move a little faster in leading them here. Make sure no one catches the fact that it’s a trap.”“Of course, Senior Brother. I will personally execute whoever botches such an easy job of being bait.”In this attack, the leader of the group of demons and demonic cultivators was the One-Eyed Berserker, with his younger martial sister as his deputy. Originally, each of the Demonic Generals under the Monarch was dispatched to different ta
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174 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (2)
174 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (2) The more people there were inside the Ye Sect, the more living sacrifices there would be for the summoning ceremony.That was why they had to temporarily abandon the Main Peak and head down to make sure that the reinforcements would all enter without leaving anyone behind. Who else could become a more perfect bait than the Demonic Generals themselves?It was then that they encountered Wu Xuan’er.Though the One-Eyed Berserker had no idea of her identity, it was different for the Iron Fan Mistress, who was the one in-charge of the Leaf City. Among the list of candidates whose identity she could copy, Wu Xuan’er was one of them.
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175 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (3)
175 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (3)“You are not Wu Xuan’er,” the female Demonic General realized as her face registered the impossibility that just occurred.After all, what kind of genius could annihilate someone with a cultivation base two realms higher than yours? It was something only found in legends.Little Yin wanted to laugh. It wasn’t like she claimed to be her Big Sis. However, seeing the two Demonic Generals return was not good news to her. Even though Little Yin tried her best to protect Wu Xuan’er’s meridians, her entire body was nearly torn apart. Her body could not accommodate the strength that Little Yin had just externally wielded. It was like hitting back a cannonball with a wooden ba
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176 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (4)
176 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (4)The Iron Fan Mistress decided to give a brief introduction of the young woman to her senior brother.“She is Wu Xuan’er, the daughter-in-law of the Second Lineage of the Ye Clan.”“That’s the family of that bastard Sword Flash, eh?”“Indeed, Senior Brother.” Then, she raised her doubts. “But now, I am questioning whether she’s truly Wu Xuan’er. That young lady is strong within cultivators of the same realm, but she should be incapable of destroying your subordinate’s, Bo Fun’s, body. Either she has an artifact capable of unleashing the strength of a peak Nascent Divinity Realm or a half-immortal, or she is pretending to Wu Xuan&rsqu
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176 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (4)
176 - Are They the Reinforcements from the Imperial Capital? (4)The Iron Fan Mistress decided to give a brief introduction of the young woman to her senior brother.“She is Wu Xuan’er, the daughter-in-law of the Second Lineage of the Ye Clan.”“That’s the family of that bastard Sword Flash, eh?”“Indeed, Senior Brother.” Then, she raised her doubts. “But now, I am questioning whether she’s truly Wu Xuan’er. That young lady is strong within cultivators of the same realm, but she should be incapable of destroying your subordinate’s, Bo Fun’s, body. Either she has an artifact capable of unleashing the strength of a peak Nascent Divinity Realm or a half-immortal, or she is pretending to Wu Xuan&rsqu
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