All Chapters of Devil, Be Nice: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
276 Chapters
188 - They Are Finally Out! (4)
187 - They Are Finally Out! (3)Inside the Main Peak… A single sword could be seen swinging slowly in one little corner inside the barrier surrounding the Main Peak. A lone sword cultivator was executing the dreary repetitive actions of stabbing, cutting and blocking, using a bamboo practice sword that anyone trapped alongside him could crush with a single finger.However, nobody looked down on that cultivator and his sword.What is a sword?Everyone observing the man had different ideas about a sword, yet in front of him, they felt like he was becoming a sword himself.A sword that cuts everything in his way.
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189 - Outside Ye Sect (1)
189 - Outside Ye Sect (1)At the first sign of communications being cut off, the army that was resting in the palace of the territory lord of the Northern Mei was mobilized towards the Ye Sect of the first-tier Leaf City.Although there was no order coming from the Purple Plumed General, her subordinates were competent and decisive enough to act on their own, willing to shoulder blame and responsibility in her absence.And that decisiveness proved to be a correct decision.“The Hua Troop, deal with the first and second sector! The Namgoong Troop, follow behind me! The rest, advance!”For Rao Aimin, the vice-leader of the battalion under the Purple Plumed General, her advantage was in her technique, experience, and c
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190 - Outside Ye Sect (2)
190 - Outside Ye Sect (2) After reading the contents of the scroll, Rao Aimin’s cold face twisted in anger.“These demonic bastards!”In addition to Leaf City, two more cities were seemingly isolated all at the same time, making three of the eight first-tier cities within the Northern Mei territory unreachable, cutting off communications within the city lords and the army. Worse, even the people from the imperial capital could not be reached despite the usage of the highest level thousand-mile communication talismans. It was as if powder kegs exploded all over the Qing Blessed Land.‘The moment they realized the Qing Clan noticed their existence, they immediately launched their plan ahead of plan, not even giving us breathing room.’
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191 - Outside Ye Sect (3)
191 - Outside Ye Sect (3)Tapping on the four gates surrounding the walled city as marked on the map, Rao Aimin quickly started delegating tasks. She knew that time was of great essence at this point, as the faster the army moved, the more innocent lives would be spared from the wanton slaughter of the enemies.“We have three main objectives: first, to stabilize the situation by rounding up the demonic practitioners with the help of the local cultivators fighting within the city. Two, to get the main troop to enter the Ye Sect with utmost efficiency, and three, to secure the safety of the Purple Plumed General and her party.“The captains, lead your squadrons to pierce through the enemies scattered within Leaf City so that the main troop can head towards the Ye Sect unimpeded. As communication talismans wo
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192 - Outside Ye Sect (4)
192 - Outside Ye Sect (4) Many buildings within Leaf City were ruined as an aftermath of the fight between cultivators. Though the local soldiers under the City Lord Manor and the members of the small sects and guilds were trying their best to protect the civilians, many of them were too low-level to protect their own necks, much less repel the enemies while looking out for ordinary people.It would take at least ten peak-level Body Washing Realm cultivators to handle a single early Foundational Spirit Realm practitioner, and at least fifteen if the said Foundational Spirit Realm practitioner was a sword cultivator. What more the crazy bunch of demonic cultivators?The demonic cultivators only comprised a small percentage of those who walked the Dao of the Blood and Destru
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193 - Outside Ye Sect (5)
193 - Outside Ye Sect (5) With communication cut off, there was no way of knowing how other places were faring, but it was to be expected that it would not be better than the current Leaf City. War cries and explosions could be heard here and there, and traces of fights could be seen everywhere.‘How about the imperial capital? How bad is the damage there? Surely, the enemies would not advance without a certain confidence they’re able to take down the powerhouses in the capital.’However, there was no way to know the current situation. The entire network built by the Qing Clan was paralyzed, and at most, people could only send out their fastest runners or depend on flying spiritual beasts to deliver messages, which could take hours or several days.As of now, i
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194 - Outside Ye Sect (6)
194 - Outside Ye Sect (6) As an officer stationed in the imperial capital, Rao Aimin had been a guest to many of the factions residing within it. Not only that, being the second-in-command of the Purple Plumed General’s army, she had also been a frequent visitor to the imperial palace. Thus, it could be said that she was an experienced individual.‘But what the hell is this? Why is a no-name sect protected by such a high-end guardian formation? If my guts are not lying to me, it seems to be on par with the guardian formation of the General’s palace? No, the main imperial palace itself?’To the Leaf City, Ye Sect might have been considered a hegemon, but that was all in the past, and it had been many generations since its heyday. Back when the Ye Sect founded the Leaf City, it was considered a first-r
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195 - The Power of Decay (1)
195 - The Power of Decay (1)“Vice-general, we have escorted the guest.”The soldiers standing behind Rao Aimin parted without a word as one of her subordinates brought in an old man Ye Hua would recognize if he was present. The soldier saluted, while the old man with a lazy expression immediately turned humble as he cupped his fists.“This Old Ma has seen Vice-General Rao Aimin of the Imperial Army’s Third Battalion,” he said in a low, hoarse voice.It was exactly the innkeeper who played middlemen between the underground network composed of the shadow guild, the employers and the hired assassins. “You recognize me?” Rao Aimin said in surprise. And then she laughed it off, &ldquo
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196 - The Power of Decay (2)
196 - The Power of Decay (2) Innkeeper Ma was, of course, informed about the army’s difficulty of entering the Ye Sect. Thus, he was the source of the key information that Rao Aimin received when she sent out a reconnaissance team.He knew that the situation inside was dire, as he had been receiving updates from the assassins that Ye Hua hired. The silver-ranked assassins had entered the Ye Sect, roamed on the outer edge, before passing on what they observed to the assassin left near the guardian formation. He would then breach the array to exit again and pass on the accumulated report to the innkeeper.“Vice-general,” the innkeeper explained, “the secret art that my people can use allows us to pass through a weakened part of the formation, but doing so mostly consumes the entire qi within their bodi
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197 - The Power of Decay (3)
197 - The Power of Decay (3)Despite being unaware of the deteriorating situation of the reinforcements waiting outside the sect, the powerhouses trapped within the Main Peak gradually felt their initial agitation turn into despair.A minute ago…“Huh? Did you feel that?”“It is not just me, right? Wait… my hand passed through! Ah! I stepped past the barrier!”“Yes, we are out! We can finally leave this damned pavillion!” The red-faced crowd cheered when they suddenly felt a violent fluctuation come out from the barrier. “Let’s head down and find our disciples!”“Qiu’er, Mao’er, your master will sa
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