All Chapters of The Billionaire's Weakness: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
Episode 61
Brad walked up to him and made a short bow before taking his hand and that of Ria, he placed them together with a huge smile,"I can remember my promise and already, two of my company would be arranged and given to you to take care of in merging with Ria's own, you both would cater for that company and together..." He said and Ryan gasped in shock, his eyes widened,He turned to Ria and then back to Brad wondering if it wasn't a prank, Brad must have really promised to make him rich but he never thought of this extent, handing two of his multimillionaire company to him was going to make him a billionaire instantly,He was even going to be richer than Ria, was his ear decieving him because as much as he could know, every company under Brad were top ranked and having large income, this must be a joke, a real joke!"Sir, I know I had...been good to your daughter, I know I had changed her and you are grateful,
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Episode 62
Adrian stood up from his bed with a confused look, he couldn't get what his father just said, like he didn't expect such a word from him at this moment, not when he thought everything has become a thing of the past, he could remember his father vow to take Ryan's life but it has been a long time so he thought he was no more doing it,He glanced at his phone with an arched brow, his father just said he found a way to kill Ryan, he couldn't just tell his feelings that moment, as much as he hated Ryan and wants him dead, he was also aware of the danger that follows by, Austin would be passing through a lot and the world would have known the evil he planned, he had also watched Cole and the other workers pass through intense torture that made them please for death to take them away, the press didn't even hide their face, it was broadcasted everywhere,That of Austin was more painful as the young man was covered with shame, he was a businessman and the broadcas
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Episode 63
Jason don't do this, please don't kill me, i..I...tried hard for you, I did all you ordered without restrain, I wasn't at fault.." Cole pleaded shivering in fear, the fear was hitting him so bad that his voice wasn't constant, it kept breaking, hot tears rolling as he feared death,"Who ask you about all those gibberish you are spiting??..I never asked you a question!" Jason sneered with his face exuding anger, there was no doubt he was enraged and only wanted to kill anyone in front of him,The bullet that pierced Cole's heart was sending excruciating pain all over him, he knew he would survive if only Jason would help him but he can't tell his fate now that he was pointing the gun to him,"Where is Ryan and Ria??...why are you being tortured when they should be the one here??" Jason asked gritting his teeth in anger,"Ryan found out about the plan, he was able to get the videotape of that act and ended up using it to foil our plan" Cole explained with h
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Episode 64
This is me! did the magic and I turned this way, I'm now a lovesick little girl, love is sweet, I was dumb then" she chuckled pecking  his lips,"Okay babe, let's go get prepared for work" Ryan smiled and she nodded,"We are bathing together please" she whined,"Why??..." Ryan asked with a lopsided smile,"I'm afraid...""Why?" "You might get lost, I may come out only to find out you are gone, you may leave" she grumbled,"Huh??...I can't run away from my breath, like you are my oxygen, I'll die if I leave you" Ryan chirped and she wagged her head pouting her lips like a baby,"I'll see you boobs and...." Ryan smirked,"I will also be seeing your d...k" she smirked back and they burst into laugh which lasted for 30 seconds,"Brad will beat me for seeing his daughter's nakedness" Ryan said amidst laughter,"Dad will be happy of you fuck me!" She squealed with a lopsided smile and Ryan eyes w
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Episode 65
Lara, Ryan mother woke up from the such bed, her head pounds so heavily that at some moment she thought it would rip off, the light shone into her eyes causing her to shut it back as it sent pains into it,Her whole body was weak and she knew it has been long she had been unconscious, her head was blank and she couldn't just tell when she was brought here or what caused it, the syringe pierced into her hand gave her the knowledge of being in a hospital but she can't tell why...A deep sigh escaped her lips and she opened her eyes the second time, the headache was reducing, her eyes roamed around the room from her lying positing and all she could see was the ceiling but one thing she noticed immediately was a change in her body,The slight pain that had lingered in her belly had seized, she can't feel it anymore, that sent a message to her brain, the survey must have been performed, her eyes fluttered at that thought
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Episode 66
There was shock written on their faces as they stared at each other, Ryan and Ria could only watch without saying a word, "Lisa is this really you or someone else because I...think I'm dreaming..." Brad breathed walking closer with smiles all over his face,Lisa snickered and stepped out of the bed staring at him, "You are the father of Ria??.." she asked glancing at the both of them as she could see the striking resemblance,"Yes, she is my daughter and Ryan is your son??" He smirked, "Yes..." Lisa squealed and burst into a laugh, Brad joined in the laughter feeling so great, he couldn't believe he was seeing Lisa once again after so many years they departed, he couldn't just those memories they shared, "Wait, how did our kids find each other and fall in love??" Brad asked with a smug look,"The same way you kept pestering me even after knowing I won't marry you" Lisa rolled her eyes playfully making Ria and R
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Episode 67
Ria and Ryan lay on the bed facing each other, they had huge smiles on their faces with their hearts racing, the night was cold and they had the duvet covering them, Ryan moved closer and clutched around each other's body, the heat was forming and Ryan could feel heartbeat increase,"Ryan, what about Steve?? don't seem to care about him and now you are rich, I thought you would bring him out of that slum, I can remember he took you to his house when you drove out of your house" she suddenly asked and Ryan went numb,He fluttered his eyes and took a deep breath, he wasn't sure it is right telling her why, he doesn't want to bring up that topic of Steve's mother which she seemed to have forgotten,"Ryan I just remembered!!!" She snapped and sat up from the bed with fear in her eyes,"What is that?" Ryan asked swallowing hard,"Steve mother, I killed her!" She gasped and covered her mou
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Episode 68
She felt her whole body heat up, her legs widened to receive him, she had a coy smile as he glanced at her,Ryan moved his finger In a circular motion around her clit and made a little vibration, he tickled it and Ria bite her lower lips holding her breath, she was loving the sweet feelings,She can't tell what he did to her and that caused a huge orgasm, she squirted and her eyes widened at it, her breath was fast and heavy, she could tell how sensitive her clit was especially when it was Ryan touching it, Her arms clutched around his back,"Ria, you are wet and I'm ready to..." She hushed his lips with her index fingers before moving her hand to his shorts, she brought out his dick and smiled at the size,Ryan shivered at the touch, it gave him a warm feeling, her palm was soft and made his dick get stiffer,He moved his hand to her breast and played with her nipples while she stroked his dick, the pleasure took over them leaving gro
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Episode 69
Steve stared in horror, he couldn't move any part of his body, it struck him so hard leaving him transfixed,As much as his head could calculate, the man In front of him is no other person than his father, the same man his mother had shown him to be his father,Steve fluttered his eyes and scrutinized the man ad he walked closer to them, he was smoking and grunting, his body had tattoos with muscles sprouting out, he was a real definition of a gangster,"Hey young man get out of the way, hope you aren't trying to save her?" The man grunt with his voice deep and scary but Steve wasn't moved,He won't stop staring at his face, the resemblance was clear and vivid, there was just no difference except for the beards which and grown more than the one he saw in the picture,He could feel the young girl cower behind him, she was whimpered pleading for his help, there was no doubt she doesn'
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Episode 70
The sun shone into the room from the slightly opened window creating a bright sight on the bed where they lay, Ryan and Ria lay with their body clutched around each other like it was where their life rested on,Their eyes were closed yet one could see a trace of a smile, a smile that couldn't leave their face even when they fell asleep, it was so sweet, last night could never leave their memory especially Ria who never thought of ever feeling that way, all her life, it had always been busied with company and money-making,She had never known sex was this way, it was one of the sweetest moments in her life, especially when she felt his flesh in her, the size of his dick breaking into her, the wall of her pussy circling his dick was a great feeling that sent a crazy sensation all over her...That moment he was ramming inside her, it was crazy, she couldn't hold her moan, she had grasped him tightly not wanting him to pause for a second, They were exha
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